Tech News Today 169: Sandybridge Over Troubled Water

Facebook invades your blogs comments, Net neutrality under attack in Europe, Egypt’s last ISP goes down, and more.

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No East Meets West today

Tom’s been fighting a hoarse voice so he and Roger are taking a break. See you next week!

Tech News Today 168: Egypt Flips Off Internet

Google fears Microsoft, Will 3D really harm your kids, ZTE (who?) passes Apple in phone shipments, and more.

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Tech News Today 165: Don’t Brand Me Bro

Egypt blocking Twitter?, cheap Verizon iPhones, copyright law troll gives up, and more.

Guests: Clayton Morris and Nate Lanxon

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FourCast 64: Infinity Is Freaking Huge

Hosts: Tom Merritt and Scott Johnson

Brain hacking will be easier when we’re always connected to the Net to watch live coverage of state secessions.

Guests: Andrew Hoover and Derrick Chen of The G Men podcast.

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Running time: 1:04:12

Almost the end of the world (as we know it) – The S&L Podcast #51

We’re almost to the end of the world in Gaiman and Pratchett’s Good Omens, but Veronica’s not quite done yet so we just give some less spoilery evaluations of the book so far and we’ll wrap it up next week.  We also are trying to make room in our wallets and on our bookshelves for some excellent new SciFi and Fantasy hitting store shelves in the next couple weeks.  Joe Abercrombie!  Yay!


1/25/2011 While Mortals Sleep: Unpublished short fiction of Kurt Vonnegut – The 16 previously unpublished short stories of this collection, taken from the beginning of Vonnegut’s career, show a young author already grappling with themes and ideas that would define his work for decades to come. (Kindle)

1/27/2011 The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie (in the UK – US doesn’t get it until 2/7) Union commander Lord Marshal Kroy coordinates the fight with the aid of a motley group of incompetent, self-important officers. The strangely sympathetic Col. Bremer dan Gorst is officially a royal observer who nurses a burning desire to kill or be killed. Leading a much smaller army against the Union is Black Dow, whose grip on the throne of the Northmen is tenuous and based on fear and brutality. (Kindle) 

1/31/2011 The Alchemist by P. Bacigalupi – The first foray into fantasy from Hugo winner Bacigalupi (The Windup Girl) is one of two novellas (the other by Tobias S. Buckell) set in a world where using magic has terrible consequences. Jeoz is a destitute alchemist living in Khaim, a city literally being strangled to death by bramble, a “wormy malevolence” that expands its thorny vines every time someone uses magic. 

2/3/2011 License to Ensorcell by Katherine Kerr – a psychic agent and her Israeli sidekick tracking down a werewolf-murdering serial killer in San Francisco. (Kindle) 

2/7/2011 Deep State by Walter Jon Williams (Kindle) – The sequel to This is Not a Game, about where alternate reality games and real life cross and meet.

Joe Abercrombie appearing in England 1/27 at Forbidden Planet in London from 6 PM, and January 29 at Forbidden PLanet in Bristol from 1 PM AD 


4004 BC (possible minor spoilers) 

Too many characters? 

What horseman would you be? 

Library Closures 


Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

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The Alchemist and the Executioness  from Audible.