Amazon Working on Training Alexa With Voice Samples – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Amazon showed a demo of training a new Alexa voice using less than a minute of sample audio, Netflix confirmed its speaking to potential ad partners, and GM will support the Plug and Charge capability on EVs using the EVgo network.



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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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It’s a Brave New Search World – DTNS 4301

Ikea has a new smartphone app that lets you scan and then delete objects in your living rooms to see how their furniture might work in your place. Twitter partnered with Shopify to launch a sales channel app for all US merchants. The people behind the Brave browser have moved their Brave search engine out of beta and we see how well it works.

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Scott Johnson, Roger Chang, Joe, Amos

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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or to give as little as 10 cents a day on Patreon, Thank you!

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

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Crean el Foro de Estándares del Metaverso – NTX

Rescatan a Altán redes, Nothing presenta su teléfono y buscan la creación de estándares para el Metaverso.




-El Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones autorizó el rescate de Altán Redes por parte de accionistas y la Banca Mexicana de Desarrollo.
-19 de las 20 empresas de la industria de chips de mayor crecimiento se encuentran en China
-Wikimedia Enterprise anunció sus primeros dos clientes los cuales son Google e Internet Archive.
-Nothing confirmó que no lanzará su dispositivo Phone (1) en Estados Unidos sino que enfocará sus esfuerzos en el mercado europeo y del Reino Unido
-Un grupo encabezado por Meta, Mircrosoft, Epic Games, Adobe, NVIDIA, Sony, Unity y dirigido por Khronos Group presentó este martes la creación del Foro de Estándares para el Metaverso

Discusión: Los estándares del metaverso.

Puedes apoyar a Noticias de Tecnología Express directamente en este enlace.

Gracias a todos los que nos apoyan. Sin ustedes, nada de esto sería posible.
Muchas gracias a Dan Lueders por la música.

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Wikimedia Enterprise Announces Its First Customers – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Wikimedia Enterprise launched last year but just announced its first customers, Meta will change its ad algorithm for housing ads as part of a settlement with HUD, and Twitter partners with Shopify.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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Crab ‘N’ Go Justice – DTNS 4300

Meta is expanding its metaverse with new Horizon Worlds experiences. 5G infrastructure is still being rolled but that hasn’t stopped proposals for a new 6G standard. And Chinese commerce are outsourcing bad customer experience judgements to a “crab court”?

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Shannon Morse, Roger Chang, Joe and Amos

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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or to give as little as 10 cents a day on Patreon, Thank you!

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

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Meta Testing Creator Marketplace for Brands in Instagram – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Meta announces new monetization tools including a creator marketplace for brands on Instagram, Google drops its appeal in France on a $592 million antitrust fine, and iOS 16’s Automatic Verification might kill CAPTCHAs.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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Proponen regulación de contenido en Singapur – NTX

Meta y sus prototipos de sets virtuales, Telegram lanza suscripción Premium y en Singapur proponen regulación en redes sociales.




-Telegram lanzó un nivel premium de suscripción
-La división de Reality Labs de Meta reveló nuevos prototipos de sets de realidad virtual, los cuales incrementarían la calidad de imagen e iluminación en diseños más estilizados que el Quest 2
-En Irán, en una entrevista con la televisión estatal, un portavoz de la industria energética del país anunció que se suspenderá el servicio eléctrico a las 118 operaciones autorizadas de criptominado
-Amazon anunció que una próxima versión beta del cliente de lectura basado en el explorador de Comixology traerá de regreso funciones como la visualización de páginas dobles
-En Singapur, el gobierno está preparando legislación para proteger a los jóvenes de contenido dañino

Discusión: La diferencia entre regulación y censura.

Puedes apoyar a Noticias de Tecnología Express directamente en este enlace.

Gracias a todos los que nos apoyan. Sin ustedes, nada de esto sería posible.
Muchas gracias a Dan Lueders por la música.

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Cordkillers 412 – Not Sponsored by DraftKings (w/ Merrill Barr)

AppleTV app snags MLS soccer for the next decade. Is your TV running ads that it’s not even showing? And who cares! Taika Waititi wants to do new stuff with Star Wars. All that and more on Cordkillers! With special guest Merrill Barr.

This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: Obi-Wan (105), The Boys (305)
Next week: Westworld (401), Obi-Wan (106), The Boys (306)
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