Elon’s Millions: Buying Twitter – DTNS 4315

Will Elon’s decision to pull-out of the deal to acquire Twitter mean the two next face each other in court? Are smart thermostats bad for the power grid? And the NY Times reports that Jony Ive’s LoveFrom design firm and Apple have parted ways.

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Scott Johnson, Roger Chang, Joe.

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

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Amazon desarrolla vacunas contra el cáncer – NTX 161

Nissan presenta vehículo eléctrico, Amazon desarrolla vacunas y HBO Max quiere regresar a Prime Video



-Spotify anunció que expandirá la opción de tener podcasts en video en Italia, España, Alemania, Francia, Brasil y México.
-Warner Bros Discovery está en negociaciones con Amazon para reactivar el acuerdo de distribución en la plataforma de Prime Video.
-Nissan presentó su primer vehículo con tecnología e-Power. Este será la Kicks, un vehículo suburbano originalmente lanzado en Tailandia y que se ofrecerá durante este segundo semestre de 2022
-Microsoft advirtió sobre una serie masiva de ataques de Phishing dirigidos a más de 10,000 organizaciones desde septiembre de 2021
-Amazon colabora con el Centro de Investigación del Cáncer Fred Hutchinson en el desarrollo de vacunas conta el cáncer de mama y melanoma.

Discusión: Amazon colabora con el desarrollo de una vacuna contra el cáncer.

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Muchas gracias a Dan Lueders por la música.

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TikTok to Introduce Content Levels – DTH

DTH-6-150x150TikTok will introduce “Content Levels,” a new system to restrict mature content from teen viewers, China’s National Press and Publication Administration doesn’t approve titles from Tencent or NetEase in its latest announcement, and Medium founder Ev Williams steps down as CEO.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

Send us email to feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com

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You Need Bluetooth LE Audio – DTNS 4314

A group of 1000 AI researchers have created a multilingual large language model bigger than GPT-3, the AI model behind DALL-E, that’s completely open. BMW hopes to use a subscription model for optional features in its cars sold in South Korea. And we go over the Bluetooth LE Audio specification.

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar, Roger Chang, Joe, Amos

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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

Send to email to feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com

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¿Quién filtró los documentos de Uber? – NTX 160

Twitter te ayuda a salir de conversaciones, GameStop lanza su mercado de NFTs y se revela quién filtró los documentos de Uber



-Twitter empezó a implementar la función de “no mencionar”, disponible para todos los usuarios.
-TikTok planea actualizar sus políticas de privacidad en Europa para el 13 de julio y no pedir a los usuarios su consentimiento para ser rastreados para recibir anuncios dirigidos.
-WhatsApp ya te dejará usar cualquier emoji como reacción.
-GameStop lanzó una versión beta pública de su mercado para NFTs
-El ex jefe de cabildeo europeo de Uber, Mark MacGann, se presentó como el denunciante que filtró los más de 124,000 documentos a The Guardian

Discusión: Control de daños en Uber.

Puedes apoyar a Noticias de Tecnología Express directamente en este enlace.
Gracias a todos los que nos apoyan. Sin ustedes, nada de esto sería posible.
Muchas gracias a Dan Lueders por la música.

Contáctanos escribiendo a feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com

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TikTok Pauses European Privacy Policy Update – DTH

DTH-6-150x150TikTok agrees to “pause” its European privacy policy update after consulting with the Irish Data Protection Commission, Twitter begins rolling out its “unmentioning” feature, and BMW launches a marketplace in South Korea to offer car features as a subscription.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

Send us email to feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com

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Turning Over the Apple Car – DTNS 4313

How well does AI improve the diagnostic capabilities of physicians in breast cancer screening? What exactly is the state of Apple’s car project? And focus a spotlight on Jessica Matthews the founder and CEO of Uncharted Power.

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Nica Montford, Roger Chang, Joe, Amos

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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or to give as little as 10 cents a day on Patreon, Thank you!

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

Send to email to feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com

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Revelan manejos poco éticos de Uber – NTX 159

Elon Musk dice que siempre no a Twitter, detalles del fallido Apple Car y liberan documentos del manejo de Uber con Kalanich.



-El abogado de Elon Musk, Mike Ringler, dijo que Musk no procedería con la adquisición de Twitter
-Meta lanzó como código libre una herramienta llamada Sphere, la cual está diseñada para proporcionar una base de conocimiento para Inteligencia Artificial y otras plataformas complejas.
-The Information publicó un artículo que analiza los últimos 8 años de desarrollo del proyecto del mítico Apple Car.
-Google ha ofrecido colocar la división de su negocio de subasta y venta de anuncios en una compañía distinta bajo la organización general de Alphabet, para evitar demandas antimonopolio.
-The Guardian obtuvo más de 124 mil documentos internos de Uber correspondientes a la época en que Travis Kalanich era el CEO

Discusión: ¿Es Uber un negocio rentable?

Puedes apoyar a Noticias de Tecnología Express directamente en este enlace.
Gracias a todos los que nos apoyan. Sin ustedes, nada de esto sería posible.
Muchas gracias a Dan Lueders por la música.

Contáctanos escribiendo a feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com

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The Guardian Publishes Document Trove on Uber from 2013-2017 – DTH

DTH-6-150x150The Guardian published details from documents from Uber’s rapid growth period under CEO Travis Kalanick, Elon Musk looks to get out from his proposed Twitter acquisition, and Ericsson wins an injunction against Apple to prevent the sale of 5G iPhones and iPads in Columbia.



You can get an ad-free feed of Daily Tech Headlines for $3 a month here.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, KAPT_Kipper, and PJReese on the subreddit

Send us email to feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com

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What Are We Actually Buying? – DTNS 4312

E3 announced it will return in 2023, but will there be anyone waiting for them when they do? Plus special edition bundles of God of War Ragnarok set for a November release come with a number of collector items but curiously no actual game disc just a digital code. And the PlayStation Store will remove access to Studiocanal movies purchased by German and Austrian customers next month.

Starring Tom Merritt, Patrick Norton, Trisha Hershberger, Roger Chang, Joe, Amos

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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

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Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods Jack_Shid and KAPT_Kipper on the subreddit

Send to email to feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com

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