Hey all. For the last couple weeks I’ve been in non-stop planning mode, trying to wrap my head around all the options in front of me, figure out what I *want* to do, and gather all the incredibly generous offers to help. I have not forgotten a single one of your offers, trust me. But I have to make a bunch of decisions, many of which depend on other people’s decisions, before I know what you can help me with.
But I think it’s only fair to let you know where I stand so far, at least as much as I can tell you for sure. So here’s an update
Daily Tech News Show – I’ve got a very BASIC page up at dailytechnewsshow.com. This isn’t meant to be the show name (though who knows) it’s just a placeholder. Sort of my “This is My Next”. So go subscribe to make sure you don’t miss the announcements when they come. This is the one I have to get right, so it’s the one I can say the least about. All the options are on the table. At the very least on January 2 I’ll give you the news the way you’ve come to expect and discuss it’s implications with smart people. Possibly you’ll get more. Did I mention subscribe? Go subscribe.
Sword and Laser – We’re wrapping up the backer rewards thanks to the amazing help of David Michael at Frogpants. we also had a meeting with Pixel Corps and have tentative dates to shoot the video show in late January! We’re just waiting to make sure all the staff we want can make those dates before we make it official. In the meantime we’re definitely going to have a meetup at Borderlands in San Francisco on January 20th so please come by if you’re int he area.
Current Geek – Scott Johnson and I are deep in the planning of our weekly show covering all things geek with the amazing hosts of the Frogpants network of shows. Next up for us there is the brainstorming hangout this Tuesday, *tentatively* for 2 PM Pacific, but keep an eye on Scott’s feed for confirmation.
A cord-cutting show to be named later – Brian Brushwood and I have one last Frame Rate show to do tomorrow, Monday December 16th. But don’t worry. I said stop worrying. Just go watch what you want when you want where you want an any device you want to pass this time. We’ll be back.
Other – All my other shows are short season. I plan for Autopilot, FSL Tonight and It’s A Thing to return in the coming year, but need to nail down the above first. East Meets West happens whenever it wants.
How can you help?
Hang in there. if you’ve offered to pitch in, I will gratefully accept as soon as I have things that can be done. If you want to support any of these shows check out the Current Geek backer packs or you can pick up any of my books, t-shirts, or even the same equipment I use, in my store.