Should you feel guilty for re-reading? The answer is no. But you shouldn’t feel guilty for not re-reading too. Plus our fantasy casting of A Darker Shade of Magic is pretty much all Keanu.
#365 – But Lin-Manuel Miranda!
Targaryen TV show possible? Check. Clifford Simak movie on Netflix? Check. Far Side back? Check. Showtime turns down The Kingkiller Chronicle TV show? WHAT?! BUT LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA!
#364 – Kick Your Problems in the Face
Fran Wilde’s op-ed from the future sounds hilarious. N. K. Jemisin’s new novel sounds awesome. And Andy Weir’s short story has been adapted into a cool short film. So much good reading out there! Plus our thoughts on why Trail of Lightning has us thinking that sometimes you just have to kick your problems in the face.
#363 – Extremely Unbalanced
The Hugos have come and gone, and they were awesome. Audible’s in trouble for speech-to-text. But they’re right, it’s an accessibility issue. Also, the publishers are right, it’s a copyright issue! Tell it to the judge, both of you! Plus, we kick off our September pick, Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse.
#362 – Live from Dublin WorldCon 2019!
We had SO much fun at WorldCon in Dublin. We were blown away with how many people came out to see us!! We were literally prepared with plans for if the room was empty, but no, Ireland filled our room and our hearts. We got some great conversations and book recommendations from folks in the crowd too! Go raibh maith agaibh! The craic was grand!
#361 – My Little Space Brain Friends
Are we excited for The Witcher? Probably? Are we excited for the Hitchhiker’s Guide Hulu TV series? Maybe? Are we excited for Vessel? In some ways? Is Tom excited for The Poppy War? YES!
#360 – Cuddling with Direwolves
Veronica is definitely not meeting direwolves in Ireland and stealing them and smuggling them back into the United States. Definitely not. Plus, our thoughts so far on Vessel by Lisa Nichols.
#359 – We Have Literary Opinions
We’re so excited about our guest pick! It’s the kickoff for our July book, and the first ever-not-in-any-way chosen by Tom or Veronica. Also we love XKCD and we love Station 11. Also Dara and Terpkristin. So much love!
#358 – Nebula Interview with Greg van Eekhout
Tom talks with Greg van Eekhout, author of Voyage of the Dogs and California Bones about dogs, writing from local influences, and what the Nebulas mean to him. Also Tom embarrasses himself at least twice!
#357 – The Last Beagle
We’re excited for a trip to the Hunger Games’ past and to hear Tatiana Maslany show us her Orphan Black chops again. Plus, Veronica takes on a Jim Butcher challenge and our final thoughts on The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle.