Framework Adds 12th-Gen Intel Chips to Its Modular Laptop – DTH

DTH-6-150x150The modular laptop maker Framework added 12-gen Intel chips in its second generation models, YouTube now shows the Most Replayed sections of a video, and CISA warns that F5’s BIG-IP vulnerabilities are being actively exploited.



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Not So Stablecoins – DTNS 4278

MIT researchers develop a way to desalinate seawater into potable water without expensive pumps or filtration systems. We take a look at Acer’s latest OLED offerings. And we explain the stable crash coin and the impact it has on other cryptocurrencies.

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Scott Johnson, Roger Chang, Joe, Amos

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Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

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España multa a Google por violar la Ley de Protección de Datos – NTX

Cuánta publicidad verás en Disney +, Netflix amplía su ventana en cines y multan a Google en España.



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-El plan con publicidad que lanzará Disney+ contendría un promedio de cuatro minutos de comerciales
-Netflix está considerando el manejar una ventana de 45 días de estreno en salas de cines para cintas como la secuela de Knives Out y El Bardo
-John Deere adquirió un paquete de algoritmos de la startup de inteligencia artificial Light para promover su desarrollo de agricultura completamente autónoma.
-Ian Goodfellow, aceptó un nuevo puesto dentro de la división de Google
-Google debe pagar una multa de 10 millones de euros por violar el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos
Discusión: el manejo de privacidad de datos

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Instagram Testing A Story Wall – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Instagram users in Brazil report the platform is testing a “Show All” panel in Stories, Samsung announced a Partner Early Access Program to test Matter devices on SmartThings, and Amazon launches Smart Commerce in India.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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E3 Used to Be Like a 4H Fair – DTNS 4277

With E3 2022 canceled, what will take its place and what announcements can we expect from game devs this summer? Apple announced a number of new accessibility features for iPhone, Apple Watch and Mac laptops. And Ming-chi Kuo says Apple is testing a new e-ink display for use on a foldable device. And researchers have developed malware that will still work when an iPhone is off.

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Max Scoville, Roger Chang, Joe, Amos

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

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Se completa el primer viaje en barco mercantil autónomo – NTX

Discusiones legales en Texas, llama a teléfonos con Alexa y se completa el primer viaje en barco mercantil autónomo.



-Los grupos comerciales de la industria tecnológica NetChoice y la Asociación de la Industria de Comunicaciones Computacionales apelaron a la Suprema Corte de los Estados Unidos para suspender la ley tejana HB 20.
-Apple anunció un sistema de Entrega Delegada de Apple Podcasts, el cual permite a los creadores distribuir sus podcasts de paga directamente a Apple Podcasts desde proveedores de alojamiento de terceros.
-En Alemania, investigadores de seguridad de la Universidad Técnica de Darmstadt demostraron una forma de ejecutar malware usando el transmisor Bluetooth de un iPhone
-Si tienes un dispositivo Alexa y vives en México, ya podrás usarlo para hablar a números telefónicos usando comandos de voz.
-El barco mercantil Suzaku ha logrado completar el primer trayecto comercial autónomo del mundo.

Discusión: Viajes de vehículos autónomos

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Apple Adds Live Captioning to iOS – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Apple adds new accessibility features including live captioning in iOS, Twitter’s Parag Agrawal explains how the platform calculates its spam, and Apple reportedly is testing an E Ink foldable.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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As The Workforce Churns – DTNS 4276

In an effort to stop falling subscribership Netflix is looking at offering live streaming. Uber Eats is piloting two ways to deliver food autonomously in Los Angeles. And we get some hard numbers of what exactly happened during the Great Resignation and how much of the narrative about people leaving work for better opportunities rings true.

Starring Sarah Lane, Rich Stroffolino, Roger Chang, Joe, Amos

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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or to give as little as 10 cents a day on Patreon, Thank you!

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

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La escasez de chips afecta al ejército ruso – NTX

Novedades de Uber, Netflix trabaja en programas en vivo y usan chips de refrigeradores en tanques de guerra rusos.



– Netflix está trabajando en hacer transmisiones en vivo en su plataforma
– Uber Eats lanzó dos programas piloto de entregas autónomas en Los Ángeles.
– Uber anunció que contará con interacción con el Asistente de Google para poder ordenar comida usando comandos de voz
– El proveedor de internet satelital de SpaceX, Starlink, amplió la disponibilidad de su servicio a 7 países más para llegar a un total de 32.
– Los ucranianos están encontrando chips de refrigeradores y lavavajillas instalados de manera muy rudimentaria en los tanques de guerra que han capturado
Los efectos de la escasez de chips en Rusia.

Puedes apoyar a Noticias de Tecnología Express directamente en este enlace.
Gracias a todos los que nos apoyan. Sin ustedes, nada de esto sería posible.
Muchas gracias a Dan Lueders por la música.

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Uber Eats Launches Autonomous Delivery Trials in LA – DTH

DTH-6-150x150Uber Eats launched two autonomous delivery pilots in Los Angeles, Spotify tests promoting artists’ NFTs, and Germany publishes its first cryptocurrency income tax guidance.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

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