Scott Inteviews Paul Sun Hyung Lee, Appa from Kim’s Convenience and Captain Carson Teva in The Mandalorian. Wonderful chat!
CGC 108: Why CGI Cant Do Everything…Yet
CGC 108: Why CGI Cant Do Everything…Yet. Mo-cap, CG, big stuff, subtle stuff…it’s all amazing, but will we ever get to a place where CGI just simply does it all? Maybe. Tune in and see if we get closer to that answer!
CGC 109: The Appendix!
We take the season that was, and turn it into a roundup with Scott, Tom, Rich and Hammond!
CGC 106: Before E Was For Everyone
Before E Was For Everyone. Remember the early 90’s and a little game called Mortal Kombat? Well, it sorta changed the video game world forever, and created a whole new stir among parents, gamers, and the government! We tackle that time and see what we can suss out of it, and look at what has actually changed!
CGC 107: One Connection To Rule Them All
From serial and parallel to SCSI and IDE to firewire and USB-C, today’s episode dives deep into the history of connectivity, and why it took so long to get where we are, as fast as we are.
Scott Inteviews Paul Sun Hyung Lee
Scott Inteviews Paul Sun Hyung Lee, Appa from Kim’s Convenience and Captain Carson Teva in The Mandalorian. Wonderful chat!
CGC 109: The Appendix!
We take the season that was, and turn it into a roundup with Scott, Tom, Rich and Hammond!
CGC 108: Why CGI Cant Do Everything…Yet
CGC 108: Why CGI Cant Do Everything…Yet. Mo-cap, CG, big stuff, subtle stuff…it’s all amazing, but will we ever get to a place where CGI just simply does it all? Maybe. Tune in and see if we get closer to that answer!
CGC 107: One Connection To Rule Them All
CGC 106: Before E Was For Everyone
Before E Was For Everyone. Remember the early 90’s and a little game called Mortal Kombat? Well, it sorta changed the video game world forever, and created a whole new stir among parents, gamers, and the government! We tackle that time and see what we can suss out of it, and look at what has actually changed!