DTNS 2336 – Turn Your Head and Like

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comShannon Morse is here and we’ll talk about what Facebook might do if it moves into health care, and if anyone would trust them with their health data. Plus Len Peralta will illustrate the show!


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes
Today’s guests: Shannon Morse,podcaster and producer for shows with @Hak5 @Revision3 and @TWiTand Len Peralta, podcast pioneer and art-prover!


STRONGBAD AND HOMESTARRUNNER ARE BACK!!!!!! New toon. Next one? Mike Chapman told Rolling Stone: “We’re planning on doing a Halloween cartoon, but no promises there.”

You know that rumor that sources said rumored that Apple’s iPad announcement would come on a rumored october 21st date. Well the rumor has been rescheduled. Now Recode reports sources say the rumored event is rumored to be on Thursday October 16th. For its part Apple has not actually said anything about any of this.

More rumors! Reuters says three people familiar with the matter- THREE— claim Facebook is planning healthcare related projects. One idea is to create support communities for people suffering from particular illnesses. The other idea is an app for preventative care to help people improve their health. Facebook has allegedly held meetings with medical industry experts and entrepreneurs and set up an R&D unit to test new health apps. All of this is still in the idea gathering stage.

Ars Technica passes along the Wall Street Journal report that Google’s X lab is working on giant displays that are also modular. Smaller screens could plug together like interlocking bricks to create larger screens with a seamless image. Similar technology is used in stadiums for things like the jumbotron and in products like the Christie MicroTiles. However Google wants to get rid of any trace of the seams.

Recode reports that Marriott has agreed to pay $600,000 to settle a US FCC complaint that it blocked personal wi-fi networks at a Nashville resort, forcing consumers to purchase access from the hotel. Marriott told Recode it was merely protecting its patrons “from rogue wireless hotspots that can cause degraded service, insidious cyber-attacks and identity theft.” Marriott will be barred from using Wi-Fi blocking technology and must file regular reports with the FCC for three years.

The Next Web reports that, as expected, Facebook received approval from European regulators for its 19 billion dollar purchase of messaging company WhatsApp. Joaquín Almunia, EC Vice President in charge of competition policy, said that the deal would not hamper competition as consumers would still have plenty of options in the messaging field.

And Google would like to provide an alternative to WhatsApp since they lost out in the bidding war to buy it. The Economic Times of India reports that Google is planning its own mobile messaging app, which may launch in 2015, in India according to sources. The app would not require a google login and be free to use. An app like that might fit verynicely in the Android One ffort to encourage affordable smartphones in India and elsewhere.

Remember BadUSB. Karsten Nohl demonstrated the attack to a standing room only crowd at Black Hat. It showed that it was possible to corrupt any USB device’s firmware with malware. The problem has not been fixed, and Nohl had not released the code. However researchers Adam Caudill and Brandon Wilson reverse engineered the USB firmware for microcontrollers sold by Phison, and reproduced the attack. They also released the code in an effort to help people defend against it and put pressure on manufacturers to fix it. They also are developing a more dangerous attack that could spread more rapidly. They have not decided whether to release that code yet or not.

9to5 Mac passes along that security vendor Dr. Web has raised an alert for Mac.BackDoor.iWorm, a malicious worm that infects OS X and tries to connect to a botnet. It uses Reddit posts to find the IP addresses of possible servers to callback too. Dr.Web estimates over 15,000 distinct IP addresses have been connected to the botnet .

News From You

metalfreak submitted the Wired story that Cody Wilson’s 3D printer for guns called GhostGunner sold out in 26 hours. Wilson planned sell 110 of the machines, and sold more than 200 before cutting off orders. The $1200 computer-controlled milling machine makes the aluminum body of an AR-15 rifle. The machine is actually a general purpose CNC mill which can carve polymer wood and metal in three dimensions for any purpose. Defense Distributed marketed the machine for printing the AR-15 part to help fund its activities in support of second amendment rights.

KAPT_Kipper passes along an IT World report that talks are back on between Samsung and Nuance Communications the company behind Dragon Naturally Speaking and of course the tech behind Siri. Will Apple try to buy Nuance to stop Samsung from stealing Siri’s Mom? Will Samsung convince Nuance that Apple never cared and Nuance would be better forgetting about their dalliance in Cupertino? Will Apple and Samsung finally confront their feelings for each other? Tune in next week on Days Of Our Phones to find out!

Money can’t buy you everything you want anyway, right Google? Sunbun shot over the Engadget story that Cyanogen, the popular Android mod, spurned Google’s advances towards a possible acquisition. Cyanogen believes it can beocme the third most popular ecosystem behind Google’s version of Android and iOS. Cyanogen is looking for a $1 billion valuation and is reported to have added MicroMax on as a manufacturer alongside OnePlus.

Discussion Links: Facebook Health?







Pick of the Day: 

Friday’s guests: Shannon Morse of hak5.org and Len Peralta, artprover


DTNS 2335 – Bending the Light Fantastic

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comAnthony Carboni is on the show and we’ll talk about the latest Invisibility Cloak out of the University Rochester that you could build yourself for $100. It’s continuously multidirectional clocking. what does that mean? Thank goodness Jaime Ruiz is along to help us understand.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests: Anthony Carboni, co-host of We Have Concerns and Jaime Ruiz, Tensor Stylist and Physicist


CNET reports that Google may be next to face the wrath of Hollywood in the nude celebrity photo leak blame game. Martin “Mad Dog” Singer, (and yes we verified the nickname at the Lavely & Singer website) represents more than a dozen clients whose images were stolen from their iCloud accounts. So why go after Google? According to Singer, Google was too slow to remove the images from search results, YouTube and Blogspot. In a letter to Google execs, Singer claimed Google could be liable for more than 100 million dollars in damages. He also demanded Google remove the images from its sites, terminate user accounts that host the images and asked for data preservation on all alleged offenders for future litigation. Google claims it has removed tens of thousands of pictures — within hours of the requests being made.

Gigaom reports that Apple has a new tool for people who want to make sure they’re not buying a stolen iPhone. All you have to do is type the IMEI number of the phone you want to buy into the site, and if the device has Apple’s Activation Lock feature on, the site will confirm that, as well as give instructions for wiping the device before you, the legit password-holding owner sell it.

CNET reports Evernote CEO Phil Libin announced a few new features at the Evernote Developer’s Conference today. One, Work Chat lets you chat with other Evernote users from within the system including the ability to see who’s looking at a note and chat with them about it. Apparently the most requested feature from users. The other major feature is called Context which shows you info relevant to what you’re writing or saving. The could include past notes, notes from others or even news items. Both features will come to Android, iOS, Mac and Windows later this year. They also redesigned the Web interface and improved the scanner too.

The EFF notes that software called ComputerCOP, that has been distributed by local law enforcement for years, unfortunately acts like spyware. EFF says they observed the software’s keylogger transmitting to third party servers without encryption. The software maker also claims endorsement by the ACLU, which the ACLU denies. And the US Treasury Department has issued a Fraud Alert over ComputerCOP. At best the software is questionably marketed and badly written to the point it exposes user data to attackers. Law enforcement agencies should beware of the company and users should avoid installing it.

The Next Web reports Google unveiled code for an open source standard called Physical Web. The project attempts to make it easier for Internet of Things devices to talk to each other without the need of intermediaries like apps. Oversimplified, the idea is to assign every connected device with a URL, so that a device like a phone can get short amounts of info without needing a separate app. Examples might be temperature readings, bus arrivals, payments at vending machines and more. The initial release of the Physical Web includes an Android app that can detect URLs broadcast by devices, with an iOS app coming in the future.

TechCrunch reports Facebook has set up a formal review process for approving research. A panel of senior researchers in different subject matters like privacy, legal, research, policy, and engineering will determine if certain types of studies meets the guidelines. The prcoess does not change the way consent is obtained or provide for external auditors. A website at research.facebook.com will centralize all academic work done on the Facebook data set.


News From You

wto605 submitted the Reddit thread wherein Redit user cranbourne, who claims to be a Microsoft Dev, asserts that internal rumors at Microsoft say early testing revealed that if the next version of Windows had been called Windows 9 it would have caused bugs in a lot of software. Turns out version checking code often just looks for “Windows9” to decide if the OS is Windows 95 or 98.

loki74 submitted a Gigaom article on the continuing adventures of Robin Hood, who’s secret identity is US FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler. Wheeler was in Minnesota yesterday wagging a finger at “those who seek to block the competitive forces that can produce faster, cheaper, better broadband” and supporting the efforts of city and municipal governments to build their own broadband internet networks. Wheeler’s remarks come near the close of a public comment period about whether the FCC should overrule laws in 19 states that restrict cities from offering internet services.

Sunbun submitted the Android Central story that Roku is beta testing a new feature for the Roku 3 and Roku HDMI Streaming Stick to mirror screens from Android devices. Roku has step-by-step instructions on its site for how to launch the screen mirroring beta for Android devices.

And biocow passes along Elon Musk’s cryptic tweet yesterday, in which he wrote “About time to unveil the D and something else.” The D, might be Tesla’s Model D electric car, set to be revealed at the Paris Motor Show next week. And the ‘something else?’ The Verge wonders if it’s an all-electric bike or an advanced infotainment system, but Biocow suspects it may be the a version of the Hyperloop, possibly in a secret AREA somewhere deep in the Nevada desert. And apparently Musk told CNN Money that by next year the Tesla’s will be 90% self-driven.

Discussion Links:







Pick of the Day: 2 wifi picks from Matthew Bowen

2 Wifi related picks, 1 hardware & 1 software:


AFFORDABLE wireless access points all controlled from a central web login. (Like Meraki) Access points start at $55 with very affordable POE injectors. Now pretty much anyone can afford to have a professional level wireless network with a single SSID and seamless handoffs from one AP to the next.
Available for Android, iOS, Windows, & Mac, Instabridge allows you share wireless networks without sharing the passwords. If you change the password in the app everyone you have shared that password with gets updated. They never see the password, so you can also revoke anyone at any time! It is also great for sharing public WiFi. First time to a bar or restaurant? If another Instabridge user has shared it then you can automatically connect. The devs are extremely responsive and are a joy to give feedback.”

Friday’s guests: Shannon Morse of hak5.org and Len Peralta, artprover


DTNS 2334 – Embedded ARM Dealers

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comNicole Lee joins us to talk about ARM’s new version of the mbed OS targeted at the Internet of Things. with OIA, AllSeen, Thread, Zigbee and more out there, will we ever have a unified platform?


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests: Nicole Lee, senior editor of social + internet for Engadget


Bloomberg Businessweek reports malware targeting the iOS and Android devices of Hong Kong demonstrators has been discovered. Security company Lacoon discovered an Android app purporting to help activists coordinate protests was malware. In tracing its activities Lacoon discovered malware designed to steal information from jailbroken iOS devices. The malicious programs can apparently access your contacts, text messages, call logs, pictures, and keychain.

Microsoft revealed an upcoming addition to Office, called Sway, which can automatically assemble and format presentations. Their called “sways” and are multimedia, animated, interactive presentations that live within a Web container—that can be created, published and viewed from any connected device with access to Microsoft’s OneDrive service. Sway can pull from any website including Facebook and Twitter. And since its Web-based it works across platforms including iOS and Android.

Bloomberg reports Johannes Caspar, Hamburg’s privacy watchdog ordered Google to limit how it combines user data. In 2012 Google changed its privacy policy to unify it and data collection across all its properties. The unification of that data collection is what worries Caspar because it could be misused to “compile detailed movement patterns, detect the social and financial status, and friendship, sexual orientation and the relationship status.” Caspar said users must have the ability to determine how their data is used.

TechCrunch reports Facebook’s VP of Product, Chris Cox posted on Facebook today, apologizing on behalf of the company for any hardship caused by Facebook’s real names policy. Controversy began when a single user flagged hundreds of Facebooks pages of drag queens for using fake names. The pattern wasn’t noticed among the thousands of reports for fake names Facebook deals with daily. Cox said Facebook will improve its tools for dealing with reports as well as provide more deliberate customer service to flagged accounts.

TechCrunch reports that the Windows 10 Technical Preview is now available as a free download for those who want to test drive the new OS, or help hunt bugs in early builds. You can either update a Windows installation or get an ISO to use on a virtual machine or other device. If you join the Windows Insider Program, you’ll be able to submit feedback through a dedicated app. The preview expires in mid-April of 2015. If you want to take the plunge, head to preview.windows.com.

Bloomberg reports that “people familiar with the plans” say Apple will add a gold color option to the latest version of the iPad, which rumors say might be unveiled at a rumored announcement rumored to take place October 21st. Apple oddly, declined to comment, but other Apple products have been gold so that makes this rumor GOLDEN.

GigaOm reports Verizon decided at the last minute not to begin throttling unlimited plan subscribers on its LTE network. The plan had been starting today that when the network was congested to knock the heaviest unlimited plan users down to 3G speeds. Verizon’s statement says after a few months of “dialogue” the company “decided not to move forward with the planned implementation of network optimization for 4G LTE customers on unlimited plans.”

News From You

KAPT_Kipper: Rule Brittania, Brittania rule the Wav Files, and MP3s and VOBs and, well, what I’m trying to say is UK copyright law has been amended and starting today subjects of Her Majesty are free to copy MP3s, CDs DVDs and live broadcasts for personal use, as well as enjoy broader fair use, parody and qiuotation rights. This means you are no longer a bandit filthy outlaw for copying music to your phone or cloud storage folder. You can also quote and parody the work of others without permission.

Don’t mind the gap. The screen gap that is. RunawaySnail submitted a 9 to 5 google report that early purchasers of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 have complained of a small gap between the screen and the device case. GAPGATE!!!!! Today Android Central discovered that the Note 4 owners manual actually references the screen gap, calling it “”a necessary manufacturing feature”” and states that some rocking or vibration of parts may occur. The manual goes on to explain that “”friction between parts may cause this gap to expand slightly.”” GAPGATE OVER! The Galaxy Note 4 went on sale September 26 in Korea.

And Metalfreak sent us a PC World article about the Google Play store, which is attempting to add more transparency by making developers list a price range for in-app purchases in their app descriptions. The article includes a screen grab of EA’s FIFA 15 Ultimate Team with a range from 99 cents to $99.99. The Google Play store does not require developers to list exactly which items cost how much, so your next question, what the heck could be worth $100 in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team remains, for now, unanswered.

Discussion Links: Unify the internet of things!










Pick of the Day: G.I Joe Coffee Company via Scott Napier

G.I Joe Coffee Company is awesome. They sell fair trade, good quality coffee, but 20% of all proceeds go to support disabled veterans. I know you get tons of picks, but I figured I had to throw one in the mix since it is a cause near and dear to my heart (retired Army and 90% disabled myself).

Thursday’s guest: Anthony Carboni


DTNS 2333 – Windows 8, Nein and 10

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comMolly Wood and Patrick Beja join me to discuss why Microsoft skipped Windows 9, and what windows 10 means for the future of the world’s most popular desktop OS.



A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests: Patrick Beja and Molly Wood!  


Microsoft announced the next version of Windows will be called Windows 10 and be released sometime late in 2015. Windows 10 will be one platform and app store across phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. More info on universal apps will come at the BUILD conference in April. Among the new features, Microsoft confirmed the start menu will return in Windows 10 and tiled apps will be allowed to run in a windowed mode. A technical preview will be released starting tomorrow at preview.windows.com

Ebay announced Tuesday it will spin off Paypal into a separate publicly traded company in the second half of 2015. Carl Icahn has been encouraging the company to do so. So who’s in charge after the split? Ebay’s current CEO John Donahoe will step down. Dan Shulman recently of American Express, will take over as CEO of Paypal. And Devin Wenig who leads the EBay marketplace division will become CEO of eBay.

Engadget reports Apple has announced the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus will go on sale in China on October 17th. Apple received a license to sell the phones earlier Tuesday. Pre-orders for the iPhone in China will start October 10th. The phones will support TD-LTE and FDD-LTE, meaning 4G speeds on China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom.

Movie riddle: When is a sequel also a first? As you ponder all the possible answers to that question, The New York Times has theirs: Netflix and The Weinstein company are teaming up to make Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Green Legend, the first movie to have a major theatrical release and a Netflix release on the same day. The movie will only be released in IMAX theaters, not traditional theaters so it’s not the quite full Cordkillers dream come true, but Netflix’s chief content officer Ted Sarandos said he hoped this “will be a proof point that the sky doesn’t fall.” Said theater owners: “THE SKY IS FALLING!”

Spotted at Paris Fashion Week: The Apple Watch. Apple Insider reports that Apple design chief Jony Ive took his ‘Switzerland-terrorizing’ watch to Paris and introduced it to the likes of Vogue editor Anna Wintour and Chanel’s Karl Lagerfeld at hip, Parisian boutique Colette. Mere mortals were also briefly allowed to view the Apple Watch as well, making it the first time Apple’s wearable has been seen by the general public.

ReCode reports Intel-owned Basis announced a new watch called the Peak. The Peak counts your steps, measures your heart and does some smartwatch stuff like phone notifications using Bluetooth LE. It also claims 4 days of battery life and is waterproof. Its made of anodized aluminum ,with a Gorilla Glass 3 face and comes in matte black and brushed silver. The watch works with iOS and Android, starts at $200, and will ship starting in early November.

Reuters reports that outgoing US Attorney General Eric Holder expressed his concern about data encryption that allows you, the data’s owner to be the only one who can unlock it. In a speech to the Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online, Holder said “It is fully possible to permit law enforcement to do its job while still adequately protecting personal privacy” and that quick access to phone data can help law enforcement officers find and protect victims, such as those targeted by kidnappers and sexual predators.

ReCode reports Reddit raised $50 million in funding which by itself isn’t huge news, but the interesting thing is that the round was led by Y Combinator president Sam Altman who plans to allocate 10% of the equity to Reddit users. How that equity would be distributed is yet to be determined but Altman said Reddit may dole out shares using a distributed accounting system, a la the bitcoin block chain.




News From You

metalfreak posted the liliputing article that Google’s Project Ara, the modular smartphone, will allow hot swapping of all modules except the CPU and screen. A custom version of Google L lets you swap out cameras, sensors, even the battery, without having to reboot. A working model of Project Ara will be shown off at a developer’s conference in December and the phone is expected to launch in early 2015.

mranthropology submitted the CNET article about Matchstick, a $25 HDMI streaming stick that powered by Firefox OS. The device is open on the software and hardware side. It’s compatible with many existing Chomrecast apps and hopes to have more apps from the Mozilla developers created by launch time. Backers of the Matchstick Kickstarter can get the stick at a discount.

MacBytes pointed out the Apple Insider story that Apple issued a patch late Monday to fix the Shellshock vulnerability in OS X. The update fixes the security flaw in bash for OS X Mavericks, Mountain Lion and Lion. Users would have to configure certain services for OS X to have been vulnerable, but now even those users have a fix.

Discussion Links:  





Pick of the Day: Archive.org via Allan Palmer

Like many of your listeners I am interested in the tech of podcasting itself, both as an aspiring podcaster and also out of technology interest. You host at archive.org. Not an obvious choice one hears about often. Could you use archive.org as a pick sometime and go through why you use it? Love the show. Keep going!

Wednesday’s guest: 


DTNS 2332 – There’s always room for Ello

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comTodd Whitehead is on the show today. In light of Facebook’s new launch of Atlas to market to people across devices and even offline, we’ll talk about whether we’re OK being the product or not. Ello anyone?


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests: Todd Whitehead of Alpha Geek Radio


Facebook announced it’s relaunching its Atlas ad platform with a new interface and the ability to track people across devices and even bridge the gap between online ad impressions and offline purchases. Techcrunch reports Facebook is quick to remind us that Atlas isn’t an add network but meant to measure and verify ad impressions. Facebook calls it “people-based marketing.” Although it also assures us that the data is encrypted and not associated with individual people. So they in no way have little private dossiers about every single thing that you do in your life. Nope.

The Verge reports Cloudflare deployed universal SSL offering free SSL encryption to any site that opts in, including customers of Cloudflare’s free service. Cloudflare says “Yesterday, there were about 2 million sites active on the Internet that supported encrypted connections. By the end of the day today, we’ll have doubled that.”

The New York Times reports that all those folks waiting in line to buy iPhones so they could resell them in China may not have paid off as much as hoped. The iPhone 6 and 6 plus have not been approved for official sale in China yet. The Times tells anecdotes of falling prices on grey market iPhones and one wholesaler complaining they have way too many iPhone 6’s in stock. MacRumors reports a leaked internal memo indicates the iPhone may be approved for sale soon, hit stores October 7th and go on sale in China October 10th.

CNET reports that Microsoft will open a flagship retail store in New York City on Fifth Avenue, replacing a Fendi store. Back when Microsoft launched the original Surface back in 2012, the company opened a pop-up store in Times Square, and they do have some retail stores in the New York area, but this is their first permanent Manhattan location. No word on an opening date yet.

Ars Technica reports that Adobe is finally bringing Photoshop to Chromebook as part of its Creative Cloud offering. As such, the app will be accessed remotely not stored locally. This streaming Photoshop will run in a “”virtualized environment” but won’t have GPU support at launch. The network requirements are listed as “5 mbps/max latency 250,” and right now the program is in beta and only available to US education customers who subscribe to Adobe’s creative cloud.

Lenovo announced it will officially close its acquisition of IBM’s x86 server business on October 1st. CNET reports that will make Lenovo the third largest seller in the x86 server market. IBM will continue to provide maintenance support on the servers for a certain extended period time.

FireChat has become a popular tool for sharing information among students demonstrating in Hong Kong. The app allows communication in a mesh network using Bluetooth and Apple’s Multipeer Connectivity Framework when cell data or WiFi won’t work. TechinAsia reports student activist leader Joshua Wong posted a message urging people to download FireChat in anticipation of poor cellular network connectivity.

News From You

gullwingdmc passes along a 9 to 5 Mac report that Apple has removed an app called Launcher from its App Store for “misuse of widgets.” The app allowed users to create custom shortcuts to apps from Notification Center. Users who already upgraded to the pro version of the app through an in-app purchase will still be able to use the pro capabilities, but no one else will be able to purchase the upgrade. Apple said there is no chance that Launcher will be allowed back with the widget functionality still in place. So remember to treat your widgets with kindness and respect, people.

habichuelacondulce pointed out the Ars Technica article on research out of the University of Central Florida that indicated Google Glass is no safer than phones for texting while driving. However Glass users did regain control of their vehicles faster than phone users following traffic incidents. This adds to other studies that generally show the distraction of texting or calls is the danger not the form factor of the device upon which they are accessed.

diggsalot submitted the BGR report that Microsoft may make Windows 9 free at least for some customers. Among the many reports, Indonesian online publication Detik said earlier this week that President of Microsoft Indonesia Andreas Diantoro said Windows 9 would be free to existing Windows 8 users. Microsoft has an announcement about Windows scheduled for tomorrow Sept. 30.

Discussion Links:  The Product is YOU.






Pick of the Day: The Evoluent vertical mouse via Dave Popovich

Dave Popovich of Stuart, Florida writes: Wanted to share a product that has saved me lots of medical bills. Being a network administrator for 500 users in 9 locations, you can guess I spend a lot of time at my computer using my mouse. And that meant I would drive home after work, and massage my right forearm because of the dull ache of the carpal tunnel pain.

I don’t remember how I discovered this product, but it has really made a difference – the Evoluent vertical mouse at http://Evoluent.com. I have been using the regular size, right handed, wired versions for years now, at home and at work and have no more wrist pain! It works by turning your hand 90 degrees so you rest your arm on the outside bones and not the soft tissue of the inside arm. They also make smaller mice and left-handed mice!

Only caveats: with years of training to use a mouse one way, you are a bit less accurate at first using the vertical mouse. just takes a little practice. Also, the mouse has LOTS of extra buttons, which I found got in the way, but just go into the driver and set those trouble buttons to not do anything.

It really has changed my life and many vendors and computer service folks are very interested when they see it on my desk.

Tuesday’s guests: Patrick Beja and Molly Wood!  

DTNS 2331 – It’s a Fug

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comDarren Kitchen is back to follow up with what we should know about shellshock, plus some good news for a few drones out there. And Len Peralta illustrates the show, artprov style!


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests: Darren Kitchen and Len Peralta


GigaOm reports good news for BlackBerry. But first the bad news. Handset sales were down 200,000 to 2.4 million and the company lost $207 million. HOWEVER that’s quite a bit less than the $965 million it dumped a year ago, not to mention it has $3.1 billion in the bank. Plus the Blackberry Passport has received 200,000 pre-orders.

SysAdmins the world over continue to deal with the shellshock vulnerability with patches out for most Linux distros, though not all of them complete. Consumers should be most concerned about devices with embedded systems like routers and webcams as well as OS X. Apple says most OS x users will not have the Unix services turned on that would allow attackers to take advantage of the vulnerability. However a patch is in the works. Bash maintainer Chet Ramey said on Twitter he had notified Apple of shellshock several times before it was made public. Apple uses an older version of Bash, v 3.2.51.(1) because the company avoids GPLv3-licensed software like Frankenstein’s monster avoids villagers with torches.

Reuters reports the European Aviation Safety Agency said Friday it will allow passengers to use portable electronic devices throughout the entire flight without being in airplane mode. EASA said This is the latest regulatory step toward enabling the ability to offer ‘gate-to-gate’ telecommunication or Wifi services.” Each airline will have to conduct a safety assessment before changing their policies.

TechCrunch reports Apple released iOS 8.0.2. The new update includes all original fixes promised in the earlier update, and fixes the cell reception issue with iPhone 6 and 6+, as well as a bug in the HealthKit app that delayed release of compatible apps, and a bug where third-party keyboards would default back to Apple’s keyboard when activated inside an app. Apple said in their apology that fewer than 40,000 devices were affected by the bad release which was pulled after an hour.

The tech press all decided to notice social network Ello today, possibly due to it being Friday. Engadget reports Ello is notching up 20,000 new users an hour despite being invite only. Ello is created by designers and artists, its CEO Paul Budnitz is founder of toy company Kidrobot. Its central premise is that it won’t turn you into a product to sell to advertisers. So no ads. The idea is to provide basic functions for free but more advanced functions, like multiple accounts managed from one login might cost you $2. Budnitz says “We’re not competing. We’re just building this thing that we really want to use.”

ZDNet reports that Amazon has officially acquired game-streaming service Twitch and its more than 55 million active monthly users, for $970 million. Amazon VP of games Mike Frazzini said the deal came together after Amazon met with Twitch leaders and decided their culture was “an awesome fit with Amazon’s culture.” To recap, Amazon now owns an incredibly popular live-streaming platform for less than one Instagram.

Re/code reports that Intel will pay up to $1.5 billion for a 20% stake in two mobile chipmakers with ties to the Chinese government. Intel will acquire the stake in Spreadtrum Communications and RDA Microelectronics through a deal with Tsinghua Unigroup in an attempt to catch up to rival Qualcomm in the mobile chip market.


News From You

habichuelcondulce pointed out Samsung announced its highest capacity SSD yet. The SM1715 can store 3.2 TB of data and is in production. The drive is made using Samsung’s 3D V-NAND technology, in which storage chips are placed on top of each other. The random read speed of the drive is 750,000 IOPS (input/output operations per second) and write speed is 130,000 IOPS. Price and ship dates were not announced. Hopefully it’s cheaper than the $20,000 LSI Nytro 3.2 TB SSD.

spsheridan shares a BBC report that the US Federal Bureau of Investigations is “very concerned” about Apple and Google’s plans to create file encryption systems to which the companies would have no access. The head of the FBI James Comey told reporters that lives could depend on continuing access to device data. The FBI is holding conversations with both companies. Apple and Google have not yet responded. “we have keys to all your houses… oops I wasn’t supposed to say that,” Comey is imagined to have said.

ancrod2 pointed out the Moscow Times article noting Russia’s Roskomnadzor agency, which supervises the media and communications, has notified Google, Facebook and Twitter that they must register as “organizers of inofrmation distribution” and therefore keep information about Russian users on servers located inside the country. The companies have until the end of the year to register or risk administrative sanctions.

Discussion Links:  Shellshock and Drones








Pick of the Day: Teleprompter+ via Tom

Monday’s guest: Todd Whitehead of Alpha Geek Radio

DTNS 2330 – B*A*S*H

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comBreki Tomasson is on the show and while we will touch on a glaring omission from Healthkit, the main story is the bash vulnerability Shellshock. Thankfully Steve Gibson agreed to drop in and explain it to us!


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guest: Breki Tomasson, creator of the CSICon podcasting network and Steve Gibson, co-host of Security Now and head of the Gibson Research Corporation


Last week a vulnerability in bash was reported to Red Hat by Unix expert Stephane Chazelas. The vulnerability was revealed late Wednesday. GigaOm has a good roundup of the details, but it essentially allows an environmental variable with an arbitrary name to carry a malicious function definition with trailing commands. That means it can get your server to execute code. It affects any OS that implements bash which includes Apache, most versions of Linux and Mac OS X. It also can include many routers, webcams and other embedded systems. Red Hat issued a partial patch and Akamai published some mitigation measures, but more fixes from more vendors are expected.

TechCrunch reports Apple says bent iPhone 6s are extremely rare and claims only nine people have complained to the company about it. Apple claims under normal use the problem rarely occurs and notes the new iPhones are built with steel/titanium inserts to reinforce stress locations. Apple also claims iPhone 6 models underwent testing to ensure they can endure bending, sitting, torsion and other kinds of stress.

Kotaku reports Valve released the Steam Music player for its desktop client. It’s not a streaming (or should we say steaming?) service just an in-game music player for your existing collection. So for instance if you want to be able to listen to Peter Gabriel’s Steam on the Steam Music Player, we now live in a world where that’s possible.

The PC is NOT DEAD! At least not in the US. NPD reports consumer retail PC sales grew 3% in the US from July 4th through Labor Day week. Last year sales declined 2.5% in that period. Chrome OS led the way increasing 37 percent over 2013 and Mac products rose 14 percent. Windows devices dropped 3%. Overall laptops rose 3.4% while desktop sales were essentially flat.

TechCrunch reports Apple apologized for the “great inconvenience” caused by its faulty iOS 8.0.1 update and claimed developers are working around the clock to prepare iOS 8.0.2 with a fix that will hopefully arrive in the next few days. Apple officially recommends rolling back iPhone 6 and 6 Plus from 8.0.1 to 8.

Reuters reports that European data privacy regulators gave Google guidelines on legally collecting and storing user data. Google came under privacy scrutiny from the European Union as well as six individual European countries after the company combined its privacy policies and data collection from sixty services into one, and giving users no way to opt out.

Apparently the EU feels a little warmer towards Facebook, because Reuters UK has two sources that say Facebook is about to win unconditional EU approval to purchase mobile messaging startup WhatsApp for $19 billion. European telecom companies like Deutsche Telekom and Telefonica want the EU to extract concessions from Facebook in light of WhatsApps plan to add free voice-call services later this year, but it looks like that may not happen. US regulators approved the deal in April.



News From You

BigJim1 submitted the ABCNews story on the successful arrival of India’s Mars Orbiter Mission and our subreddit users voted it up. The Indian Space and Research Organization is the first agency to be successful on a Mars mission in its first attempt. The orbiter program cost $75 million which Prime Minister Narendra Modi pointed out was less than it cost to make the movie Gravity. It’s also quite a bit less than the $671 million NASA spent on the Maven mission to Mars.

Kylde didn’t want us to miss the Technology Review report that Google X Lab’s head Astro Teller, speaking at the EmTech Conference on Tuesday, said Google aims to have a continuous ring of high-altitude balloons above the Southern Hemisphere within the next year. Project Loon as its called will provide LTE data service to cell phones on the ground at rates of 22 megabits per second to fixed antennas, and five megabits per second to mobile handsets. Teller said “if we can figure out a way to take the Internet to five billion people, that’s very valuable.”

Discussion Links:  Shellshock and a glaring Healthkit omission











Pick of the Day: SpeedCrunch via Cody Olivier

My pick is SpeedCrunch. As a game programmer and CS graduate student, I need a quick, straight forward, and simple calculator with some power behind it. Enter SpeedCrunch. It is a calculator that is completely controlled by your keyboard ( similar to command-line ) which supports user defined variables, a multitude of math functions, and comes with a table of scientific constants. It shows history, lets you retrieve previously entered equations, and my favorite feature is as you type in an equation, it will have a little pop-up with the current answer to the equation. This is very useful when I am adding up a lot of numbers and want to see the current total. It works for Windows and OSX and has a portable Windows version. I also believe the program is open source for anyone who wants to modify or look at the code.

Friday’s guest: Darren Kitchen and Len Peralta

DTNS 2329 – Will It Bend™

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comBrian Brushwood is on the show and we’ll cover the history of post-iPhone release controversies including this year’s which involves the fact that when you put slim aluminum things under stress, they bend. But should they? The answer may surprise you.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guest: Brian Brushwood, co-host of Night Attack and Cordkillers

Today’s title ” ” was chosen by  at showbot.replex.org


Watch out Google X! Reuters reports Amazon will increase staff at it’s Lab126 R&D division by at least 27% over the next five years according to a tax agreement reached with the State of California in June. Among the projects. Sources told Reuters that areas of research at the lab include wearable devices and connected home devices. One would allow one-button product ordering from the kitchen over WiFi. Products like the Kindle ereader and FirePhone came out of Lab126.

The Next Web reports BlackBerry unveiled its square Passport smartphone today. The Passport has a 4.5-inch, 1440 x 1440 resolution display, a 2.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor, 3GB RAM and 32GB of onboard storage, a 13 megapixel camera on the back and a 2 megapixel camera on the front. The phone runs BlackBerry 10.3, which features BlackBerry Blend, allowing users to manage files and communications across devices and platforms including Windows, Mac, iOS and Android device. The phone is available now and cost $599 in the US, $699 in Canada, £529 in the UK and €649 in Europe.


The Verge reports Apple says they “received reports of an issue with the iOS 8.0.1 update, are actively investigating the reports and have pulled the update for the time being. 8.0.1 was the first bug-fix update to iOS 8. These first patches notoriously cause unexpected problems. This time affected phones showed no service and touchID was unresponsive. The issue seemed only to affect iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. The best workaround if you already updated would be to downgrade to iOS 8. Search “downgrade to iOS 8” for several tutorials.

Recode reports Comcast filed its response to comments on its proposed merger with TWC. Comcast told the US FCC that Netflix, Dish Network and Discovery, among others opposed the deal because the companies failed in “extortion” attempts to get special favors. Yeah, Comcast used the word extortion once and “extortionate demands” twice in the filing. Discovery said Comcast continues to intimidate opposing voices and Netflix said, “It is extortion when Comcast fails to provide its own customers the broadband speed they’ve paid for unless Netflix also pays a ransom.” Whoa whoa whoa! Ransom? Extortion? Intimidation? C’mon folks, this is not Fat Tony’s House of Legitimate Business here… or is it?

Reuters reports Adobe will close its research and development arm in China by the end of December. Adobe will maintain its sales presence in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Taiwan and focus on market development in the region. Last week, Adobe reported its worst quarterly revenue for Asia in the last five years.

News From You

t2t2 submitted the Polygon story that Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime said the company will end development of a rumored video game codenamed Titan. Today Kotaku compiled everything it had heard about the game from various sources inside Blizzard. It had apparently been intended to be a near-future Earth set after an alien invasion had been fought off. Players would choose one of three factions and work normal jobs during the day, while at night turning into superhero like fighters against the other factions in a TF2 style game. Morhaime told Polygon they canceled the game because it just wasn’t good enough.

habichuelcondulce passes along the CNET report that Boeing has partnered with a company called Liquid Robotics to make SEA-FARING ROBOTS! That’s right, Boeing wants to build robots that can surveil the open seas, looking for drug traffickers and submarines. Or maybe drug traffickers IN submarines, because why limit yourself. Liquid Robotics is the company that built the Wave Glider SV3, a self-powered sea-faring data center that can stay in the ocean for months at a time. So add Boeing and BOOM SEA-ROBOT SOLDIERS

Discussion Links: What does the E.U. want?









Pick of the Day:  Lootcrate via Rob Jennings

Today we have possibly the shortest recommendation we’ve ever received from Rob Jennings. And I quote: “Lootcrate.com a subscription services for monthly swag . It has different levels of boxes.” To elaborate just a bit: If you sign up for Lootcrate.com, they will send you a themed mystery box with a retail value of $40 or more. In August the theme was ‘HEROES’ and included a Groot Bobblehead, some mini ninja turtles, and a pair of Shwings (that’s wings for shoes) among many other things. The monthly plan costs $13.37/mo + $6 shipping and handling. Sign up for more months at a time and get a discount. Every month one lootcrater wins a megacrate, with $750 worth of stuff.

Thursday’s guest: Breki Tommason

DTNS 2328 – Saunas and Guns

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comPatrick Beja is on today. We’ll chat about the EU’s pursuit of remedies against Google’s dominant search position. Witch hunt or monoply-killing? Maybe neither.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guest: Patrick Beja,

Today’s title ” ” was chosen by  at showbot.replex.org


Geekwire reports on former Microsoft Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie’s new service called Talko. That’s with an L. It lets users do things to voice calls, like tag them, bookmark moments, and record and share them. Users can also share text messages and photos through the app during a call. It can even do clever things like let you exchange recorded voice memos and then seamlessly turn those into a live call if you want. Ozzie co-founded Talko with Matt Pope and Eric Patey. The app is free to use and out first for iOS.

During his annual competition report to the European Union’s “committee on economic and monetary affairs,” Joaquin Almunia officially acknowledged that his department has asked Google for more changes to their proposed search settlement. At issue, is that Google favors its own services in search results. In February Google proposed several changes, most significantly, displaying three competing services next to its own. Opponents complained that the proposal did not do enough to mitigate Google’s dominant position in the EU marketplace.

Ars Technica reports the US Federal Trade Commission has filed a civil lawsuit against Butterfly Labs akl BFL alleging fraudulent and deceptive practices. The feds believe BFL’s founders spent millions on saunas and guns while failing to deliver promised bitcoin mining equipment. It’s pretty much just like the scams pulled off in San Francisco in 1849.

CNET reports Microsoft has set September 29th as the new date for the launch of the Xbox One in China. In compensation for the delay, pre-order customers will receive two free games. Microsoft will be the first game console maker to launch in China since a ban on game consoles was lifted. The Xbox One will cost 3,699 RMB ($600) without Kinect and 4,299 RMB ($700) with Kinect.

Remember that TechCrunch report yesterday that said Apple was going to shut down the Beats music service? The New York Times reports Apple spokesman Tom Neumayer said “This is not true.” An uncharacteristic flat denial from Apple. Well it’s uncharacteristic for Apple comment on such things at all.

Android Police reports Microsoft announced a Wireless Display Adapter that fits into the back of your TV (or monitor) and mirrors content from any Miracast-enabled device. For $60 you get a little black cable with HDMI at one end and USB (for power) at the other. That will let you mirror any Miracast-enabled device’s screen.

The Verge reports Paypal has partnered with Coinbase, BitPay and GoCoin to process bitcoin payments for some merchants in North America. If you sell intangible items like music, ringtones and the like through the PayPal Payments Hub, you can accept bitcoins now.

The Next Web reports that Jolla’s Sailfish-OS phone is on sale in India now, through Snapdeal.com. Jolla has been selling the phone in Europe through its own site since December. Customers in India will pay 16,499 Rupees ($270 USD) if they want to pick one up.

News From You

alanchar passes along the Wired report that AT&T is offering a new bundle for $39 a month, that includes 45Mbps Internet, HBO and basic cable. That sounds similar to the Comcast and TWC HBO and basic packages maybe. But WAIT there’s more! AT&T also includes one year of Amazon Prime which gets you instant streaming video the Kindle lending libray AND free two-day shipping. Take that Comcast!

tm204 passes along an Engadget report that Google Now has a new card in the deck. If you search for a plane ticket in Google Flights, Google Now will slip you a Flight price monitor card to keep you updated as prices change based on your recent destination or itinerary searches. Android Police notes that searching for flights on major travel sites like Orbitz or Kayak does not trigger a Google Now card.

AllanAV passes along the Wired article about four MIT students going to court to defend against a subpoena demanding the source code of a project called Tidbit. The tool was created for the Node Knockout hackathon and designed to let website visitors voluntarily use their computers to mine bitcoins in exchange for an ad-free experience at a website. The New Jersey attorney general claims the programmers violated New Jersey computer crime laws and demanded the source code and details of its users bitcoin wallets. The code was never fully functional. MIT has asked the subpoena to be withdrawn and the EFF is aiding with the defense.

Discussion Links: What does the E.U. want?








Pick of the Day:  

If iPhone and iPad users want to get taste of Android’s upcoming Material Design aesthetic, and get a great news app, they can try out Google Play Newstand which was released in the App Store today. This replaces its older Currents, and is a huge improvement. You can select which categories of news you want, and can customize the sources feeding into it. For me, it has replaced Feedly altogether and I am also using Flipboard a lot less as well. This is one Google App that works well as a stand-alone even if you are not into the Google ecosystem. Fast and nicely designed.

Plug of the Day: Plug of the day: Tuesday plug: The Sword and Laser Anthology collects 20 amazing stories from new writers in the Sword and Laser book club audience. 10 SciFi and 10 fantasy stories with an introduction by Patrick Rothfuss. Get a copy at swordandlaser.com/store

Wednesday’s guest: Brian Brushwood

DTNS 2327 – The Beats Doesn’t Go On

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comRob Krekel joins the show and we’ll talk about the new “Crescent Bay’ prototype from Oculus as well s the advent of 3D sound for VR.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guest: Rob Krekel, sound designer for video game that include The Last of Us and Uncharted 3

Today’s title ” ” was chosen by  at showbot.replex.org


Breaking news, people, Apple sold a lot of phones. According to Gigaom, the company reported the sale of ten million iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus phones between this past Friday and Sunday, beating last year’s 9 million sales of the 5c and 5s models. That may not seem like a big leap but remember iPhone 6 hasn’t gone on sale in China yet due to a delay in approval for sale.

TechCrunch reports it has five sources some of whom work at Apple and Beats, who say Apple will discontinue the Beats Music streaming service. Sources did not agree on whether this would mean it would be rolled into iTunes or not.

GigaOm passes along a Wall Street Journal tip that HTC will make Google’s upcoming 64-bit tablet, likely to be called the Nexus 9. That would make it the first Google device to run a 64-bit version of Android. The next version of Android, Android L, will be 64-bit capable. HTC has not manufactured a tablet since the HTC Flyer in 2011.

TechinAsia reports search engine Duck Duck Go has been blocked in China. The GreatFire Index suggests it may have been blocked starting Sep. 4. The New York Times published an in-depth piece yesterday about the trend of stricter controls on Internet companies in China, including Google, Line and Kakao Talk among others.

The Toronto Star reports that BlackBerry will sell its newest Passport smartphone for $599 off contract in the US , a few hundred dollars cheaper than phones like the iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S5. The 4.5 inch square smartphone is the first totally new BlackBerry device to come on the market since CEO John Chen joined the company. Pricing for Canada has not yet been announced.

Hey connector cable and communication port protocol fans, listen up! The Video Electronics Standards Association announced Monday it’s teaming up with the USB 3.0 Promoter Group to have a baby. That baby will be called the DisplayPort Alternate Mode for the USB Type-C Standard. Aww it has it’s mothers reversability! That means devices can connect to existing DisplayPort monitors using a USB Type C to DisplayPort converter as long as the devices support the DisplayPort Alt Mode. A dock could support 10Gbps USB data transfer and support a 4K DisplayPort monitor.





News From You

swiftpawz passes along the word that Google no longer requires new users to create a Google+ account when signing up for other Google products. According to a PC Mag retelling of a Marketing Land report, the Google + account is now presented as optional during the signup process. Though you’ll still need a G+ account to do things like leave comments on YouTube or leave app reviews.

AllanAV called our attention to the Anandtech report that Samsung is aware of a problem with two of their solid state drives, the 840 and 840 EVO, that have caused low read performance on older data. Samsung engineers are working on updated firmware. As soon as the fix has been validated they’ll get the new firmware out to end users, though no ETA has been announced.

And finally KAPT_Kipper submitted the best long read of the day from Ars Technica – a terrific account by Cyrus Farivar about an Italian restaurant in Richmond, California which is trying to become the worst-reviewed restaurant on Yelp to highlight their frustration with what the restaurant owners believe are Yelp’s aggressive sales tactics. The restaurant is offering a 25 percent discount to anyone who writes a terrible review. Yelp, predictably is not pleased, saying the restaurant owners are violating Yelp’s terms of service by offering incentives in exchange for reviews. And in case you were wondering, according to the author of the article, it turns out the food there is pretty tasty.

Discussion Links: Oculus










Pick of the Day:  XBMC (Kodi) add-on called PseudoTV Live via Dave

As someone who will soon be moving into an area that has Comcast as the ONLY option for cable I figured I would attempt to cut the cord (more or less). I have a pc hooked to my living room tv and am one of those digital hoarders with a 4tb external drive nearly filled with movies and tv shows (mostly ripped from my own personal collection because honestly who has space for almost 600 dvds in their living room anymore?). My wife and I would stare at a list of movies on the tv and usually end up switching back to cable watching a censored and cut up version of something we already own on DVD or on the pc. I did a little looking around and found an add on for XBMC called PseudoTV Live where you can set up your own “channels” and flip through your own local content as well as online content (The add on comes with a few dozen RSS feeds set as channels including a TWIT channel as well as a Scam School one). The add on has a built in channel guide and is almost indistinguishable from a real cable system and although it can be somewhat frustrating to set up once you get it working properly (I consider myself a semi above average computer user and still rage uninstalled the thing more than a couple of times) it becomes a very viable alternative to cable, I have had it set up and working properly for a couple of weeks now and my wife and I have not turned back to cable since (except to watch Da Bears stomp on the 49ers last Sunday).

Plug of the Day: Daily Tech News Show Shirt  with Mustafa from thepolarcat.com’s logo now available in white, black and Ash. Look in the podcasts section.

Tuesday’s guests: Patrick Beja