Facial Recognition software installed at Washinton-Duelles flagged a man trying to enter the country illegally. Plus Epic encouraging Fortnite players to use 2FA by offering free boogie-down emote and Japan tries to prepare for flying cars.
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Len Peralta, and Roger Chang
Good Old Games has launched on a new site dedicated to promoting DRM-free content. Will it succeed in creating a DRM-free alternative to iTunes and Amazons of the digital marketplace?
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang and Scott Johnson.
Xiaomi making money and lowering prices, Facebook and twitter ban accounts they say originate in Iran and Russia, Verizon caught throttling fire department during California fires.
Top tech companies are looking to hire experience over formal education, Netflix wants to escape the Apple’s cut on subscriptions, and Microsoft cracks down on Russian bots.
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang, and Patrick Beja.
Nvidia announces new consumer video cards based on its Turing GPU architecture, Financial Times drafting rules to penalize social media platforms for not removing terrorist content within an hour of notification, and Bittorrent’s creator criticizes cryptocurrency.
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang and Justin Robert Young.