I was interviewed by Billie Cohen from the New York Times for her column “Your Second Home”. The topic was working remotely, and the column was called “In the Cottage, Yet Industrious.” I’m quoted once in the article and she used several of the tips I gave her throughout. It’s a really good summary of remote computing, whether you have a second home or not. My conversation with her was the inspiration for the recent Real Deal episode on working remotely.
CNET Live: Security expert Paul Kocher
Mozomedia Podcast 3
So the third episode of the music-oriented Mozomedia podcast is out, but buried inside like a tasty chewy nougaty center of goodness, is a another report from SuBBrilliant news.
Listen to the show at this link: http://www.mozomedia.com/music/2009/04/mozomedia-music-podcast-ep-3/
SABEW: Creating podcasts
I’ll be speaking at 1:15 PM, 27 April at the Society for American Business Editors and Writers annual conference in Denver. My session is about creating podcasts. I’ll cover why you would want to do a podcast, how to get started and best practices for current podcasters.
CNET How to: Get songs and playlists off the iPhone
CNET Top 5: Worst downloads, Spring 2009
IFA International Press Conference
I spoke on two panels at the IFA International press conference in Malta. The first panel, on Friday discussed blogging and podcasting, and how that relates or even threatens the print model of tech coverage.
On Saturday I was part of a group summing up the show. I spoke up on copyright, user interface design, and usability.
CNET Prizefight: Lost vs. Battlestar Galactica
Brian Tong invited Molly Wood and me on his show to debate the merits of Lost vs. Battlestar Galactica. We drew straws for the sides and I got Lost. We both love them both so it didn’t really matter. But the battle got heated my friends and it came down to a last-minute decision.
#018 – The S&L Podcast: Kwisatz and the Haderachs
It was Dune time and we found out how much of nerd I (Tom) am for Frank Herbert’s stuff and how hard it is to pronounce pretty much anything he wrote when you try to say it out loud.
We also found out that there are Dune influences all over popular culture including Films, spinoffs, and metal. In fact there are all kinds of heavy metal scifi influences. Including, apparently this podcast. You must listen to the end to hear the rockingest book club rock anthem ever to rock. And we also form a new band based on Dune.
More info, including club members thoughts on Dune, in the podcast and after the jump.
Dune comments
Hard to get into – Terpkristin
Bizarre early attempt to make a film of Dune – Josh Lawrence
Great lines – Sean o’Hara
One thing I love about Dune is the great quotes it provides.
– A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct.
– Mood’s a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. (For some reason I imagine Gurney sounding like Groundskeeper Willy when he says this)
– I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
What are the ones that stand out to you?
Comment by Sh1mm3r
Does anyone else find the sentence structure a little wacky? I find myself having to re-read some to understand what is being said. I’m in the first few pages though. I might just need to get into the rhythm.
Tom’s currently reading the Butlerian Jihad by K. Anderson (one of the extended universe novels – a prequel actually)
Thread of the month
Books with both Sword and Lasers
East Meets West 156
Tom and Roger talk about the Amazon adult literature de-listing controversy as well as Internet filters.
Listen to the episode at this link: http://ia331435.us.archive.org/2/items/EastMeetsWest156/eastmeetswest156.mp3