#017 – The S&L Podcast: Let’s talk about …er… sex?

Really, most of the episode is about The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan:

UPDATE: Hopefully the file will work now in iTunes!

We disucssed the paralells to other fantasy worlds like Lord of the Rings and even World of Warcraft. We also passed along Randy’s post from the Ning site about the Robert Jordan convention which you can find out more about by visiting

But then we got to talking about Watchmen near the end and one thing led to another. It all came back around to Robert Jordan though as we discussed Sean O’Hara’s Ning thread called Sexbots and dragons.

Speaking of the Ning group, we called out a couple of user-created groups that aren’t related to official book club selections. Take a gander at the Alternate History group if you like to pretend things are different than they way they really are. And a really cool group that crosses TV fandom with literature, The Lost literary references group.

Finally we settled on Frank Herbert’s Dune as the next book. We’ll kick it off in the April episode, so if you have any questions, or non-spoiler thoughts for newbies to the book, let us know here in the comments

The Sword and Laser 16: Pants!

Sword and Laser bannerIn this installment of our new monthly format, we talk about our progress in the current book selection from Robert Jordan. We also touch on Watchmen, Daemon, and of course, pants.

Get the episode here.

#015 – The Sword and Laser Podcast: We disagree!!

Turns out that just because Tom likes a book, doesn’t mean Veronica will (she kinda hated it). But we learned a lot about paranoia, and Polish communism. So it’s not a total loss. Meanwhile we have determined that the podcast should be a once a month affair. So get ready for regularity! We’ll be like the monthly bran in your reading diet. And we hope to have interviews. With real people. And some robots.

Get the episode at Sword and Laser.com.

Sword and Laser 11 – We’re tharn over Watership Down

Sword and Laser bannerIn the latest episode we review Watership Down with our own and your thoughts, as well as move our contest to the next level. Seriously, some of your closing lines are fantastic. Listen and enjoy!

Get the podcast at:

Sword and Laser 10 – OMG Bunnies!

Sword and Laser bannerThe latest episode of the Sword and Laser Book Club podcast is out. we intro our latest book, Watership Down ad talk a bit about some scifi and fantasy book news as well as start a giveaway!

Get the podcast at: Swordandlaser.com

Join the (sci fi book) club!

Sword and Laser bannerVeronica Belmont has graciously allowed me to help her start a science fictiona and fantasy book club called The Sword and Laser. Our first book will be ‘The Golden Compass’ by Philip Pullman (also known as Northern Lights outside the US… why do they do that?). So if you’re into swords and/or lasers, pop on by and join us.