#247 – Parents Just Weren’t Understood

We’re checking in on All The Birds in The Sky by Charlie Jane Anders and why some people were put off by Patrica and Laurence’s parents. Trust us, so were Patricia and Laurence. Also it’s March Madness and we have the hot inside track on the April fantasy winner and how YOU can pick it.

#246 – The 34 Rules Of Robotics With J – F Dubeau

We chat with J-F Dubeau, author of The Life Engineered, first book in the Sword and Laser Inkshares collection. Find out whether the thousand year old robots in the book had any real life inspirations and whether they have sex. We’re guessing you’re slightly more interested in one of those questions than the other.

245 #245 – Terry Pratchett Helps Us Feel Better

We’re very excited about the debut of our first Sword and Laser Inkshares collection book, The Life Engineered by JF Dubeau. We’re a little bummed that Tom forgot to bring more than water to drink. We’re super-excited about the Nebula Award nominees. And we were a little bummed at some of the reactions to The Sword of Shannara. But Vickie helped us out with an amazing Terry Pratchett quote, and all was well in Swordandlaserville.

#245 – Terry Pratchett Helps Us Feel Better

We’re very excited about the debut of our first Sword and Laser Inkshares collection book, The Life Engineered by JF Dubeau. We’re a little bummed that Tom forgot to bring more than water to drink. We’re super-excited about the Nebula Award nominees. And we were a little bummed at some of the reactions to The Sword of Shannara. But Vickie helped us out with an amazing Terry Pratchett quote, and all was well in Swordandlaserville.

#242 – The Animal In Our Collection

We congratulate the winners of our Inkshares contest and name the book that will be joining our Sword and Laser collection. Plus, why you shouldn’t be angry at George R. R. Martin and how Catherynne M. Valente’s Radiance is like a Tone Poem.

#240 – Wish We Were There

Over the break, we took a little time out of vacation to talk about our holiday reads, from ancient history to Chewbacca. Sigh. No Star Wars spoilers we promise. We’re not there anymore. But we can pretend we are in this episode.