Current Geek 130: “We need Picard… NOW!”
Tech News Today 112: Scopegate? Scopegate.
Google and Facebook stand-off, Dell dumps Rim, free TV on your iPad, and more.
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Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, and Jason Howell.
Guest: Randall Bennett
Tech News Today 111: A Diode In The Eye!
10,000 pants off the Internet, Microsoft Kinect evaluation, Hulu Plus opens for all, and more.
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Hosts: Tom Merritt, Dr. Kiki, and Jason Howell.
Tech News Today 110: Go To Your Room Google
Microsoft’s new hole, Why 4G is now meaningless, robot teachers for kindergarten, and more.
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Hosts: Tom Merritt and Jason Howell.
Guests: Scott Johnson
Current Geek Weekly 29: Don’t Leave Me Dangle-ing
Hosts: Tom Merritt and Scott Johnson
Lloyd Dangle creator of Troubletown drops in, Star Wars re-writes, BSG mash-ups, last minute costumes, ‘the Raven’, and more.
Guest: Lloyd Dangle
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Running time: 52:07
Current Geek 129: "If you only knew the power of the back nine."
Current Geek 129: “If you only knew the power of the back nine.”
Tech News Today 109: Bug Bounty Booty
London Times pay wall, Google pays to squash bugs, Chrome OS is a-coming, and more.
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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Hosts: Tom Merritt and Jason Howell.
Guests: Jason Hiner and Dan Patterson
FourCast 54: The Bug People Will Inherit The Earth
Hosts: Tom Merritt and Scott Johnson
Unicorns at the bottom of the sea, level 3 civilizations, organs in jars, and more.
Guests: Tucker Hiatt and Adam Christianson
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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Running time: 50:49
Tech News Today 108: Files Between Friends
Google sues the US, Blekko slashes search, Android is the most popular, and more.
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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Darren Kitchen, and Jason Howell
Current Geek 128: "Second time’s the charm!"
Current Geek 128: “Second time’s the charm!”