Olive oil and balsamic vinegar are now in a boutique boom if not downright collectible. But do people really drink straight vinegar? Yes. Yes, they do.
BREAKING THINGS: Mason jars now everywhere.
Download the episode here.
Olive oil and balsamic vinegar are now in a boutique boom if not downright collectible. But do people really drink straight vinegar? Yes. Yes, they do.
BREAKING THINGS: Mason jars now everywhere.
Download the episode here.
Tired of embarrassing human medication ads with frightening side effect disclosures? Now they have them for your pets!
BREAKING THINGS: Sheet bacon spotted in the wild!
Download the episode here.
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We’re not going to lie. It sounds crazy. But butter in your coffee is not only a thing, it’s an old thing that’s getting big again and it’s bulletproof. Don’t judge it until you’ve tried it.
Thanks to @AlbertoPolintan for the thing!
Download the episode here.
First of all, why is all the TV suddenly scary? At least when it’s not a comedy. Second of all, seriously, why so scary!?
Also BREAKING THING: Can naptime kill you?
Download the episode here.
Number games like Threes and 2048 are sweeping the nation. Why? No idea. We’re too busy playing 2048.
What’s not better with an egg on top? We come up with a couple things. But honestly, it was difficult. This podcast contains trace amounts of yolk puns.
We’re back for another round and a tweak to the format. One episode, one thing, no waiting! Who’s on a cleanse? Everybody apparently! But man those containers are expensive!
Molly’s thing is a man, Tom’t thing was once a pig, Molly’s discovered a new cooking revelation and why is Tom using white strips?
Show notes:
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop will work
Sheet bacon at Louies of Mar Vista
DIY pallet projects
Social Media Explained
The importance of cart wipes, how the 1980s sneaked back into your world, why thumbhole is not an insult and grapes. Yes, grapes.
Show notes:
Thumb holes in women’s sweaters, including the Wander Wrap.