Cordkillers Ep. 22 – Burnt Fields Policy

Justin.TV kills its archive, Why YouTube is still the most popular video source on the Web, and whether DVDs or streaming video are better you. Plus, Tom reviews the Tablo. 

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CordKillers: Ep. 22 – Burnt Fields Policy
Recorded: June 2, 2014 
Guest: Jeff Cannata

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Primary Target

  • Live streaming site removing all archived videos in a week 
  • Justin.TV deleting all archived video starting next week. You have until June 8 to save your videos.
    – More than half of the archived live broadcasts it has have no more than one view. The “vast majority” have fewer than ten total views. After looking at the data, the company decided that “it’s quite clear … viewers come to because they want to consume content and interact with their communities in real-time.” 

Secondary Target

Signal Intelligence

  • Streaming video is better for the environment than DVDs—barely
  • Research paper published at IOP Science
    – Emissions and energy consumption higher altogether for DVDs over streaming, barely
    – DISCS: Transportation of discs, DVD players, Televisions
    – STREAMING: storage servers, transmission equipment, set-top box and TV
    – DVDs rented by mail actually more efficient than streaming.
    – Streaming just above DVDs bought through mail, slightly above sriving to a store and buying, and much better than driving to a store and renting

Gear Up

  • Tom’s take on Tablo
  • Simple.TV’s streaming DVR now sends shows to your Chromecast
  • Tablo
    – Very slow in tuning and finding channels
    – No DVR controls yet
    – Great accessibility and better guide interface than most
    – Really good channel pickup compared to TiVo (in same location)
    – Two tuners For $230….. Not sure. You can get a more powerful 4-tuner TiVo ROAMIO for $170 these days.

Under surveillance

Front Lines

2014 Summer Movie Draft

  1. DTNS: $417,196,751
  2. TMS: $332,104,409
  3. Amtrekker: $195,289,770
  4. /Film: $192,735,902
  5. GodsMoneybags: $154,077,657
  6. Night Attack: $29,350,839

On Screen

Dispatches from the Front

My 89 year old father has been paying $280/month for his and my 69 year old mother’s Comcast account (he’s been paying this amount for about 5 years) – I was recently able to get his bill lowered by about $100/month by adding Comcast Voice to his plan as well as getting them on a “loyalty plan” (they’ve been with Comcast since the late 80’s). Even though the discount will only last for 2 years, my father is ecstatic that his bill has gone down.



I am, and have been a Cordkillers supporter from the beginning and before that a supporter of Frame Rate. I love the show and I am very happy that as time has progressed the video quality has improved.
I am wondering if you could bring out some merchandise to help us promote the show i.e. T-shirts, hats,…etc





Hey Guys,
Some spoilerin’ suggestions in no order
Silicon Valley
Venture Brothers (season one is on Netflix)
Black Mirror (good luck)
Brasseye (YouTube)
NATHAN BARLEY is on YouTube and you MUST WATCH it! or RE:watch it
if you watch anything, Nathan Barley, all the episodes should be on YouTube
re watch After Hours or King of Comedy

ok, more later,
spoilerin’ suggesterin’




Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

Cordkillers Ep. 19 – Only Nielsen Wins

Ratings for online shows is complicated and almost nobody gets everything they want out of it except the ratings company. Also why net neutrality matters to Cord-cutters.

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CordKillers: Ep.  19 – Only Nielsen Wins
Recorded: May 12, 2014
Guest: Eklund

Intro Video 

Primary Target

  • Nielsen’s Plan to Count TV Viewers Across Screens Faces Obstacles
  •  Starting with this fall’s new programming season, Nielsen, will begin reporting TV ratings that will finally include viewership on just about everything, including mobile devices.
    – TV viewership on mobile devices will only be credited toward overall television ratings if the digital version of an episode carries the exact same ads in the exact same time slots
    – That means commercials that don’t have online rights will screw up those ratings
    – Tos programs will be counted separately under Nielsen’s digital ratings 

Secondary Target

Signal Intelligence

  • Google’s YouTube quality reports will help ISPs “upsell” customers
  • Google rolled out a Video Quality Report for Canada as demonstrated by Keith McCallion at the COntent Delivery Summit in New York.
    – Google data shows the throughput that at least 90 percent of users receive based upon a month’s worth of data and billions of measurements per day.
    – Google will then upsell you to a faster package if it’s available that would allow better streaming.

Gear Up

  • Why your iOS device may be a better cable box than the Apple TV
  • – Gigaom story by Geoffrey Goetz, pointing out you can get more streaming video on an iPad or iPhone than on Apple TV
    – on average each cable provider can only access content on six of the 10 of the most watched networks’ apps.
    – Includes chart of what cable cos support what channel apps

Under surveillance

  • The masked men and women of ‘Star Wars’ tell their stories in ‘Elstree 1976’
  • Kickstarter for a documentary called “Elstree 1976”
    – Follows 10 people who appeared in Star Wars at Elstree studios in North London and wore some kind of face-obscuring mask or helmet
    – The £30,000 goal covers the costs of editing, clearing the rights to old footage, DVD production, and promotion.
    – Will be released online and on Disc.

Front Lines

2014 Summer Movie Draft

  1. DTNS: $245,539,157
  2. /Film: $148,456,086
  3. GodsMoneybags: $135,783,034
  4. The Morning Stream: $81,302,137
  5. Amtrekker: $62,804,550
  6. Night Attack: $0

On Screen

Dispatches from the Front

Brian,Giving up on Say it’s not so. I’m the Technology Director for Adult Swim Digital and the site operations fall under my watch.  A friend forwarded your show to me with the time code where you called out a few of the problems you’re having. Usually it doesn’t take a popular Youtube channel mention to get my attention on something so serious like an interruption in video playback, but that’s how it happened this time around. However, since that’s how our paths crossed let me know how I can help. Can you tell me a little bit more about the problem you experienced? Do you recall the name of the episode in question? Going by the name of your show, I’m going to jump out on limb and say you weren’t looking at an episode premiere authenticated through a cable subscription login, but knowing for sure will help me track down the problem. Auth/Free episodes are deployed differently through our CMS.  Glad to help where I can, and I’m also a big fan of your previous work on Scam School. 

Win Adult Swim Digital and Games


Hi Tom & Brian,

I am 36 years old and I have never lived in a house with a cable TV. My parents didn’t have cable and I have never gotten cable myself. I have a Windows Media Center PC and a nice antenna from Antennas Direct with some HD Homerun tuners. Me and my wife record most of our TV from the major broadcast networks and everything else we get online.

I support what Aereo is doing, particularly for areas that broadcast TV is difficult to get with an antenna. However if Aereo winning means the OTA broadcasts get nerfed then I hope they lose. I depend on the high quality content being broadcast freely and I don’t want to have to start paying for channels that have been free for decades.

My household is probably in the minority, particularly among tech enthusiasts but as such my opinion differs greatly from those you have expressed on your show regarding Aereo. I couldn’t stay silent any longer. I felt I had to speak for us, I assume to be few, who are under 40 and still depend on broadcast TV.

Thanks. Love the show.




I discovered Yahoo Pipes is still working and I made a feed sans Spoilerin Time. In case you care to share it with anyone else:

Tony Bullard


Hey guys love the show. Thanks for the state of the cordkillers address thing. I’m a audio only listener via the RSS feed using PocketCasts (which supports Chromecast FYI) Ive had absolutely zero issues with the hosting being on for what it’s worth. Downloads seem fast when I grab spoilerin’ time early and I never notice the show because it just shows up in the morning.I liked the ‘how-to’ special and would like to see more…I think I’ll film myself setting up my Plex server/Chromecast and maybe a walkthru on my Harmony remote. Also, if I ever do watch the video, I have zero issues with the chat in the lower third. Kinda like it even.

I prefer the combined feed for the main show and spoilerin’ time. My ‘workflow’ consists of checking what you spoil in the patreon email, if I’m caught up I download it myself from if I still have to watch Game of Thrones then I wait for it in the RSS feed. I like the update on kids shows by the way Brian 🙂 my kids are burning through bubble guppies and Clifford and who knows. By the way barbie’s dream house adventures is packed with nerd references like star wars and indiana Jones. If you use a DNS service for your Netflix by the way you can greatly vary what kids shows are available on Netflix since the nickolodean deal only ran out for the USA but Dora/Diego and lots more are still on UK and Canadian Netflix.

Lastly, I loved the bookclub like review of The Shield as I’ve just watched the first season roughly in line with Toms viewing.

Thanks guys. Love the content.



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Cordkillers Ep. 18 – Does Hulu Make Sense Now

Hulu’s letting more folks watch shows on mobile without paying. Is that a good thing? Also AOL and Nielsen are teaming up to save Internet TV.

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CordKillers: Ep. 18 – Does Hulu Make Sense Now
Recorded: May 6 2014
Guest: Derrick Chen

Intro Video 

Primary Target

  • AOL releases 16 original shows, Nielsen to do the ratings 
  • Nielsen will begin rating new AOL original series. AOL is the first digital client to get Nielsen’s ratings for its original shows.
    – AOL’s 16 series will be measured with digital ratings in a beta test. The ratings will take an audience measurement of the shows and then deliver “gross ratings points” to show what type of people are watching the programs. Additionally, Nielsen will measure associated advertising shown with AOL’s shows.
    – AOL announced Tuesday that it’s coming out with a slew of new shows — 16 to be exact — which feature actors and producers including James Franco, Steve Buscemi, Sarah Jessica Parker, Zoe Saldana, Ellen DeGeneres, and more.

Secondary Target

  • TV execs want Netflix to be more like Hulu and Amazon
  • – during a panel at the Cable Show in Los Angeles Wednesday, Executives from Nickelodeon, FX, Showtime and AMC explained that they would like Netflix to do more to promote their networks
    – Bumpers, branding etc. (Amazon and Hulu do this)
    – FX Networks EVP of Research Julie Piepenkotter quipped: “Breaking Bad did a whole lot more for Netflix than Netflix did for Breaking Bad.”
    – AMC Networks Research SVP Tom Ziangas even suggested that Netflix’s website should feature this kind of branding as well: “I want our stuff on Netflix to be branded. I want an AMC page with our content on there,” “I think maybe we undervalued our content,” he said.

Signal Intelligence

  • Hulu will allow free viewing on mobile this summer
  • Hulu CEO Mike Hopkins announced Wednesday that they will let viewers watch a selection of TV shows on mobile devices
    – Free episodes will arrive on Android first, and then come to iOS. A redesigned iPhone app will be also be launching later this summer.
    – Hulu is still in talks with pay-TV providers to begin integrating Hulu with their cable boxes.

Gear Up

  • Online video could soon come to your cable box, with help from Frequency
  • Frequency Android app provides curated videos from more than 4,000 sources
    – the company built apps for TV sets from Samsung, TCL and Hisense as well as Amazon’s new Fire TV.
    – Frequency is now offering a set of SDKs that allows TV operators as well as consumer electronics manufacturers to integrate Frequency-curated videos right into their own platforms.
    – Frequency CEO Blair Harrison says everybody wants short-form content on their set-top boxes

Under surveillance

Front Lines

2014 Summer Movie Draft

  1. DTNS: $237,155,480
  2. GodsMoneybags: $127,948,458
  3. /Film: $91,608,337
  4. Amtrekker: $47,552,736
  5. The Morning Stream: $26,426,047
  6. Night Attack: $0

On Screen

Dispatches from the Front

This is a little old news since Youtube has now been out on Roku for a couple of weeks now, but I just wanted to say that this has pretty much killed the Chromecast for me. The addition of DIAL means that now my Roku does all the great things it always did and now adds the easy casting ability that made Chromecast so attractive and really starts to edge out the AppleTV in terms of features. If I can just find a Chromecast-type Chrome plugin that works with DIAL-based devices so I could do full screen sharing, Roku would really become the top of the streaming device heap.



While I was watching Cosmos tonight, our station, WVUE Fox 8 in New Orleans, cut to commercial during the discussion of monkeys developing the ability to walk and did not return until Jupiter appeared on screen.

It could be coincidence (I always try to err on the side of technical malfunction). Twitter searches lead me to find it happened at an affiliate in Mississippi and Indiana, as well as Green Bay, Wisconsin, but that Wisconsin station put out a message online saying there were technical problems. I’ve yet to see the other stations post similar explanations.

I’ve only seen WVUE do this once in the past with the Malcolm in the Middle series finale, but that was practically a decade ago, and this just never happens on their station to my knowledge.

Thought you might find this interesting.



Was wondering why you haven’t been watching “Continuum”? It’s one of my favorite sci-fi shows and they are currently airing the third season on SyFy. It’s a Canadian science fiction show (yes I said Canadian) that stars the eye catching Rachel Nichols as a law enforcement officer from the year 2077 who gets involuntarily transported back to 2012 with a group of freedom fighters known as “Liber8”. There she tries to stop them from changing the future and to try to get back home to 2077 to be with her family. The first two seasons are on Netflix streaming (23 episodes up there) so you should go and check it out. Oh, and by the way, one of the guest stars on the show is William B. Davis (aka The Smoking Man from The X-Files). Curious to hear your thoughts on it.



I agree, the outcome is murky, but here’s why Aereo will WIN. In the very first question, the attorney for the broadcasters agreed that Aereo was NOT a cable company. That would appear to take public performance licensing off the table. Additionally, Aereo appears to be following the letter of the law. A conservative jurist may say it’s OK to follow the letter of the law, even if it violates the spirit of the law, no matter who it angers. With that view, it should not be the court’s job to fix the problem. Remember, the VCR case is also precedent; we are allowed to make recordings of shows with our private equipment. Does the location of that equipment matter? Also, the attorney for the Justice Department admitted that Aereo fell somewhere between a cable company and a private antenna. I felt the justices asked hard questions to both sides. I do think Aereo has a fair shot at winning. I will want to read the opinion if it does not.


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