Today in Tech History – March 5, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1975 – The Homebrew Computer Club, held its first meeting in the garage of Gordon French in Menlo Park, California. 32 people showed up for the first meeting. John Draper, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs were some of the more famous members of the club.

1981 – The ZX81 was launched by Sinclair Research in Britain for £69.95 and would go on to sell over 1.5 million units around the world. It was much more successful than it’s predecessor the ZX80.

1982 – Four days after it’s twin, the second of two Soviet probes to Venus, the Venera 14 landed on the planet. Venera 13 and 14 would continue to send data until 1983.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.

Today in Tech History – March 4, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1976 – The first Freon-cooled Cray-1 supercomputer was shipped to Los Alamos Laboratories, in New Mexico at a cost of $19,000,000.

2000 – The Sony PlayStation 2 went on sale in Japan.

2007 – Election Day was held in Estonia, and for the first time in the world, voters were allowed to vote on the Internet. Approximately 30,000 voters took advantage of electronic voting. Ballots had to be completed three days before election day.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.

Today in Tech History – March 3, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1847 – In Edinburgh, Scotland, an expert in vocal physiology and elocution welcomed his newborn son into the world. He was named after his father. Alexander Graham Bell would go on to become synonymous with the telephone.

1885 – The American Telephone and Telegraph Company was incorporated in New York State as a subsidiary of American Bell Telephone.

1966- The BBC announced plans to begin broadcasting television programmes in colour the following year, becoming the first European broadcaster to provide regular colour broadcasts.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.

Today in Tech History – March 2, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1908 – Gabriel Lippman proposed using a series of lenses at a picture’s surface instead of opaque barrier lines, allowing three dimensional pictures. He titled his presentation to the French Academy of Sciences “La Photographie Integral”.

1983 – CBS Records launched the first major compact disc music marketing campaign, launching 16 titles. CDs had gone on sale to the public the previous October in Japan.

2004 – Review site Engadget launched with a post about T-Flash, a new memory card format, by founder Peter Rojas.

2010 – The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany rejected legislation requiring electronic communications traffic data retention for a period of 6 months as a violation of the guarantee of the secrecy of correspondence.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.

Today in Tech History – March 1, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1896 – Henri Becquerel discovered images of uranium rocks had appeared on a photographic plate without exposure to the sun. He had discovered natural radiation.

1995 – A little over a year after starting the website in January 1994, Jerry Yang and David Filo incorporated Yahoo!

2006 – English-language Wikipedia reached its one millionth article, “Jordanhill railway station.”

2016 – Astronauts Mikhail Kornienko and Scott Kelly landed safely in Kazakhstan after spending a record 340 days aboard the International Space Station.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.

Today in Tech History – February 28, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1947 – The first closed-circuit broadcast of a surgical operation showed procedures to observers in classrooms at Johns Hopkins University.

1954 – The Westinghouse H840CK15 went on sale in the New York area. It is generally agreed to be the first production television receiver using NTSC color offered to the public. Only 30 sets were sold at $1,295 a pop. (Westinghouse display ad, New York Times, Feb. 28, 1954, p. 57)

1959 – Discoverer 1 was launched on a Thor-Agena A rocket and became the first man-made object ever put into a polar orbit.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.

Today in Tech History – February 27, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1891 – David Sarnoff was born near Minsk. He would go on to befriend Marconi and rise to the Presidency of RCA and be integral in founding NBC.

1932 – English physicist James Chadwick published a letter on the existence of the neutron, some say giving birth to modern nuclear physics.

1986 – The United States Senate voted to allow its debates to be televised on a trial basis. The trial was successful.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.

Today in Tech History – February 26, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1896 – Hoping to test the sun’s ability to create X-rays, Henri Becquerel placed a wrapped photographic plate in a closed desk drawer, with phosphorescent uranium rocks laid on top. He left it in the drawer for several days until the sun came out. It was cloudy.

1909 – The first successful color motion picture process, Kinemacolor, was shown to the general public at the Palace Theatre in London.

1935 – Scottish physicist Robert Watson-Watt demonstrated Radio Detection And Ranging to Air Ministry officials at Daventry, England. This RADAR proved quite helpful a few years later when war broke out.

2015 – The US FCC voted 3-2 to implement new Open Internet Rules and classify Internet Service Providers as telecommunications services under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.

Today in Tech History – February 25, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1837 – The US Patent Office approved Thomas Davenport’s application for a patent on an “Improvement in Propelling Machinery by Magnetism and Electro-Magnetism.” We’d call it an electric motor.

1928 – Charles Jenkins Laboratories of Washington, DC became the first holder of a television license from the Federal Radio Commission.

1930 – A US patent for a photographing apparatus was issued to George Lewis McCarthy, who called it a Checkograph. It was the first bank check photographing device.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.

Today in Tech History – February 24, 2017

Today in Tech History logo1949 – A modified German V-2 ballistic missile launched from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, reaching an altitude of 244 miles, and putting it well above the Kármán line. It was the first US rocket to reach “outer space.”

1955 – A boy was born to University of Wisconsin graduate students Joanne Simpson and Abdulfattah Jandali. He was given up for adoption and taken in by a machinist and his wife in Mountain View, California. They named him Steve Jobs.

2011 – The Space Shuttle Discovery lifted off from Cape Canaveral on its final mission.

2014 – Samsung announced the Galaxy S5 with a heart rate sensor and water and dust proofing.

Read Tom’s science fiction and other fiction books at Merritt’s Books site.