Cordkillers 55 – People Say Things

We get a review of Sling TV from an early user, Tom reviews Vessel’s private beta and Netflix conquers the world.


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CordKillers: Ep. 55 – People Say Things
Recorded: January 26, 2015
Guests: Luke BoumaAndrew Zarian

Intro Video 

Primary Target

Signal Intelligence

Gear Up

Front Lines

Under Surveillance

2014 Winter Movie Draft

  1. Brett: $596,361,413
  2. Brian: $445,112,651
  3. Scott: $442,944,952
  4. Tom: $371,798,900
  5. Justin: $270,293,833
  6. John: $245,165,632

Dispatches from the Front

Hi Tom and Brian,

As a daily watcher of two ESPN shows (Around the Horn and Pardon the Interruption), I’d like to chime in with my impression of Sling TV as a cord cutting alternative, given that it’s the first time I’ve been able to consider killing that cord!

I’ve tried my hardest to get excited about Sling TV, but I just can’t do it! The main problem is that if I want to watch my ESPN shows, I have no choice but to watch them live and with commercials. Sling TV has no DVR functions, and only certain channels even let you pause live TV (and ESPN isn’t included). When I saw that Sling TV would also grant access to the WatchESPN app, I briefly hoped that I’d be able to watch my shows after the fact. Not so! Apparently ESPN doesn’t put ATN or PTI on WatchESPN.

If I went over the air and signed up for Sling TV, I’d be going from $55/month for my current TV service to $20, but adding a ton of complexity, removing all convenience, and I couldn’t watch my shows (having a 5 month old in the house makes it impossible to guarantee time in front of the TV every day at exactly 5pm). I’d also have to cobble together a bunch of sources for the other cable channels I couldn’t get from Sling like Comedy Central, adding even more complexity.

Sterling, VA




I was laughing after the last episode of Cord Killers because my Draft grades for your league were just about spot on – give or take a few million between you and Scott. 😛 . Also, thanks to you guys I got sucked into “The Man in the High Castle” and am mad that I have to wait for episode (rest of season)

Side question? Where can I find the rules that you guys are going by? Mainly, How long does a movie stay in the theaters before you stop counting it’s revenue?

Thanks Guys, love the show!


p.s – you totally got my name right by the way! lol – Congrats



Hi Brian and Tom,

A couple of things have changed for me in a period of 72 hours. I’ve been a cord killer for over 14 months. Brian asked all fans of CordKillers to re-subscribe to cable to watch “Hacking the System” on NatGeo. This Friday m ISP Charter called me and offered cable for an additional $26.00 a month with my 30mbps internet. I said yes and agreed to have it installed February 5.

But then this last Saturday, I talked to my neighbors who are also with Charter and are paying for all the channels offered in their triple bundle for $200.00 a month. While they declined to cord shave on my advice,they gave me their email and password to use their subscription to view HBO and Showtime and basically every cable channel available on Roku as I have a Roku 3.

My question as I was able with their login information watch “Hacking the System”, do I still re-subscribe to cable and view the same channels with my login info? Or do I enjoy the content with my neighbors login info that they willingly gave me as a gift and cancel the install? I realize not everyone has a nice neighbor who gives out their login info, but I’m really thinking of canceling my install and use their login info for authentication.

I’d appreciate a reply from either of you on or off the show.

David from Fond Du Lac,WI asking



I have to disagree with your assessment of Marco Polo. I’ve been getting caught up (thru ep5) to watch along with you and I’m really enjoying it. The political intrigue is great. Kublai Khan and his family are fascinating and well-acted. The cinematography is beautiful. All-in-all I’m really enjoying it and looking forward to finishing the series.

One question: who’s the white guy?

Thanks for a great show! Keep it up!




Hi Guys

As one of the many great bosses you have I think you should take a look at the DOKO .

Think Brian could find a few uses 🙂

Keep up the great work.




Hi guys,

Just wanted to know if you guys have ever discussed two separate podcast streams for cordkillers.

One for the show and another one for Spoilerin’ Time. The reason is, I use the podcast app Stitcher and it automatically loads the latest version of the podcast. So sometimes I haven’t heard the episode and Spoiler’ Time is already in its place. So then I have to dig into the options to look for the actual episode (all while driving my car *danger* *danger!*). Also for me I only listen to Spoilerin’ Time if I’ve watched what you guys are about to Spoiler (example Game of Thones, Breaking Bad, ETC). I don’t’ listen to the “slow season” of Spoilers (Amazon Pilots, The Shield, etc). It would be nice if I can subscribe to two separate podcasts.

Let me know what you guys think and remember this is the boss talking 🙂

Keep up the great work as always.




The place I work in Alabama took an informal poll today on how our employees watch most of their TV. 46.3% said Live. 34.6 said DVR and 19.1 said online service like Netflix or Hulu. There 5190 responses. Not sure what it means, if anything, but found it interesting.


Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

Cordkillers 54 – How Can I watch Judge Judy?

Amazon wants to make movies but hires Woody Allen to make TV shows. Daily Motion takes on TWiTCH and GoPro goes live.

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CordKillers: Ep. 54 – How Can I watch Judge Judy?
Recorded: January 19, 2015
Guest: Kristi Kates

Intro Video 

Primary Target

Signal Intelligence

  • Dailymotion launches live-streaming gaming platform to compete with Twitch
    DailyMotion announced DailyMotion Games, highlighting game streaming.
    – Gaming already generates 180 million video views every month and draws 11 million unique visitors every month
    – Partners at the time of the launch include Eclypsia, Millenium, joinDOTA, OnGameNet, IGN,, Gamespot or Gamekult.
    – DailyMotion Games App for iOS, Android and PS4.
  • Amazon’s Twitch Gaming Unit to Allow Streaming Music
    Twitch meanwhile will allow users to stream a limited library of music on game streams. (about 500 songs)
    – Broadcast original music and host music shows

Gear Up

Front Lines

Under Surveillance

2014 Winter Movie Draft

  1. Brett: $483,237,219
  2. Brian: $439,826,000
  3. Scott: $431,592,000
  4. Tom: $368,966,269
  5. John: $238,862,841
  6. Justin: $227,389,000

Dispatches from the Front

I am a cordkiller. But I used to love Aereo. I know you guys talk a lot about cable shows and prime time.
How can I watch Judge Judy? Or other day time shows?

Student and sometimes your boss




Please tell the National Geographic Channel how DVRs work. I tried to setup a program to record all the episodes of your upcoming series, “Hacking the System.” However, instead of each episode being called Hacking the system and then in the metadata there being an episode name each show has the name Hacking the System with a subtitle such as Hacking the System: Personal Security. As a result a series recording program only records one episode. So I have to setup an individual recording for each episode. (In your best mobster voice) I hope I don’t have an unfortunately accident and forget to record one of your episodes. That would be a shame.

Bill near Athens, Georgia



Suddenlink is my only choice for real broadband internet and cable TV and I bet they only serve markets with no competition. I live in an apartment and can’t get local channels with an indoor antenna and satellite installation is impractical. Last fall, Suddenlink dropped 24 Viacom channels including Comedy Central. I’ve been watching The Daily Show and others on free Hulu since then. Today I wanted to watch the season 2 premiere of Broad City on Comedy Central but Hulu only has season 1 so I went to Comedy Central’s web site to watch it. Viacom is blocking Suddenlink broadband customers in retaliation to Suddenlink not carrying their channels any longer. So, my only choice if I want to watch Broad City legitimately is to pay $1.99 per episode.

Municipal broadband needs to happen for real in markets with only one real broadband provider.




Not sure if you remember me. I was the guy who let you know that making the animated “Turbo FAST” for Netflix tales a long time! Well, we have another cool new show for you to check out on Amazon this time! Free of course!

Niko and the Sword of Light

It’s part of the new set of pilots. We did it in true Ultra-HD. 3048x2160p. First as far as I know for any 2D animation production. Maybe Brian will want to watch it with his kids?




You boss here – I think you need to do an entire show special on just Plex and the 101 use cases for it. Not a deep dive into setup but maybe a few viewers who are large uses of it walk through their setup and where it was the answer to a problem they had. I don’t think I go a day without saying Plex to someone. I use the HELL out of it for multiple things (Also dedicated storage array & 2 Mac Mini’s to run it all) – central media, live TV (HDHomeRun & Cable Card – I know I am a cord shaver not cutter), photo library, offline syncing, word wide accessible, usable at grandma house. The best part is wife approved and 3 & 4 year old usable. I feel people see Plex and get the basics but not understand the real power it has and how it works. In my option I think Plex / a good media manager is KEY to cord cutting.




I have to grudgingly echo what Brian said about AT&T. I rage quit Cox a year ago, and braced myself for a new round of headaches with AT&T. But the installer showed up on time and was a total pro. Great guy, eager to talk about how everything worked, and about the future of the industry. I did have some early internet issues, but a different AT&T work crew showed up THE NEXT DAY and fixed a bad connection out at the street level. I am now paying $70 less than I was with Cox, with a far more dependable connection and better DVRs.
I’m glad somebody at ONE of these cable companies finally got a clue.




I don’t remember this being addressed on the show or if it’s new, but UltraViolet lets you share your library with up to five other users. It’s accessed not through the UltraViolet site, but through MGo, TargetTicket, Nook, or VUDU.

I couldn’t figure out how to do it at MGo or TargetTicket (I don’t have a Nook account), but VUDU made it incredibly easy. You go to your account menu click on UltraViolet and it’s right there.

Not being able to share with family members has been one of the most frustrating things about my transition to going all digital. I think this is going to push me over the edge.

You’ve talked before about how people don’t seem to know what UltraViolet is and, seeing how this has been implemented, I’m starting to think that they’re wanting it to only be a tag.. a label or something like that. Maybe sort of like all of those logos on the back of your ATM card. I don’t know if my bank is a part of the “Star Network” or “Pulse Network” but all I care is that I stick my card in and get money. Different ATMs will give me different features (balances, transfers, etc) just like different retailers will let me do different things with my movies, but its UltraViolet providing the back end.

Maybe our problem is that we’re here at the beginning and we’re too aware of what’s going on. In a couple of years, UltraViolet might work just like our ATM cards do.


Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

Cordkillers 53 – Blasphemy

Internet TV arrives in Hollywood, why it’s OK NOT to cut the cord, and a full Windows PC that plugs into your TV’s HDMI port for $149.


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CordKillers: Ep. 53 – Blasphemy
Recorded: January 12, 2015
Guest: Lamarr Wilson

Intro Video 

Primary Target

  • Amazon, Netflix Win Big At The Golden Globes
  • Amazon wins
    – Jeffrey Tambor (Best Actor, comedy or musical TV) (Beat Gervais in Derek)
    – Transparent, best comedy or musical series (Beat OitNB, Girls and Silicon Valley)
  • Netflix Win
    – Kevin Spacey, best actor in TV drama
  • Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin plugged upcoming Netflix show Grace and Frankie
    – One of the award intros remarked it doesn’t matter what screen you watch a show on…
    – Hulu plugs telling people to watch shows
  • No major network show made the cut for nomination as best comedy series (Broadcast TV took 2 awards, best supporting actress drama (Joanne Froggatt, Downton Abbey) and Best Actress TV comedy or musicl, Gina Rodriguez CW’s Jane the Virgin))

Signal Intelligence

Gear Up

Front Lines

  • Verizon CEO Says Video Effort to Debut in Second Half, AOL Acquisition Report Inaccurate
    Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam speaking at the Citi Media Conference indicated the companies online video service will debut in 2nd half of the year. Also it will focus on mobile and wireless.
    -Why mobile? Well McAdam said: “Millennials are not signing up for 300 channels that they have to sit in front of the TV at 8 o’clock to see a certain show. (Our service) is probably going to be a 20- or 30-channel offering, and the content that we see will be very compelling.”
  • David Cross’ new movie will be the first feature film distributed in a BitTorrent Bundle
    David Cross of Mr. Show and Arrested Development fame is showcased his movie Hits sat Sundance last year to mixed reviews. So Feb. 13 he’ll distribute it as a pay-what-you-want BitTorrent Bundle, the first feature film distributed as a Bundle. He’s also launching a Kickstarter to raise $100K to rent theaters and do marketing for pay-what-you-want theater showings.
  • Tablo is building a beautiful Roku app for its cord-cutting DVR
    Tablo previewed new apps for Roku, Android TV and Fire TV at CES The Roku app should come to users by the end of March. They also showed off Tablo Metro DVR with tiny built-in antennas for folks who live within 25 miles of the TV towers. It’s also expected in March for $249 with two tuner capability.

Under Surveillance

2014 Winter Movie Draft

  1. Brian: $426,279,690
  2. Scott: $412,921,238
  3. Tom: $362,581,351
  4. Brett: $337,754,420
  5. John: $224,307,968
  6. Justin: $154,196,092

Dispatches from the Front

Hey guys,
Is spoilering time strictly for shows that you are currently watching or can we make special requests? I love listening to spoilering time as like a tv digest. I don’t really have (or necessarily want to have) time to watch some shows and spoilering time is like my clif notes to popular tv. Long story short; I love being spoiled! If requests are granted then please spoil for me LOST. I’ve only watched up to season 3 and although I don’t particularly want to watch the rest of the seasons I would like to know how it ends. Love the show!

Your boss,



Hi Guys,
Couple of thoughts from the last show:

Didn’t feel justified sending a message without being a patron, so here I am. Also, I was disappointed to hear that being not being a patron put me in with the majority of your listeners so I am proud to be part of a minority group.

On the subject of the Sling TV service, if a similar service was available in Canada it would boost my chances of cord cutting over 80%, my wife just wants to turn on the TV and watch. She doesn’t want to choose the programming, we have Netflix but even going through that menu can be frustrating and using the internal network becomes frustrating with quality glitches and buffering.

Also Brian being one of your latest bosses, I need you to change your schedule. I fly to England on January 19th so, please change your Hacking the system premier to January 18th, thanks.

Ian in Ontario, Canada.

The Geeky Brit.



Hey Brian and Tom, I think the “Gear Up” section should be called “Cord Cutlery.”

Thanks, love the show.



Hi Brian,

Unfortunately, the government (and studios) interpret the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (a predecessor to the DMCA) such that violating your terms and service can be a criminal act. The wording is:

“No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title.”

Kind of what a VPN does when you use it to watch content in a region where it is not available.

This is pretty much how they threw the book at Aaron Swartz.

Not that any of this is a good thing.

Alan (not a lawyer?) 


Greetings, programs. Just wanted to share with you my handy guide for whether or not Sling TV is right for you. Perhaps you and your viewers might find this interesting.

Dave Warner


This may be parsing things too finely, but I wanted to comment that we almost bought one of the Hisense TVs with Roku built in. My non-techy husband was at the store, and called me to discuss what to buy. He said the box indicated that the TV comes with a Roku stick (instead of having the software built into the TV). It was $30-40 more than the same size Hisense TV without the Roku, which is what we ended up buying. Our model only has 3 HDMI ports (if the Roku version is the same, that leaves two open ports — I guess you get what you pay for).

It seems like this is only worth it if you don’t have a Roku already, and even then only marginally. I wanted the software actually built-in to make it easier for my non-techy hubby. We already have 2 Roku boxes.

I’m bringing this up because you often talk about these TVs with stuff built in, and I’m wondering how many of them are really just selling the devices together in the same box, and whether you think this is better or worse than built in.

Love the show!

Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

Cordkillers 51 – I’m Not a Reality Show Kinda Guy

The Interview hits online, Netflix says goodbye and hello and 4K apps on Vizio.

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CordKillers: Ep. 51 – I’m Not a Reality Show Kinda Guy
Recorded: December 29, 2014
Guest: None

Intro Video 

Primary Target

Signal Intelligence

Gear Up

Front Lines

Under Surveillance

2014 Winter Movie Draft

  1. Scott: $378,364,906
  2. Tom: $325,740,292
  3. Brian: $317,556,820
  4. Brett: $223,479,164
  5. John: $133,316,656
  6. Justin: $74,147,621

Dispatches from the Front


I already told you… eBay your jail broken first gen AppleTV. You will get enough money to buy at least two current gen AppleTVs in return. Look on eBay and see for yourself. Get it done, and stop bashing the AppleTV!




Hey Brian and Tom,

I just thought you would find this confirmation of the ending of the legend of korra series.
One of your bosses




Im now saving 136.00 a month I cut the cable tv and phone and just kept internet went from 187.00 down to 51.00. I spent around 200.00 to install a DB8E antenna on the roof with a four way distribution amp. I live about 40 miles from new orleans and mississippi gulf coast so i have one antenna bay pointed to new orleans and the other to the gulf coast and I get all the channels from both markets a total of 41 channels. I have a roku stick on each of the four tv’s and with the antenna and roku’s with amazon, hulu, and netflix im set.




Hi Brian and Tom,

I have been watching you all for a couple of years now and really like the show. I wanted to let you know about this device I came across the other day, it’s called Brilliant TV. It’s from a small start up company near West Palm Beach, FL where I live. From what I can tell, this device seems to be close to what the old Boxee Box use to offer. It’s a small set top box that runs a version of Android and it’s an aggregate of all on-line content that is available for free. To include TV Shows, Movies, sporting events and foreign television as well.

Again, they are a small company and the device is a little expensive.($500 is what they told me but is says $599 on their web site.) However, these guys seem to have done a pretty good job on the delivery of the product from what I saw in the demonstration.

Take a look at this device and see what you think. You can find it at this URL:

I look forward to hear what you all have to say about this device.

Keep up the great work Brain and Tom.




[SPOILER TALK] for The Walking Dead

On the last spoilerin’ time I listened to you mentioned that you stopped reading The Walking Dead comics before the Eugene reveal and I realized that you did the exact same thing as me. I read the comic up to the point where Abraham’s crew appeared and stopped, and I watched the show until the disappointment that was the governor and stopped. My roommates continued to watch the show in the living room where I catch glimpses and can tell what part of the story they are in (me being the only one to have read the comics in the house) and they got to the point where Abraham appeared and I thought “Oh no… I don’t want the crappy show version to ruin the comic for me” (though now that I have seen parts of season 4 and 5 I see that they are taking even more liberties with the source material and is at best loosely based on the comics) so I took the plunge and read (renting from the library) the nearly 100 issues I needed to to catch up, it was the best decision I have made in a long time. The most recently completed story arc literally shook the core of my humanity (maybe not so much, but it was really good), so I suggest that you continue the comics.

TL;DR Continue the walking dead comics!



Dog House Systems Cordkiller box
