Apple giving out free shows, new Netflix shows, refreshed Chromecast hardware, and you’re all pirates! All this and more on Cordkillers! With special guest Justin Robert Young.
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Adobe takes the wrap off a slew of tablet focused creative applications plus Photoshop for the iPad. Is this a sign that the tablet as a productivity machine has finally arrived?
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang and Lamarr Wilson.
Facebook’s investigation into September’s login token attack found hackers stole details for 29 million users. How serious is this data breach and what can users do about it?
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Len Peralta, Roger Chang and Shannon Morse.
With reports that Apple is readying a new digital service and Warner Media is planning a streaming service are we at risk of getting subscription fatigue?
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang and Justin Robert Young.
We’re excited for optioned TV series for Circe and Dresden Files even if they are just options. Also we brainstorm Type 3 civilizations and female gearheads.
We examine the findings from a TechCrunch story showing that shared kitchens, advanced logistics, and an increased demand for take-out might is breeding a new type of “kitchenless” restaurant.
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang and Scott Johnson.
The Good Place has good moments, Better Call Saul better have a better season finale, and Dirk Gently gently dirks on. Plus, Alita has been replaced in the Movie Draft!
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