CNET Top 5: Worst gifts for Dads
CNET Top 5: Worst gifts for Grads
East Meets West 158
Roger and Tom talk about the economy, California government and Star Trek.
Listen to the episode at this link:
Exactly how our book cover would look!
Aaron Harvey from our Ning forums created this amazing “book cover” for Sword and Laser! I think it marries the science fiction and fantasy genres perfectly! I also feel pretty honored that Aaron took the time to create something so cool for the community.
SQL-injection attacks
CNET Live: Episode 100!
East Meets West 157
Tom and Roger talk about a couple movies, The Soloist and Monsters vs. Aliens, as well as the swine flu.
Listen to the show at this link:
CNET Top 5: Worst mobile websites
TechVi: Microsoft and Apple
Had the pleasure of guesting on former Cnetter Randall Bennett’s new show, TechVi, alongside Dan Frommer from the Business Insider. we talked about the Apple and Microsoft earning reports.