Cordkillers Ep. 7 – Who Throttles the Throttlers?

Why Comcast’s merger with Time Warner Cable might not be a bad thing. And then right into what’s slowing down Netflix, which shows why consolidation surely isn’t helping. Also all ‘y’all have connected TVs these days. 

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CordKillers: Ep. 7 – Who Throttles the Throttlers?
Recorded: February 17 2014
Guest:  Deric A. Hughes

Intro Video: 

Primary Target

Secondary Target

  • Netflix performance on Verizon and Comcast has been dropping for months
  • Netflix Says Verizon Isn’t Slowing Down Its Streams
  • Netflix slow on Verizon or Comcast? A VPN might speed up that video
  • Comcast and Verizon’s Netflix speed dropped 4 straight months. Charter dropped too.
    -Cox, Cablesvision and Google Fiber improved
    – Netflix demands go up, do Comcast and Verizon add peering interconnects?
    – VZ and Comcast not part of “Open Connect” where Netflix houses servers in ISP to improve service.
    –  Ars Technica: “Verizon’s broadband Internet access services deliver a pristine user experience to our customers at any time of day on every day of the week.
    – J.P. Morgan analyst Doug Anmuth, who says he has been talking to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and CFO David Wells, and they told him they don’t think cable and telco companies are hampering the company’s video streams.
    – Using VPN or third-party DNS may improve Netflix service
    – Sand vine Cofounder Don Bowman. If a VPN consistently behaves better, it’s proof that there is something along the path that doesn’t have enough capacity.”

Signals Intelligence

Gear Up

  • 3 out of 5 broadband households now have a connected TV
  • Americans Are Hungry for Digital Content
  • 63 percent of all U.S. broadband households now have a TV connected to the internet, according to a new report from the Diffusion Group (SmartTV or TV with a Roku-type device) (last year 53%)
    – Nielsen – now own four digital devices, on average, and spend roughly 60 hours per week consuming content across multiple screens.
    – HDTVs, the most popular digital devices, are now present in 83 percent of American households, up from 67 percent in 2011. In addition, 80 percent of homes have a PC with Internet and 65 percent have at least one smartphone, up from 79 percent and 44 percent, respectively.
    – A near-majority of U.S. households also now own digital video recorders (49 percent) and gaming consoles (46 percent).

Under surveillance

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Dispatches from the Front

  •  I found this while working on another project today and thought it would be an interesting tool for all of the cord killers out there. It lets you use your existing coax for all sorts of other things. I think MSRP is about 60 bux, but you need a pair of them to get started. 



  • Hi guys! Love your show! Glad you found a way to continue onward! Now to an omission that’s been bugging me for some time. You guys have discussed the wonders of streaming via Chromecast and Airplay as separate choices for the chord cutter, however I found a way to do both on one piece of hardware. I have a Vizio Co-Star running an app called “AirTight”. The Co-Star has recently been updated to support Chromecast-like streaming (casting?) and AirTight provides old-style AirPlay connectivity (no mirroring). So for under $100 you can have both without having to switch inputs! Plus, the Co-Star has lots of other capabilities (Netflix, MGO, VUDU, and WEB SURFING!) Anyhow, I love my Co-Star and thought I should at least mention it as an alternative.

    Alex K.


  • Monster post. feel free to pick the most relevant bits and let me know if there’s a forum or something i should post to or follow up on. this is fun and exhausting to think about alone!

    Got any advice for Baratunde?


Baratunde Thurston



Cordkillers Ep. 6 – Get off your apps!

Lamarr Wilson joins us to talk about HBO and Netflix’s size debate and whether the Olympics are anti-cordkillers.

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CordKillers: Ep. 6 Get off your apps!
Recorded: February 10 2014
Guest: Lamarr Wilson

Intro Video: 

Primary Target

Secondary Target

Signal Intellegence

Gear Up

Under Surveillance

Front Lines

On Our Radar

On Screen

Dispatches from the Front

  • Big thanks to Jay in Toledo who’s sent us great feedback from the TV side of things and hooked us up with an interview with Jerry Anderson at his station in Toledo! You rock Jay!!


  •  Check out one of my fave web series, the very funny @SubmissionsOnly.

    Lisa Glassberg


  • I honestly don’t believe I did this



  • Message: On the cordcutting decision… I set my directv account on vacation mode (six months) just to try cordcutting. After setting up a windows media center system I can now kill the directv account with confidence as I’ll be ready to counter any argument with the Directv retention department. Great Show!


  •  I’m proud to say after a long time watching another show about cord cutting and moving to Cord Killers after it was cancelled about a month ago, that I have taken the plunge and cancelled DirecTV.

I cancelled my service on the day of the Big Game, and was able to watch the death of the Broncos just fine with my brand-spanking new Leaf antenna. Go figure.

I had been wanting to cut the cord for a while. Holding me back was my local NHL team, and wrestling. The WWE Network announcement was a game changer for me. A complete no-brainer purchase for me, not just for the PPVs. The weekly shows would be made available on it immediately after they air, and I don’t normally watch Monday Night Raw until Tuesday anyway. I was suddenly only being held back by arbitrary blackout decisions enforced by a regional sports channel. Right as I began seriously considering the feasibility of cord cutting my first year of DirecTV passed and my bill increased by $40 a month. It was a sign.

I put together a spreadsheet showing what my costs would be and I would be saving over $1000 a year. That included a way to watch the Carolina Hurricanes on NHL GameCenter Live. The decision was made. I got the usual retention offers, but their best effort wouldn’t even save me $500 a year.

What was really interesting to me was that I didn’t get any real fight after mentioning the WWE Network. I was expecting to have to explain the crazy notion that I don’t have to spend $55 on a pay-per-view ($65 for WrestleMania). Instead I got sad understanding from the other end of the line.

Charles in Raleigh, NC


  • Hey guys, after episode 5 I finally decided to get rid of my cable with Verizon. They offered to charge me $94 for internet and basic cable but I turned them down. I went from paying $213, which also included home phone service I stopped using to $106 a month for a 75/35mbps connection. Thanks guys, keep up the work.



  • I’m a long-time listener of yours from the TWiT days, and have happily followed you to the new cordkillers show, to which I donate through Patreon.I just listened to the most recent episode, and there’s something that bothers me as a listener. When comparing devices to use to cord cut, consistently, there is misinformation pushed about the AppleTV and airplay. As is often the case, the impression is given that AirPlay only supports mirroring mode, in which essentially the app takes over the screen, and is mirrored to the television, rendering the device (tablet/phone) un-useful for any other purpose. This is always contrasted against the Chromecast, which does not dominate the device after the video is slung from the device (android/ios) to the Chromecast. This is NOT the case at all. Mirroring is but one AirPlay mode. Almost all apps though support the second mode, where, just like the Chromecast, the video is targeted to the AppleTV, but then the device is free for other work. Often, I sling a Netflix, YouTube, DailyMotion, etc, etc, etc video to the AppleTV using a button that looks just like the Chromecast button, then continue on to read my email, play a game, etc. It absolutely does NOT dominate the device. Every app doesn’t support it, but most apps do. I think by continuously misrepresenting the capabilities of the AppleTV, which supported this years in advance of the Chromecast, you are spreading misinformation. I say this as a person who owns Android and Apple devices, and has both an AppleTV and a Chromecast. I just tire of the misinformation out there.



Cordkillers: Ep. 4 – You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, Brian.

Netflix defies net neutrality foes, Why Intel ditching it’s Internet TV effort, is not what you thought, and TiVo tries really hard to convince you of something. 

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Cordkillers: Ep. 4 – You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, Brian
Recorded: January 27 2014

Intro Video

Primary Target

Secondary Target

Signals Intelligence

Gear Up

Under surveillance

Front Lines

  • HBO Showtime say not losing subs.
    Remember NPD said Pay TV channels lost 6% of Internet household subs in the last 2 years. HBO and SHO say NO WAY! HBO says it added 1.9 million subs in 2012. SHO said it has added 1 million a year in 6 of last 7 years. NPD Group removed the press release from its website and issued a “data clarification” statement on Wednesday that said it “should not have called out declines in subscribers for specific premium TV channels, HBO and Showtime.” fewer households are subscribing overall, but those households that are subscribing are subscribing to more premium channels.
  • Sources say new Apple TV box likely coming soon.
    App/Game Store possible — 9to5 Mac’s sources say next Apple TV will still be a set-top box coming first half 2014. New OS like iOS 7. Previously sources indicated possible new input methods like motion control. iLo8unge reported possible gaming content.
  • Netflix now lets you disable Post-Play to avoid binge watching entire TV seasons
    You can now uncheck “Play next episode automatically” in Netflix settings.
  • Tarantino shelves ‘Hateful Eight’ script after leak.
    Hateful Eight leaked so Tarantino will publish a written version and then move on to next project. He may revisit Hateful Eight as a film in five years or so. Only gave the script to 6 people. Suspects CAA showed it around.
  • Google can now say if your internet connection is quick enough for YouTube
    Google launched Video Quality Report reliability rankings for YouTube by ISP. Canada got it first. Coming to other countries soon.
  • ESPN is wary of cord-cutters, says protecting pay-TV is first priority
    Monday WSJ interview with ESPN execs. Priority is to protect pay TV profits and the $5.50 a month per sub ESPN gets paid. Company trying to improve selling ads int apps.

On screen

Dispatches from the front

  • Hey Brian and Tom,
    I know the movie draft is over but i noticed they re-released Gravity into theaters. As a result Casey is now within 10mil of taking 2nd place from Justin so by the end of this weekend it could be very close. I would say this is more evidence that the draft is fine staying the way it is. That there is no need to split up movies.

    Thanks really enjoy the show,


  • Purchasing streaming media isn’t always the best decision me thinks. Let’s say for example I want to watch the first season of “Person of Interest” Let’s use Amazon Prime, as an example of the provider of said content. I can buy the full season from Amazon Instant for $40 Or, I can buy the DVD set from Amazon for $19. Yea, I have to wait two days to watch, but I save $21 and I have hard copies with re-sale value. There is no value in a “instant video” purchase. I can understand 30 or 40 dollars for a season currently in the process of airing, but for previous seasons? No way! If Netflix, Prime, and Hulu remain somewhat limited in mainstream variety, and Instant video remains costly, I wonder; that as cord-cutting increases, will disc media sales also begin to increase?

    Richard Bixler


  • Hey guys,

    I’m Zaz: a big fan and patreon of the show. I’m also a product manager for SideReel and would love your feedback on our Cord-Cutting Guide. Our hope is to help our users navigate some of the many hardware and service options out there and maybe even expand to include options outside the U.S. Let me know what you think!

    Great job on the new episodes — I’m so glad you found a way to continue!



  • Another reason to hope Aereo wins it case in the US Courts:
    So the networks go off the public airways (like they said they would) and they can stop bleeping every other word on award shows.

    Joe Gasz


  • Hey Killers… I have questions that haunt me and I needs answers.

    The premise: I have a cable account or OTA, I have a DVR or even a DVD Recorder. (for arguments sake). With that said….

    Lets say I wanna watch a show either on an OTA or Cable. The logical side of my brain says I have a right to do the following:

    – Watch the show, live when shown
    – Watch the show on its numerous re-runs (if available)
    – Record the show via any device including a DVD recorder or DVR.
    – Keep this recording as long as I want.
    – Watch this recorded show as many times as I want.
    – Copy this recording to any device I choose.

    I have almost unlimited rights once the content is available on my T.V. (whether I watch it, tape it, DVR it or not). I paid for the right to watch it. Didn’t I?

    Is the fact I didn’t watch it when it was shown or forgot to record it negate my rights to it?

    With all these rights, how are these rights taken away if I watch this show online, on any site legal or not. I paid for the right to not only watch these shows but also record them and store them for future use. The fact that I didn’t watch it when it was shown or DVR it when it was on, didn’t I still pay for the right to watch it?

    Ever since Frame Rate this question has haunted me.

    No one can watch and record the 200+ channels available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

    Am I not entitled to watch every show on T.V? Doesn’t my cable subscription pay for this? I am pretty sure I am being charged for 200+ channels, I should have the right to watch every one of them, is how I watch them the issue, if so why?


    Sorry so long, condense for the show.

    A CordKiller Fan,


