It’s Spoilerin’ Time Episode 70

Movie Draft Update, Silicon Valley (Season 2), Game of Thrones (505), Daredevil (113), The Shield (509)

00:51 – Movie Draft Update

05:21 – Silicon Valley (Season 2)

09:25 – Game of Thrones (505)

19:02 – Daredevil (113)

26:43 – The Shield (509)

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Cordkillers 70 – Talk Good Like Shwood

Showtime’s ready for its own HBO Now, Broadcast networks become optional and what Apple should do to keep the Apple TV relevant?

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CordKillers: Ep. Talk Good Like Shwood
Recorded: May 11, 2015
Guest: Justin Robert Young

Intro Video 

Primary Target

  • Showtime over the Net
    CBS CEO Les Moonves said Internet-delivered version of Showtime rolling out “in the coming months”
    – Moonves said HBO Now proving the opportunity to go over-the-top
    – “very encouraged” by $6 a month CBS all access. Whole country should get it by end of year.
    – COO Joe Ianniello: “underscores our value in retrans and reverse comp negotiations” In other words, it means we can      up our fees to affiliates and cablecos.
    Couple ways we can go here:
    -1.) Will this creep to non-premium channels like AMC and FX? Will this be the true way to a la carte?
    -2.) Will other broadcasters follow suit in order to gain leverage in fee negotiations?

Signal Intelligence

  • Sling TV may add broadcast networks but won’t force you to buy them 
    Sling TV CEO Roger Lynch: “a key decision from the beginning” to omit broadcast content from base package
    – ‘target market’ gets it from Hulu or OTA
    – “You’ll see us launch broadcast networks in a tier,”
    -Also “It’s not our vision that Sling TV will be everything that everyone will want.”

    Sling in my experience is definitely about watching live not on demand. HBO and AMC not very valuable there. ESPN and HGTV definitely are.
    – If Sling adds broadcast it will be a complex series of negotiations with local broadcasters.
    – Will it be able to do what Aereo couldn’t afford to?

Gear Up

Front Lines

Under Surveillance

Dispatches from the Front

Just finished up a big survey of cord cutters and the habits of password sharing, thought you guys might enjoy the data:
The 10 cent version:
Younger age equals a higher likelihood of sharing passwords. Older age results in a healthy fear that these services are going to put an end to all this freeloading sooner rather than later. HBO Go the largest % of “borrowed” streaming services. Let me know if you’ve got any questions / need any more info about the data, hope you enjoy!




I’ve listened to every episode of cordkillers. In spite of Brian, I enjoy the show very much. I understand spoilers are going to occur. What I have issue with, is when people enjoy spoiling things when it’s unnecessary. Episode 67, Tom was describing the Star Wars trailer without naming Han and Chewy when Brian interrupted, mocking Tom for doing so and more than happy to provide the spoiler.
Recently, Brian thought it would be funny to watch Game of Thrones on HBO GO, skip to the end and then tweet the ending. DOUCHEBAG.
I get that Brian doesn’t understand my point of view. What I don’t understand, is why would you knowingly piss off a segment of your listeners.





Hi guys,
In regards to the TiVo OTA story, last fall we purchased an OTA for my snowbird parents to use as a second DVR so they wouldn’t have to lug their existing TiVo across the country twice a year. Ok it was also so I could avoid the yearly, “how do I hook this thing up” call. Unfortunately, I didn’t do my research and was surprised to find that, unlike every other TiVo I’ve purchased over the last ten years; I couldn’t get a lifetime plan for it.
Not only did I have to pay monthly, I had to commit to 12 months. Not the best option for a device that will be unplugged 6 months of the year. After much back and forth with TiVo, they refused to budge and the cheapest option they would “give” me was to pay monthly for 18 months, cancel for 6 months and repeat.
I had finally caved and was about to sign the contract and hook up the OTA on Saturday when this deal came out of nowhere. So I reached out to TiVo one last time. Of course no such luck for me, I have to buy another OTA that has lifetime I can’t put lifetime on the unactivated OTA I already bought! Crazy but it was still a lot cheaper than what I would have done. Luckily I was able to get the deal even though it did come and go for me as well.
Anyway, long story longer, does anyone want a new unused OTA sans lifetime service?

Your penny pinching boss,
Dan in Rochester


I have been an avid user of Windows media center DVR to record with Cablecard for years. With the software not being part of Windows 10, I was very disappointed. I have yet to find anything and then today I found this on kickstarter. . This is going to be a game changer for me. I already use HDHomeRun prime. This should be amazing. I thought this is something you should share with your audience.




Hi Brian, Tom, and guest,

A huge potential problem exists for those who rely on WMC for their DVR on some cable providers. WMC is currently the only software approved by CableLabs to play Copy-Once content (which is DRM’d video that can only be played on the device that recorded it or a WMC extender like the Xbox 360). All other software currently available (various Kodi backends, NextPVR, etc.) is only able to play/record Copy Freely material. Generally this isn’t a major problem as Comcast and Verizon flag most content as Copy Freely and only tag HBO/Starz/Showtime and the other premium cable channels as Copy Once. Nevertheless, some providers tag everything as Copy Once and therefore some users of WMC will eventually be forced to move away from an HTPC as an option to receive cable TV on their computer.

Not sure if it was mentioned on the show either but SiliconDust has started a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to develop their own DVR software. It appears that it will be a subscription-based program for $30/year, but the UI looks promising and it states that it should be able to play copy-once material.

Geoff in Maryland



Hey guys, last week Brian and Justin declared the summer blockbuster dead because Avengers 2 only had the 2nd biggest opening weekend in movie history. I really don’t understand this idea. As I write this, Avengers 2 has already made 3 times its budget. Furious 7 has profited well over a BILLION dollars, more than the budgets of all the movies in the series combined.

My point is, they can afford an an occasional flop (like Avengers 2) and still profit billions of dollars every summer. When you look at the worldwide grosses, its hard to find a high budget movie that didn’t make back its budget. In 2014, Robocop and Hercules over doubled their money. 300 Rise of an Empire tripled. Godzilla and Ninja Turtles nearly quadrupled. None of these movies were considered huge box office hits, but all were very financially successful. The ONLY high budget summer movie in the past 3 years I could find that didn’t make its money back was RIPD. It lost 52 million. Good thing Universal profited about 600 million off of Fast & Furious 6 that same summer! I think they’ll keep cranking out the summer blockbusters for some time to come.

If I’m missing something, please explain. Maybe there’s something I’m not seeing or maybe I totally misunderstood what you guys meant. Either way, would love to hear.

Thanks guys, I love the show and am proud to be supporting it!
Andy in Taylor, Tx

P.S. Brian: standing invitation for Louie Mueller BBQ in Taylor any day this summer!


re: Prisoner 42




2015 Winter Movie Draft

  1. GFQ: $396,746,047
  2. Amtrekker: $313,402,397
  3. Cordkillers: $35,266,785
  4. Frogpants: $30,985,315
  5. Night Attack: $13,942,258
  6. DTNS: $0

Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

Cordkillers 69 – I Can Live with This Thorn

Will Hulu and YouTube capture your eyeballs with their new hit shows? Will Microsoft regret killing Windows Media Center?

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CordKillers: Ep. 69 – I Can Live with This Thorn
Recorded: May 4 2015
Guest: Veronica Belmont

Primary Target

Signal Intelligence

Gear Up

Front Lines

Under Surveillance

Dispatches from the Front

Hi Tom and Brian,

Hope all is well!

Wanted to throw in my two cents on your discussion on Nielsen. While Nielsen has branched out to cover various forms of digital and non-TV media, their bread and butter is still heavily fixed on the television medium. As far as I’ve seen and experienced, comScore remains the preferred service for digital advertisers. That being said, I wouldn’t go all conspiratorial on them – to Tom’s point, it’s more likely they’re coming from the lens of TV, though it’s also easy to spin the news any way you want.





Hi guys
I know you talked about it but Periscope could be a real game changer. I am not a big boxing fan but with all the hype I peeked in on the big fight Saturday. It worked pretty well. How long do you think before they shut this down? Can they? Just looking through the app it does have a lot of possibility besides illegally streaming stuff.
You guys rock
Ken F




Thanks to y’all, I have officially cut the cord this week. Just wanted to show my love.

Thanks guys,





I have a pick, that is a little time sensitive. It is a Kickstarter campaing for Sideclick. It is a secondary remote that clicks on to your Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire devices. It allows you to control basic functions like power and volume for your TV/receiver. Hopefully a cheaper way to get down to 1 remote.

It goes until May 21st. I pledged, and hope others do as well, seems like a cool little device.




Hey guys,
I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to listen to your show since I’m watching GOT on Sunday’s but, even better, as you recap Daredevil. For the first time ever, I’m ahead of you and love to hear you wonder what’s coming next. And maybe for next weeks you can put on your cotton conjecture hats and theorize on the impacts of Daredevil season 2 on the other Marvel/Netflix shows. Will expectations be higher or was Daredevil the most popular of the crowd so the others will fly under the radar?




So I was excited to get the first survey in the mail which I completed (and got my crisp $1 bills) . The first survey, if I remember correctly, did mention shows you could watch online and asked about watching habits.

I was more excited when we received a Nielsen survey packet in the mail (my wife was not excited but then I flaunted the crisp $5 bills in this envelope) but later realized, as a cord cutter, there was zero information I could fill out on this survey. They even have VCR references in the packet. Turns out there is no where on the survey to add shows that you watch online and they only want cable, satellite, or OTA programs. I just thought this was interesting and trying to find the best way to return my survey. Maybe filling it out with only online shows (House of Cards, Kimmy Schmidt) and saying when I want on whatever device I was bitches!

Kyle from Jacksonville


2015 Winter Movie Draft

  1. GFQ: $382,584,913
  2. Amtrekker: $191,271,109
  3. Cordkillers: $33,245,253
  4. Frogpants: $28,754,625
  5. Night Attack: $0
  6. DTNS: $0

Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

Cordkillers 68 – Schrodinger’s Cords

The war of numbers continues, while the war of cord-cutter packages rises and it all means we win more awesome shows.

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CordKillers: Ep. 68 – Schrodinger’s Cords
Recorded: April 27, 2015
Guest: Eklund

Intro Video 

Primary Target

  • Nielsen: Cord cutting’s no big deal
  • Streaming overtakes Live TV
  • Netflix Is 6% of TV Business, 43% of Ratings Decline
    Nielsen data released Thursday.
    – 93% of households with cable, broadband and SVOD will drop BB or SVOD before cable.
    – Young people cancel cable often because of moving

    -Deloitte study – streaming has surpassed live TV
    – 56% stream movies 53% stream TV 45% watch TV programs live
    – 14-25 72% streaming video among most valuable service 58% pay TV

    US Analyst Michael Nathanson of MoffettNathanson
    – Netflix now makes up 6% of total TV viewing
    – Nathanson figures that Netflix accounts for 43 percent of the ratings decline the networks experienced last quarter.

Signal Intelligence

Gear Up

Front Lines

Under Surveillance

Dispatches from the Front

Hey guys,

Coming from a broadcast TV background I found your discussion on periscope last week very interesting. I work in Sports broadcasting and as a rights holder we own the rights to any video shot in the venue. We often use spectators footage from instagram, we don’t need to ask permission because we already own the rights.

If periscope gets big enough they will have no choice but to setup a content management system to block copyright infringement. I think Twitter is being very naive saying that they have a take down procedure. That sounds like a law suit waiting to happening, especially when other online video providers have active system’s to pull content ie YouTube and even Twich.

Aso I would have thought bars would have paid for commercial access to the cable company so if HBO is part of the package I don’t see what the issue is. Here in Australia how much a bar pays for access to subscription TV is tied directly to how much turnover the bar has. It ends up for a larger venue as several thousand dollars a month.

HBO is probably caring more about piracy because they now sell a streaming service. Previously you would need a cable subscription to view HBO. People downloading HBO show probably fall into the category of people who don’t have cable, HBO would want to convert those people into streaming customers. People generally stop pirating because its easier to pay, seems like its good business sense to make pirating as difficult as possible.

Love the show,
– Hosko the sports director



I’m a time warner business class rep. In regards to the HBO story, bars ar actually requires to buy a bar/restaurant package, and any other type of service is actually against some city ordinances. PPV, AND SPECIALY Broadcasrs are billed on a per head estimate or fire capacity rating for the facility. This discourages establishments from just paying the residential price and just raking in a massive profit without the actual content creator relieving their supposed due. Hotels have a hospitality package in which we sell what’s called a hospitality insert package, which why they provide HBO, and other channels within their lineups. In those instances they pay a flat rate per TV set., and it’s typically more than the consumer cost, because it’s considered public display. Thought I’d give you a little insight.

– Anonymous



Hey Shwood and Tom,

I’m hoping that you guys can shed some light on how us Cord Killers can stream the big fight this weekend legally.
My current setup is Sling TV + Plex on my Fire TV and HTPC. Additionally, I have a PS4. Is there a way I can watch the fight?
Boxing, take my money!

Your boss,
– Nick



Hey Tom & Brian,

I want to first say thank you for splitting out It’s Spoilerin’ Time into a separate news feed. I often go back & watch those episodes to hear your opinions after I’ve caught up on the shows.

However this week I was disappointed to find the Movie Draft Update being covered only in the Spoilerin’ Time episode. I really liked this being part of the main show for the Winter Movie Draft, and would have completely missed it altogether if I hadn’t noticed the rundown for this week’s Spoilern’ Time episode.

Any chance of seeing the Movie Draft Update making its way back into the main show? As you’re boss, I’d really appreciate it!

As always, keep up the great work!

– Benjamin



Just saw the most recent Cord Killers and have some clarification to offer. You said that PlayOn is $10 a month after an intro period. [[CNET said $10 for 3 months — think Tom read it wrong]] PlayOn and PlayLater (basically internet DVR that records to your PC hard drive) together are normally actually only $40/year but here’s the BIG thing: They are on sale for $50 (OK, $49.99 but don’t you HATE that?!) for lifetime use right now, only $90 when not on sale. A onetime expense and done. …The sole negatives are that PlayLater records in real time, so if you are getting an hour-long show, it takes an hour, and closed captions are painful and pretty much a loss. For one example, an unscrupulous person could record HuluPlus shows and then play them back with the ability to FF thru commercials…
They are great, almost essential tools for a cordcutter.



2015 Winter Movie Draft

  1. GFQ: $363,306,485
  2. Cordkillers: $30,291,700
  3. Frogpants: $25,075,475
  4. Night Attack: $0
  5. DTNS: $0
  6. Amtrekker: $0

Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

Cordkillers 67 – You’re Excited for a Prequel

Why HBO needn’t worry about piracy, why Netflix wants to kill TV, and new news about the Star Wars. 

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CordKillers: Ep. 67 – You’re Excited for a Prequel
Recorded: April 20, 2015
Guest: Ron Richards

Intro Video 

Primary Target

Signal Intelligence

Gear Up

Front Lines

  • Verizon’s ‘customizable’ FiOS TV packages violate contract, says ESPN
    Verizon announced plans to offer new FIOS TV packages that gave users basic channels and two channel bundles of their choice for $55 a month or $65 with Internet. Additional bundles can be added for $10 a month extra. Late Friday Disney released a statement that the bundles were not authorized under existing agreements that don’t allow ESPN or ESPN2 to be distributed in separate sports packages. 
  • HBO renews Silicon Valley for third season
    HBO will not only bring Silicon Valley back for a third season but announced it has acquired the rights to Vimeo show High Maintenance. HBO will air 6 new episodes of the series and make previous episodes available as well. Thanks to sporknpork on Twitter for the tipoff on High Maintenance.
  • Netflix creating 4K successor to Planet Earth
    Here’s a roundup of Netflix show announcements. Silverback Films, the creators of Planet Earth are doing an 8-episode 4K series called Our Planet set to arrive in 2019. Orange is the New Black got the green light for a fourth season in 2016. Season 3 is coming June 12. And Dragons: Race to the Edge from Dreamworks will appear on Netflix June 26. 
  • Sony’s Crackle To Introduce Scheduled Programs In Addition To VOD Offerings
    Sony’s Crackle is adding an “Always On” channel; that will start playing as soon as you launch the app, starting on Roku in May. Also coming to the channel Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser, with David Spade and Christopher Walken, on July 16 a new season of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee on June 4 and a stop-motion animated series called Supermansion featuring the voice of Bryan Cranston coming in autumn.

Under Surveillance

Dispatches from the Front

 Hey Tom & Brian,

I’ve given up writing this review of CBS All Access a few times now because there were just so many problems with the service. But I’m happy to report that with a few recent updates, they’ve moved from “terrible” to “more than tolerable”!

Previously, you could only watch in a browser, on iOS, or on Android. And with iOS, AirPlay isn’t natively supported in the app. This meant no easy big screen viewing. Additionally, your position in an episode wasn’t saved. Want to switch devices, or just come back and finish later? Be prepared to watch a bunch of ads while searching for the spot you left off.

Thankfully, a brand new CBS All Access channel just launched on Roku! And coupled with the recently added per device remembering of playback position in episodes, I’m happy to say this $6 a month service is finally tolerable enough to use for all the cord killing Elementary fans out there.

Now, if they can just get some more diversity in their ads, they can be upgraded from “more than tolerable” to “not actually that bad at all”.

Love the show!


Hey guys,
Just listened to the spoiler n time ep when you talked about the season finally of Better Call Saul. Funny thing that I picked up because I have been watching along with my wife as she works her way through Breaking Bad. I just watch an episode with my wife in BB where Saul says “I once convinced a girl that I was Kevin Kostner” and then thought, wow, I just saw him do that on BCS.. It was a cool moment that had I not been watching BB at the time I’m sure I would have never picked up. I will say that as my wife has been exposed to Saul in BB she is a bit how she was when she met Tyrion Lanester for the first time. “Why do you like him, he’s kind of a dick, and why did they make a show about Saul” I just told her, Saul grows on you like the imp did, and hang in there. so maybe my email will get read because I provided a great transition from last week’s show to next week’s spoils of gold for the season premere of Game of Throwns. Love the show. Love you guys, listen so much you feel like friends. Keep it up, as my summer picks up in real estate, I will become a BOSS..




Just watched episode 64 where you talk about the Amazon Fire TV Stick and how it now has the convenience of logging in through pesky hotel login pages. I travel two weeks a month just for work (three with personal travel included), so a Chromecast is always in my bag. Streaming content (e.g. Netflix, Youtube) over crappy hotel internet has never been an issue for me. A few of the hotels that I stay at don’t require you to use to web browser login page, so Chromecast works great for those trips, but I have yet to find a work around for the places that do have that ridiculousness. Knowing that the Fire TV Stick has a simple solution to this makes it very appealing just for travel purposes alone, which means that I could leave the Chromecast plugged into one of the Home TV’s 24/7.

Hope this gives a small insight to us traveling plenty and how we try to consume our content on the road. Love the show. Keep delivering the goodness.




Just wanted to bring up a quick point about the YouTube subscriptions that are paid by time spent viewing. I understand details are few, but I would like to know how they handle playlist and gaming the ‘time spent viewing’. What prevents me from starting a playlist of cordkillers and leaving for work? Do they implement the Pandora style ‘are you still listening/watching ?’

Again details are vague and let wild speculation rule the land. Just interested in your thoughts as creators.




A couple of things:

First, CNet has an article about how those of us outside of the Apple eco-system can get HBO Now via the PlayOn service. Here’s the article —

Second, I’m sure you’ve been corrected a thousand times about this, but the pronunciation of Hauppauge is not “how-pudge”, it’s “hop-ogg” or “hop-pog”.

Third, I took a few months off from Cordkillers so I could read all 5 of the Game of Thrones books, but I’m back and have resumed my patronage.



2015 Winter Movie Draft

  1. GFQ: $318,273,110
  2. Cordkillers: $23,681,298
  3. Frogpants: $15,845,115
  4. Night Attack: $0
  5. DTNS: $0
  6. Amtrekker: $0

Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

Cordkillers 66 – HBO Now or Later?

HBO launches on Apple, Cablevision and Sling TV, and YouTube to sell subscriptions.

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CordKillers: Ep. HBO Now or Later?
Recorded: April 11, 2015
Guest: None

Intro Video 

Primary Target

Signal Intelligence

  • YouTube planning subscription service for ad-free videos
    YouTube sent creators an email about subscription service
    – YouTube subscription service becomes available in the next few months
    – Ad-free videos and offline storage around $10 a month (could be lower for specific categories)
    – Ability to put some videos behind paywall
    – Same % split as ads. 55% to creator
    – Sub money apportioned based on TSV
    – Partners must participate or have videos set to private

Gear Up

Front Lines

Under Surveillance

Dispatches from the Front

You guys were talking about how the Tivo Romio was the ultimate cord cutters box because it combined OTA DVR with apps. Well sirs! I submit to you that now that Microsoft is finally getting around to supporting an OTA tuner for the Xbox One here in the US, I saw they just went and beat Tivo and Channel Master to the punch! Just hold on and let me explain my case:

Before you say the price difference to too much it would take you about two years to pay the same amount of money you gave Tivo for the subscription that you spend to get the Xbox. Yes, the initial cost would be higher, but the Tivo option just spreads that out over two years. And over that two years, the Xbox One will continue to get more updates and capabilities, the Tivo will be just as slow and frustrating as it was on day one and you just keep giving them more money!



  • Tivo Romio – $49.99
    -OTA Recording
    -Slow outdated apps
    -Subscription Fee Required – $14.99/month
  • Xbox One – $349.99 + $79.99 Tuner from Hauppauge or $59.99 Official Adapter in a few months
    All the apps you need up-to-date and fast
    No Subscription — Xbox Gold is NOT required for media apps or recording 
    Xbox tuner is not a DVR 


Hey Employees. Quick question here.

I’d like to get into the Breaking Bad universe and I’m wondering as someone thats only ever seen the pilot of Breaking Bad should I watch Breaking Bad first or since Better Call Saul is a prequel should I watch that first?

-From your boss, Nik.



Given the recent news regarding Sling TVs hiccups during the final four basketball games, I’m curious as to what expectations for downtime for live internet-delivered TV are?

No downtime is certainly best, however I know personally I have held higher expectations for traditional broadcast methods compared to internet-streamed video. Although always annoying when streams fail / buffer / etc., I always expected it at times as it was new technology and/or rarely time sensitive material to watch. Sling TV is new tech itself and still maturing, but will viewers (from tech savvy to my grandparents) be expecting ‘traditional broadcast stability’ or ‘internet broadcast stability’?

Of course there have always been technical issues with the ‘old’ methods as well. However I cannot remember the last time a major live TV event went down for more than a few seconds over traditional broadcast methods (perhaps I’ve been lucky). At the moment, these major live TV events, and high viewer counts, must be massive quality concerns for IP-delivered TV streams. Quality and stability are even more vital given the events themselves are a major reason for purchasing services like Sling TV in the first place.

This will hopefully become a non issue as tech improves of course.

Keep up the fine work!

Your boss down under,



I thought I was the only one! After paying and seeing a terrible movie in 2007 (REDACTED) sitting through an hour and half to find out that he still dies (ohh yeah spoiler alert, but it doesn’t even matter it’s so terrible Do Not Watch It!) I seek out every movie and TV show plot before I invest my time watching it. I have sympathy for the spoiler-phobic and try not to spoil things for my friends and family but personally I’m not paying for something if I know I won’t like the end.

You guys are great, I love your show, and I’m thrilled to be a patron! 🙂


Steve B.


Hey guys,

Just thought I would chime in on the spoiler discussion.

I would have to admit I am definitely closer to the Andrew Zarian spectrum when it come to spoilers (maybe its a Queens thing).

I tend to enjoy spoilers and never try to avoid them unless I know I am about to see something soon anyway, and would of course not seek out a show called spoilerin time if I was afraid of possible spoilers.

I will admit, if it wasn’t for you guys spoiling Breaking Bad every week on Frame Rate, I probably would not have taken the plunge to binge watch it all. And I still greatly enjoyed it, despite knowing *blank* is blown up using *blank*

By the way Brian, if you do read this on the show it might need to be in spoilerin time. Despite the blanks people will still get upset.




Employees, fellow owners, stop complaining about spoilers if you don’t like them don’t listen! I get tired of hearing about should we have spoilers, shouldn’t we have spoilers, oh my God we need to do this about spoilers no no we need to do this. I don’t listen to here 5-10 minutes of debating spoiler protocol weekly!




I am a long time supporter of cordkillers and shaved the cord down to only my local channels.

My question is about Yahoo! Screen and their recent original programing. I am a big fan of community and love that they are giving it a second life. Since I was in the app I also decided to check out Sin City Saints, which appears to be another solid show. I now see that they are bringing in some show called Other Space. The thing is that Yahoo! has been providing these shows without any visible commercials on the roku or apple TV apps. Is the plan a future subscription service or is there something else going on? With some of this quality programming, I would hate to see it all vanish because they are not getting a return on their investment. Just wondering what Tom Brain and guest might think about what is strategy.

Love the who bro.





Do you know of a way to get an alert when your favorite team is the free game of the day on Maybe by using In this case I know what I want to watch. I just don’t know when it is available to watch.

In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, as part of the streaming service they offer one game a day for free. I don’t pay for the service, but when my favorite team, the Chicago Cubs, is the free game of the day I would like to seize the opportunity. I have WGN America on cable and unfortunately this year the Cubs games that are on WGN are only on the broadcast version of the channel available in the Chicago area, but not WGN America the cable channel available via cable throughout the country.

This is similar to what TBS did a few years ago when it separated TBS the cable channel from TBS the broadcast channel available only in the Atlanta area. However, in that case the broadcast version became known as Peachtree TV with separate branding and programing, while the cable version stayed TBS (very funny). The Braves games that were available on TBS are essentially now on Peachtree TV.

In WGN’s case both the broadcast version and WGN America have the same programing as far as I can tell except for the lack of Chicago Cubs games. And the subtle difference in branding between WGN and WGN America confuses most consumers.

Bill near Athens, Georgia


2015 Winter Movie Draft

  1. GFQ: $252,522,000
  2. Cordkillers: $13,500,000
  3. Night Attack: $0
  4. DTNS: $0
  5. Frogpants: $0
  6. Amtrekker: $0

Dog House Systems Cordkiller box