Using a little program called PhotoRec, you can recover a deleted file, even if you’ve emptied the recycle bin!
CNET Insider Secrets: Run Windows Inside OS X
After a long slog through three versions of virtualization software and Windows activation hassles, here’s the video on running Windows virtualized inside OS X.
CNET Live: Eventful
Jordan Glazier, CEO of Eventful talks about how his site helps bands, and others, set up tour dates around the world.
CNET Top 5: Movie computers
I don’t remember who’s idea this was, so if I stole it from you, I apologize, but I *loved* doing this top 5. I could not find any reference to a listing of top movie computers. Top computer movies, yes. Top rmovie robots, yes. But not computers as characters in movies. A Twitter post unveiled a storm of suggestions, without which this list would not be near as good, so thanks to the Twitter crowd as well!
CNET Quiick Tips: Move iTunes from one computer to another
I recently moved all my music from the Windows boot camp partition to the Mac partition, and realised this would be handy knowledge for anybody moving from one computer to another.
CNET Insider Secrets: Use your laptop as a second monitor
I’ve been doing this for years at CNET, but just now finally got around to doing a video on it.
CNET Buzz Out Loud 726: Dueling Banjos at Dawn
Third time’s a charm! Our third effort at a video version of Buzz Out Loud features the first time both Molly Wood and our cool new table are on the show at the same time!
Link to this video at CNET TV.
CNET Live: Scam School
Brian Brushwood from the Revision 3 show, Scam School, shows us some life hacks to get free drinks.
CNET Top 5: Most popular news search terms
What’s on your mind? We look at the search terms to find out.
CNET Live: Travel tips
Clem Bason from HotWire chats with us about travel tips online.