Meta Forms “Top-Level Product Group” on Generative AI – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Meta forms a “top-level product group” focused on generative AI, the latest Windows 11 update adds its new Bing Search to the taskbar, and the European Commission narrows its “statement of objections” in its antitrust investigation into Apple.



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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

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Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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Cordkillers 445 – It’s All Timeshares on the Moon

Does HBO have the last great timeslot or is Sunday night on the outs? Plus, WBD announces Discovery+ is too good to only bundle and more Lord of the Rings films are on the way. All that and more on Cordkillers!

This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: The Last of Us (107), Twenty-Five Twenty-One (116), Picard (302)
Next week: The Last of Us (108), The Mandalorian (301), Picard (303)
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Cinépolis pierde en la guerra del streaming – NTX 301

Las Inteligencias artificiales atacan de nuevo, Twitter sigue con los despidos y Cinépolis se despide de su plataforma de streaming.



-Durante el fin de semana, tanto The Verge como Zoe Schiffer de Platformer reportaron que Twitter despidió al menos a 50 personas y el New York Times reportó que fueron 200
-Snap empezó con la implementación de un nuevo chatbot para los suscriptores de Snapchat Plus, llamado My AI.
-Meta anunció que lanzará un nuevo gran modelo de lenguaje para la comunidad de investigadores llamado LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI).
-Fuentes de Reuters dicen que Tencent comenzó a trabajar en su propio chatbot generativo por Inteligencia Artificial llamado “HunyuanAide”, basado en su modelo de entrenamiento Hunyuan.
-La semana pasada Cinépolis anunció el cierre de su plataforma de streaming, Cinépolis Klic dejará de funcionar a partir del próximo 31 de mayo.

Análisis: ¿Qué hace que sobreviva un servicio de streaming?

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Gracias a todos los que nos apoyan. Sin ustedes, nada de esto sería posible.
Muchas gracias a Dan Lueders por la música.

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MWC: Cellphones Make a Higher Connection – DTNS 4465

Mobile World Congress 2023 starts today and we have all the big news from today’s show including new rollables from Lenovo and foldables from Honor, Samsung’s new chip for satellite phone, and new feature announcements from Google for Chrome, ChromeOS and Android.

Starring Tom Merritt, Rich Stroffolino, Robb Dunewood, Roger Chang, Joe

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

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Snap Rolls Out My AI Chatbot – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Snap began rolling out a ChatGPT-powered chatbot, Twitter reportedly lays off some big names, and all the news from MWC.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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We See Your Satellites & Raise You Space Lasers – DTNS 4464

We explore the crucial role NASA mathematician, Melba Roy Mouton, had in supporting the US’s first space missions. China looks to develop its own version of Starlink’s satellite communication network. And when can we expect Apple’s mixed reality headset to ship.

Starring Sarah Lane, Nica Montford, Roger Chang, Joe, Amos

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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

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Meta Adds Transparency to Content Takedowns – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Meta makes recommended changes to add transparency to content takedowns, the DOJ reportedly plans to block Adobe’s Figma acquisition, and Google brings Magic Eraser to Google One subscribers.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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#456 – The Clarkesworld Flood

Our “March that is Mad” tournament is live! 15 books enter, one gets to be the April pick, and everyone wins! Plus, please stop flooding Clarkesworld with AI-written manuscripts. Use ChatGPT for good! Also, we kick off our March read and wrap up our thoughts on Nettle & Bone.

Prompt and Circumstance – DTNS 4463

We analyze the US Copyright Office’s rationale for not copyrighting works created from the Midjourney text to image generator. Plus we examine Canada’s Bill C-18 that would enact legislation compelling big tech companies to pay news publishers for linking to their stories. And we discuss Towns, a protocol and a web-based chat app designed to facilitate self-owned, self-governed online communities from the person that brought us Meerkat.

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Justin Robert Young, Joe, Amos

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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or to give as little as 10 cents a day on Patreon, Thank you!

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

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Netflix Cuts Subscription Costs In Some Countries – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Netflix cuts subscription costs in over 36 countries in recent weeks, Meta testing a Roll Call feature in Messenger, and Samsung announces a standardized 5G non-terrestrial network modem.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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