This week we make our confessions about SteamPunk, ask a question about Terry Pratchett, and further explore The Once and Future King. Who does T. H. White hate more? Women or the Irish?
Steampunk short stories in the style of classic steampunk tales
Terry Pratchett’s young witch comes of age at last
Where did science fiction come from? A primer on the pulps.
November SciFi Calendar from io9
Sherlock Returning Autumn 2011
Fan-made Ender’s Game Trailer
BARE YOUR SWORD – feedback from the audience
Arthurian References in Other Books
Amazon’s Top SF&F Novels of 2010
Charlie Stross: “Die, Steampunk! Die!”
What are some of the main differences we’ve noticed between Mists of Avalon and The Once and Future King?
Does TH White hate women? What about the Irish? And Irish women?
Tom& Veronica,
Just started listening & rather enjoying the show. Still catching up on a few back episodes to get the feel of things and somewhat shockingly found you scoring easy laughs at the expense of my nation’s heritage … yes, I’m Australian.
GREAT WORK!! Love a little mongrel on my podcasters.
Great content on the sci-fi and fantasy genre(s), too.
Thanks guys!
Charlie C
Partner Sticker Fu. Use the code Sword1 and get 10% off the stickers at
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