Tech News Today 26: Do Not Point This Episode At Your Cat

Facebook’s growth declines; Android 2.2 JavaScript ‘demolishes’ iOS 4’s; Foursquare launches augmented reality; Lightsaber knockoff causes instant blindness, possible skin cancer; and more.

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

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We’re going Video on the TWiT network

No more doing FourCast pantsless anymore… or at least not shirtless, as we’re moving to the TWiT network, tonight!! That means live streaming FourCast

Don’t worry this feed will still work for audio and you’ll still get one episode a week of predictive awesome. But we will return to different guests every episode rather than broken up over three weeks, and we will also be adding a video feed as well.

Our regular time will be Mondays at 7 PM Eastern/4 PM Pacific.  This week we’re doign Tuesday because of the holiday weekend.  So try not to get confused.

Watch us live at

No East Meets West this week

As you may have noticed, we didn’t air EMW on TWiT’s network Sunday. PArtially this was because of the Independence Day weekend holiday, but also because TWiT is remodeling their studio.

There’s still a chance that Roger and I will jump on Skype and record an audio-only episode today. Even if we don’t though, we’ll be back to talk random sense next week.

Tech News Today 24: Taylor Lautner’s Abs: Fair Use?

22-year-old jailed by Muvico; Apple PR spins iPhone reception, calls Job’s “retire” email fake; your next video cable may be CAT6; child engineer becomes Spider-Man; and more.

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We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes at

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 
