#022 – The S&L Podcast: George R. R. Martin is not your bitch

It’s time to pick a new book, but for some reason we just can’t stop talking about George R. R. Martin. And in some cases singing about him. But we DID pick a new book and it’s The Forever War by Joe Haldeman. It involves relativity, interstellar war and sad soldiers. In fact it’s sometimes thought of as an anti-Starship Troopers. We think this book is a timely choice as Ridley Scott is making a 3D movie out of it. More on that in this and future episodes. If you want a sneak peek, take a look at this Forever War’ Concept Art .

Also don’t forget we’re doing a live Sword and Laser in Atlanta at Dragon*Con! The show takes place Friday evening, September 4 at 8:30 PM in Hilton room 204. It will be Veronica, me and special guest Timothy Zahn. Other guests may be announced as well.

BARE YOUR SWORD – feedback from the audience.
Audio books are no good for SF
Do you like your endings with everything-wrapped-up or open-ended?
Hi Tom and Veronica,
John Anealio’ George R. R. Martin is not your bitch.

QUICK BURNS – unrelated news of the month
Robo-Ethicists Want to Revamp Asimov’s 3 Laws
A Game Of Thrones pilot script leaked
A brief history of SteamPunk
Personal Effects: Dark Art by JC Hutchins. The book with a lot of cool extra materials.

Tagline Contest
Congratulations Barry O’Neil “Different worlds – different discussion”

What’s your prediction?

Do you have your own prediction for the future? We’re interested to hear. Use the form on the FourCast Podcast site, post a comment to this post, or just email us at fourcastpodcast@gmail.com. We’ll read a selection of some predictions on the show.  It could be yours!

Water Wars – Episode 2

For our next trick, Scott and I got Leo Laporte of TWiT fame, and Revision3 CEO Jim Louderback to square off with their visions of the future.  You may think Leo is the optimist, but you’d be wrong.  Witness the title of our episode.  It was Jim that has the rosier view of the future. Including the chance for all of us to someday become Ashton Kutcher.  Listen in folks, it’s a good one. (We did have some issues keeping Jim’s Skype connection going, so forgive the occasional Skype ring or beep).

Listen to the episode at this link: http://www.archive.org/download/FourcastEpisode2/2fourcast.mp3

#021 – The S&L Podcast: A Game of Thrones

We loved A Game of Thrones, but you’ll have to listen to find out why. We also get into fantasy metal songs with a metal expert, and report some news on the Game of Thrones on HBO.

Game of Thrones Wikis
Unnoficial Songs of Ice and Fire
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
But Tower of the Hand is much much better! Thanks Padwen!

Game of Thrones being shot for HBO Sean Bean cast as Lord Eddard.

A Game of Thrones card game.

BARE YOUR SWORD – feedback from the audience
What Was Robert’s Rebellion Really About (Minor Spoilers, Major Speculation)

Check out these lizards they’ve discovered that swim through sand in the Sahara. They didn’t mention it, but I’m guessing they smell like cinnamon. :)

Love the Show,
Dave in Portland

Abner Senires sings amazing parody songs… this one is about the Kwisatz Haderach.

ENGAGE – Interviews with interesting characters
Talking to Charles Davis, from Metal Gamer and the Chizzle and Dizzle show.

Holy Thunder Force: Charles dares you not to air guitar to this one.

Rain of a Thousand Flames: This the one that has a nude woman in it, but Charles assures us, it is definitely the most ridiculous one they have made.

Unholy WarCry: 10 minutes long and the one that has Christopher Lee dressed in a giant king costume.

Magic of the Wizard’s Dream: Charles says it’s not that interesting of a music video, but it’s the one he mentioned that has Christopher Lee singing on it.

QUICK BURNS – unrelated news of the month
Download DroidMaker for free

1969 Hugo Awards. Neil Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin and Michael Collins received a Hugo Award in 1969 for The Best Moon Landing Ever. Also Novella “Dragonrider” by Anne McCaffrey [Analog Dec 1967,Jan 1968]

Tagline Contest
Come up with a tagline for The Sword and Laser! The winner will have their words emblazoned on the back of our new t-shirts, which will be making their debut at Dragon*Con this September!” Email theswordandlaser@gmail.com by Wednesday July 29.