The stories about how reality TV gets made, and how the people who make it and edit get to what we call the final product. Is any of it real? We go deep and take a peek.
CGC 104: Zoom And Enhance!
Why is Zoom and Enhance a thing, and where did it come from? Have we EVER been able to do it? Are we able to do it now? The answers my surprise you!
CGC 103: The Theramin Is For Chumps
The Theramin Is For Chumps. Some cool and weird techno instruments that are not the Theramin. Why are we so into alternative instruments, and why are they important? Tom and Scott explore!
CGC 102: A Guide To Wrestling For Outsiders
Scott and Tom try and understand the world of professional wrestling, past and present, and with the help of some professional guests, I think we may have cracked the case!
CGC 101a: Supplimental
A chance to let you know the upcoming episode release schedule! And a bit more with Tom, Scott, Hammond, and Rich!