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Cordkillers Ep. 15 – Tamping the Musket with Chet Kanojia

We interview CEO Chet Kanojia about Aereo’s chances in the Supreme Court, what he’ll do if they lose, and his plan for dealign with the broadcaster’s threats to pull broadcasts from over the air.


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CordKillers: Ep. 15 – Tamping the Musket with Chet Kanojia
Recorded: April 14 2014
Guest: Chet Kanojia, CEO Aereo

Intro Video 

Primary Target

Signal Intellegence

Gear Up

Under surveillance

Front Lines

2014 Summer Movie Draft

  1. DTNS: $158,883,032
  2. GodsMoneybags: $39,327,869
  3. The Morning Stream: $9,783,603
  4. Night Attack: $0
  5. /Film: $0
  6. Amtrekker: $0

On Screen

Dispatches from the Front

I wanted to let you know something very interesting that has been happening with my parents. Some background on them is as follows: My Father, an Ex-Navy Seal turned High School Math teacher and my mom with two Masters degrees in English Literature and former teacher as well.

I got them to sit down and actually watch episode 1 of Cosmos with me. To see their mouths drop… literally drop when each knowledge bomb was explained… it was the EXACT thing that both you guys keep talking about how the old one did to you.

I have followed up with them since then, and every sunday night they sit down and can’t wait to see the next episode. They are blown away every time, and my mom Texts me just dumbfounded, each commercial break.

To see this from people in their 60’s, has me convinced that Cosmos was never intended for people who want to compare the original, but to be on its own window into that world. They pay tribute to the original but these are two DIFFERENT shows and as such must be viewed from a new lens.

As always, keep up the great work and I love hearing about how you guys experience this series and look forward to hearing more.

Kyle Kowalik


Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

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