Cordkillers 364 – The stuff that dreams are made of (w/ Steve Molk)

Netflix is selling shirts! Is that creepy? Plus, HBO Max breaks AND gets fixed, Wal-Mart makes their own streaming devices, and a first clip of Netflix’s He-Man cartoon. With special guest Steve Molk.

This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: Loki (101), Jupiter’s Legacy (107-108), Hannibal (301-302)
Next week: Loki (102), Rick & Morty (501), Hannibal (303-304)

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Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Hannibal (213) – It’s Spoilerin’ Time 363

Cordkillers is off next week and will return June 14.
Next time on Spoilerin’ Time (June 14): Loki (101), Jupiter’s Legacy (107-108), Hannibal (301-302)

Email the show at
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Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Jupiter’s Legacy (105-106) – It’s Spoilerin’ Time 363

Cordkillers is off next week and will return June 14.
Next time on Spoilerin’ Time (June 14): Loki (101), Jupiter’s Legacy (107-108), Hannibal (301-302)

Email the show at
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Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Marvel’s MODOK (104-110) – It’s Spoilerin’ Time 363

Cordkillers is off next week and will return June 14.
Next time on Spoilerin’ Time (June 14): Loki (101), Jupiter’s Legacy (107-108), Hannibal (301-302)

Email the show at
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Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Cordkillers 363 – Jond. Bames Jond. (w/ Justin Robert Young)

AMAZON BUYS MGM?! Plus: movies are back, The Last of Us TV show, and Cobra Kai goes Silver! All this and more on Cordkillers! With special guest Justin Robert Young.
Cordkillers is off next week and will return June 14.

This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: Marvel’s MODOK (104-110), Jupiter’s Legacy (105-106), Hannibal (213)
Next time on Spoilerin’ Time (June 14): Loki (101), Jupiter’s Legacy (107-108), Hannibal (301-302)

Email the show at
Subscribe, get expanded show notes, and past episodes at

Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Hannibal (212) – It’s Spoilerin’ Time 362

Next week: Marvel’s MODOK (104-110), Jupiter’s Legacy (105-106), Hannibal (213)

Email the show at
Subscribe, get expanded show notes, and past episodes at

Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Jupiter’s Legacy (103-104) – It’s Spoilerin’ Time 362

Next week: Marvel’s MODOK (104-110), Jupiter’s Legacy (105-106), Hannibal (213)

Email the show at
Subscribe, get expanded show notes, and past episodes at

Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Marvel’s MODOK (101-103) – It’s Spoilerin’ Time 362

Next week: Marvel’s MODOK (104-110), Jupiter’s Legacy (105-106), Hannibal (213)

Email the show at
Subscribe, get expanded show notes, and past episodes at

Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Cordkillers 362 – I’ve Warnered You

Amazon is eyeing faltering studio MGM. HBO Max will be ad-supported for $10/mo. First reaction to the teaser for The Eternals! All this and more on Cordkillers!

This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: Marvel’s MODOK (101-103), Jupiter’s Legacy (103-104), Hannibal (212)
Next week: Marvel’s MODOK (104-110), Jupiter’s Legacy (105-106), Hannibal (213)

Email the show at
Subscribe, get expanded show notes, and past episodes at

Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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Hannibal (211) – It’s Spoilerin’ Time 361

Next week: Jupiter’s Legacy (103-104), Hannibal (212), Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K. (101-103)

Email the show at
Subscribe, get expanded show notes, and past episodes at

Support Cordkillers at If we get to 1850 patrons or $1850/episode, we can begin the Spoilerin’ Project and give you show-based Spoilerin’ Time feeds. Find out more and pledge here.

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