Cordkillers 413 – Flixstarter

Netflix confirms ad-supported plans and we explore what new formats of ads Netflix may take that isn’t just a commercial interruption. SVOD growth is slowing, but still has growth…for now. What streaming subs will people axe first? All that and more on Cordkillers!

This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: Obi-Wan (106), The Boys (306), Westworld (401)
When we return on July 11, 2022: The Boys (307-308), Westworld (402-403)
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Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Cordkillers 412 – Not Sponsored by DraftKings (w/ Merrill Barr)

AppleTV app snags MLS soccer for the next decade. Is your TV running ads that it’s not even showing? And who cares! Taika Waititi wants to do new stuff with Star Wars. All that and more on Cordkillers! With special guest Merrill Barr.

This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: Obi-Wan (105), The Boys (305)
Next week: Westworld (401), Obi-Wan (106), The Boys (306)
Email the show at
Subscribe, get expanded show notes, and past episodes at

Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Cordkillers 411 – Flex Breaux

Roku signals that they may try to get bought by Netflix. What could a combined Roku-Netflix turn into? Disney’s new animated film will skip French theaters. All that and more on Cordkillers!

This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: Obi-Wan (104), The Boys (301-304), Barry (308)
Next week: Obi-Wan (105), The Boys (305)
Email the show at
Subscribe, get expanded show notes, and past episodes at

Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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