Google will make changes to how it handles group device audio on its Home speakers after losing a patent case to Sonos, Abbott announces its getting into the consumer biowearable market at CES, and Amazon’s Sidewalk Bridge Pro by Ring looks to bridge gaps in its IoT network.
Congrats Murderbot! In congratulations, we will let you watch your dramas unbothered by human emotions. We wonder some about Chengdu. And we not only kick off our January pick, but wrap up our December one too!
We continue our CES 2022 coverage with a look at Sony’s latest VR and automotive ambitions, the latest device announcements for Amazon’s Sidewalk and Matter IoT smart home network, plus laptops, displays, EVs and more.
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Scott Johnson, Nate Lanxon, Roger Chang, Joe, Amos
Meta reportedly halted development on an OS for AR and VR headsets, Walmart will expand InHome delivery to 30 million US households this year, and German regulators will have additional oversight over Google for the next five years.
CES 2022 has arrived. Intel, AMD and Nvidia have all made chip announcements, Web3 product announcements have begun to trickle out, and home automation gets a boost with some new smart home products!
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Patrick Norton, Roger Chang, Amos, Joe
AT&T and Verizon declined to comply with a request from the FAA and DOT to delay rolling out 5G at airports, Microsoft Exchange Server bug couldn’t handle the new year, and all these new chip fabs could lead to a semiconductor labor shortage.