The Hugos are in, for 2016 and 1941! And although the Thorn of Emberlain is delayed, we understand. We also pick our favorite wizard school and wrap up The Last Wish.
#266 – Are You Reading Too Much?
This week we dive into our (non-spoilery) thoughts on the Witcher and get excited about a movie based on Ted Chiang’s story and a TV series based on George R. R. Martin’s Wild Cards. But Brad poses a question about how one tells if they’re reading too much.
#265 – Zombies and LARPers: The Nerdist Inkshares Winners!
We talk with Dave Barrett, author of Inkshares book It’s All Fun and Games and Zac Linville author of Inkshares book Welcome to Deadland. One has zombie-like inhabitants based on theme park patrons and the other finds a LARP outing becoming all too real.
#264 – Will the Real Witcher Please Stand Up
We have an excellent conversation about great character names and revel in the news of rising print book sales. But the big question is, which Witcher is canon?
#263 – When to Judge a Book by its Cover
We’re excited about American Gods. We have mixed feelings about Time Traders. And we definitely understand why you might have to judge a book by its cover, but there’s a good reason to try not to. Except in one particular case.
#262 – G. Derek Adams Breaks The Rules, And You Win!
G. Derek Adams, author of Asteroid Made of Dragons, knows his title is over the top. He meant it that way, and it’s part of the genius of his stories. Find out which rules he breaks, why, and how it made for a wonderful cast of characters in a fascinating world.
261 #261 – The Restaurant At The End Of The Barnes & Noble
Looks like your old bookstore is getting into fancy dinners, plus the rise of book-based card games and how Time Traders proves you live in the wrong time.
#260 – Why Young Adult Is For Everyone W Fran Wilde
Fran Wilde talks to us about Updraft, how she was inspired to create the bone city, and why she doesn’t mind the young adult label but it doesn’t always mean what people say it means.
#259 – The Adventures Of The Giant Space Hedgehog
American Gods nails the casting, John W. Campbell Award nails the nominees, and we nail the true origin of the world of Updraft as we wrap up this month’s book pick. OK, we’re probably wrong about the hedgehog (but we do wrap up Updraft).
#258 – When To Worry About The Singularity W Ramez Naam!
Ramez Naam talks about his Nexus trilogy, nanotechnology, and when to worry about AI getting too smart!