We’re excited for optioned TV series for Circe and Dresden Files even if they are just options. Also we brainstorm Type 3 civilizations and female gearheads.
#335 – Do You Know the Way to Slan Jose?
Gorgeous LeGuin books, more Bobiverse! and our final take on Slan.
#334 – Is it a Slan Dunk?
We’re excited for TV with Henry Cavill as Geralt, and maybe even some Witchlands! Plus our initial non-spoilery impressions of this month’s book, Slan.
#333 – Getting Timeless with R. A. Salvatore
We talk to author R. A. Salvatore about his new book Timeless, and also how he feels these days about Chewbacca, Dungeons and Dragons and more. Timeless is out September 4. Pick it up in the Salvastore!
#332 – Losers and Lovin’ It
We lost the Hugos and it was AWESOME! Plus we have great news about a new novel coming from Rivers Solomon, and a new ebookstore from Wal-Mart. Plus we kick off Slan by A. E. van Vogt and our final thoughts on Jade City.
#331 – Where Have All the Good Guys Gone?
SFF readers have more mature relationship views. It’s science. And hey! We’re still Hugo-nominated! Will we stay that way or become winners? Who can say? But we have other things to say, like what we think of Jade City by Fonda Lee.
#330 – Best Jade Plans
The Tor vs. Library saga continues, we’re pumped for the World Fantasy Award nominees, and the serendipity of reading a book about the place you are at while you’re reading it. Trust us. It will make sense in the show.
#329 – Mad Love for Dog
We’re excited about new monsters and solarpunk but mostly we’re excited about Mortal Engines! Except for all the murder.
We team up with Mallory and Brea from Reading Glasses for a supercollaboration with reading advice, emails, and discussion of Mortal Engines.
#327 – Real Housewives of the Aegean
Why we think Amazon may have been cribbing off us, the reality TV connection to ancient Greece, and the raging 2X audiobook debate speeds along.