Tech News Today 69: Laughing My Heart Out

Craigslist censors itself, solar cells fix themselves, and one man Twitters his heart attack.

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Dragon*Con with David Gerrold – The S&L Podcast #41

Another year, another Dragon*Con come and gone! Thanks to everyone who came out to the live show at the Hilton in Atlanta, we had a total blast. A very special “thank you” goes out to our wonderful guest, author David Gerrold (who famously wrote The Trouble with Tribbles for the original Trek). So please enjoy this extra long episode, and stay tuned for the video version coming soon!


Hugo Award Winners 


Bio: David Gerrold – a winner of the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award – is the author of dozens of novels, including Jumping Off the Planet, Bouncing Off the Moon, The Man Who Folded Himself, When Harlie was One, and the The War Against the Chtorr series.

A prolific screenwriter as well as a novelist – he wrote the hugely popular The Trouble with Tribbles episode for the original Star Trek television series.
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Tech News Today 68: Lag-on*Con

Angry Birds for Android, Duke Nukem news, a Nigerian busted, and a little lag from Dragon*Con.

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

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Current Geek WEEKLY 22: "Dill tastes good!"

Current Geek WEEKLY 22: “Dill tastes good!” Dills joins Scott while Tom is having fun at DragonCon, and we cover all the fun stuff in the world of geeks this week. Enjoy!