“The language of Avatar revealed”
East Meets West 186 – Objectively objecting to objectivity
We chat about the cultural meaning of the movie event known as Avatar, as well as give our review of the movie. Then we turn our attention to newsgathering and the meaning of objectivity in today’s world.
Get the episode at this link: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/www.archive.org/download/EastMeetsWest186-ObjectivelyObjectingToObjectivity/eastmeetswest186.mp3
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2012 won’t happen – Ep. 11
Dr. Kiki predicts 2012 won’t happen, but who knows if that’s good as we’re running out of water and the world may be in worse shape by the end of the century anyway. But hey, no mass death!
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Current Geek: #12: "Alternate Reality Games"
“Alternate Reality Games”
CNET How-to: 15 best keyboard shortucts ever
CNET Top 5: Predictions for 2010
The Mists of Avalon Recap – The S&L Podcast #026
Heads up! We know Veronica said it was episode 27 (en español) but that’s because she was working with Tom’s bad episode number intel. We’re really on #26, and we’ve finally made it through Mists of Avalon and have a recap for you. Overall we liked it, and Tom gets into some of the Arthurian Legend underpinnings.
QUICK BURNS – unrelated news of the month
Sci-Fi Author Peter Watts Beaten, Charged During Border Crossing
20 Best Science Fiction Books Of The Decade
Extinct Bees and Drugs Haunt Douglas Coupland’s “Generation A”
BARE YOUR SWORD – feedback from the audience
Josh Lawrence’s pics for the Sword and Laser song
What’s next? One of the Top 20! But which one? Make your nomination persuasively on the Ning forum.
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