Just a half hour of Brian Tong and me taking questions from the audience.
#014 – S&L Podcast: Not a “Dick” Move
Tom has picked our next book! It is Memoirs Found in a Bathtub by Stanislaw Lem. Here’s a bit of a summary:
Set in the distant future, Memoirs Found in a Bathtub is the horrifying first-hand account of a bureaucratic agent trapped deep within the subterranean bowels of a vast underground military complex. In a Kafkaesque maelstrom of terrifying confusion and utter insanity, this man must attempt to follow his mission directives of conducting an “on-the-spot investigation. Verify. Search. Destroy. Incite. Inform. Over and out. On the nth day nth hour sector n subsector n rendezvous with N.”
But we have more than just that to talk about this week! Tom and I have also been reading Pattern Recognition and Spook Country, both by former S&L author William Gibson. Have you read either of them? What are your thoughts?
And we have sad news… author Michael Crichton has passed away. Join the discussion on the forums about his life and works.
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Sword and Laser 14: Not a Dick move
It was my choice this time, and I didn’t choose Philip K. Dick. Instead it’s Stanislaw Lem’s Memoirs Found in a Bathtub.
CNET Quick Tips: Switch graphics cards in MacBook pro
CNET Quick Tips: Windows Vista System Restore
CNET Live: Windows 7 and crashing hard drives
Geek Cred Episode #26
I had the pleasure of being on Steve Reikenberg’s Geek Cred podcast and chatting about playing with tech.
East Mets West 139
Tom and Roger (with special guest correspondent Josh Lawrence) go long with their election special. They even call the election two days in advance. Plus solve the energy crisis thanks to Sean.
Listen to the podcast at this link: http://ia311217.us.archive.org/1/items/EastMeetsWest139/eastmeetswest139.mp3
CNET Mailbag: Vampires did not kill Crave
Yay! I got fill in on the wonderful Mailbag show, which normally features the fantastic Molly Wood. Among other burning issues we dealed with, the canceling of Crave, my secret Vampire past, and Brian Tong’s dating life.