Netflix price increase, Hulu cancels space, and a new Spider-Man trailer. All this and more on Cordkillers!
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Tim Cook calls for data broker and privacy regulation, WordPress launches Newspack for small newsrooms, and a US court rules that law enforcement can’t force biometrics unlocks with a search warrant.
Tim Cook urges the US government to pass comprehensive privacy regulation in an Op-Ed piece in Time magazine. We examine his argument and debate its merits.
Starring Tom Merritt, Roger Chang and Justin Robert Young.
We’re very pleased that the Hugo Nominations are open and we’ll keep reminding you. Also we’re pleased to discuss pairing beer with novels and pleased to look over the new Philip K. Dick award nominees. We’re pleased to be reading Ninefox Gambit too, even if it makes our brain hurt.
Collection #1 dataset includes over a billion email-password combinations, Tim Cook calls on FTC for data broker regulation, and Houseparty will integrate games to generate revenue.
We’ve come to assume that one voice assistant technology will eventually dominate the consumer landscape. But what if that doesn’t occur and what would the repercussions or benefits of market where no one company has a unassailable lead over its competitors?
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang and Scott Johnson.