Coming June 1- Tech News Today with Tom Merritt

Tech News Today with Tom MerrittI’m happy to announce that my new show, Tech News Today, on Leo Laporte’s TWiT network will debut on June 1. I’ll record it live at 5:30 Eastern/2:30 Pacific every day Mon-Fri (just in time for evening drive time on the east coast).

Here’s a few other things to know about the show:
– I’ll have a co-host which will be in rotation for now. Probably a lot of Leo at first, but more to come on this!
– TNT will be put out as an audio podcast by 5:30 pacific, with video a few hours later.
– People will be able to watch it live by going to,, or Ustream. They can listen to it live on, at or in the iTunes radio listings. They can listen or watch live from the TWiT iPhone app or the TWiTpad app, and also in the ustream apps on the iPhone OS and Android OS. Additionally, if they go to on their iPhone/iPad, they can watch live using 3G – no wi-fi needed.
-The show will be around 30-40 minutes.
– You can send email to, which is already set up.

64 Responses to “Coming June 1- Tech News Today with Tom Merritt”

  1. Tom,
    You and the crew have kept me company during my day job where I work alone most of the time here in sunny Loma Mar. I work outdoors so it seemed only natural to listen to tech podcasts all day and actually learn something useful.
    Thanks so much for all the great podcast and knowledge you’ve shared. While BOL was a staple your how to’s, and videos on CNET Live provided great information and I’m actually becoming a geek thanks to all your hard work.
    Good Luck at TWIT I look forward to the new show.
    Mark S
    Loam Mar CA

  2. James from Irvine

    When I heard the news you were leaving cnet for TWiT I was sad that BOL would never be the same again and at the same time happy for you Tom knowing that this is a great opportunity for you or you wouldn’t take it. I was happy for you and excited to see what new shows you would come up with. But now that I see you are doing a 30 to 40 minute daily teach news show I am very disappointed. The world already has a great one of those (or did until you left). I am sure TNT will be different than BOL but there is bound to be a lot of overlap. You have so much knowledge and so many skills and talents. Surly you could do more then just a new version of the same show you did at cnet.

  3. Brian

    Any man that can work Cthulhu into a technical conversation (and pronounce it as well as anybody without a mouthful of non-Euclidian tentacles – what?!) has my vote.

  4. Tom

    Would love it if you could get it in Itunes asap. So I can set up to download everyday before I forget. Maybe just a quick 2 or 3 minute test to get it in the store and we can set it to down load.

    Thanks and break a leg. Leo and CNET ROCK!!!

  5. Chris Adlparvar

    I cant wait to have two of the news giants together. All the best in your new endeavour. I have been listening to BOL for 4 yrs and i am looking forward to at least 4 more yrs of excellent quality commuting news!

  6. Great luck to you, Tom, with your new show. One of the things you did REALLY well at BOL was pull together an interesting and diverse group of co-hosts. That kept the show fresh and lively with many opinions being aired. I hope you are able to do the same with your new show. We already hear (more than) enough of Leo and Company… so I hope you’ll be able to move past this initial phase of Tom and Leo. Cash some chits to get some other folks on mic with you in a hurry. Maybe start with Dr. Kiki, or some of the Frog Pants folks who are out there but not over-exposed yet?

    I’m sure you’ll get it worked out soon enough. We’ll be listening 🙂

  7. barry

    I’m thrilled to have all this good tech news available! thanks Tom and Leo

    If you let me provide a little critical feedback. I;m not sure I can describe this correctly or not but I’ll try. Tom can you punch up the audio tone a little? I am not sure what, but it sounds like you are taking at the end of a tube (no not the internet). Sounds like a soft FM smooth jazz DJ, how about moving the tone a little more to the AM traffic report side?

  8. I was listening to your podcast today and a member of your team indicated that he was having a hard time getting the iOS4 update for his iphone. Here is a quote from an article in the New York Times that has the answer:

    “Although multi-tasking is arguably the standout feature of the iOS 4 software, users of older iPhones won’t be able to take advantage of the new functionality. Multi-tasking won’t work on the iPhone 3G or second generation iPod Touch devices. And those who still have the original iPhone can’t run the new software at all.” – Sarah Perez, “New iPhone Software Arrives Today-Can You Run It?,” June 21, 2010.

  9. Tom, I followed you over from Buzz Out Loud because I enjoyed your show enthusiastically on a daily basis. Sad to say I am not enthusiastic about your new team. Additional homework is needed before each show, so your team is more up to date on current on current trends and technology.

  10. I had to stop watching part-way through one episode of Tech News Today on my PC and tried to resume viewing later at the point I stopped. Apparently you have to rewatch the whole program to get back to where I stopped. I don’t have the time to waste doing that. I have never liked TWITS viewing scheme as much as what BOL uses. In fact, I regularly avoid watching your show because I dislike the way TWIT handles show videos. As a result, I never watch anything else on TWIT. If it wasn’t for being hooked on watching you because of your time on BOL, I wouldn’t be watching Tech News Today at all. Please adopt a better way of distributing your show, the current one sucks.

    Wish you and Jason were back on BOL. I don’t like this venue. Adding TWIT programing to what is available on the LG Blu-ray drive attached to my TV would be a great solution. Then I would watch more TWIT programming. CNET is there, why not TWIT?

    A long-time viewer.