“Army of Two”
Current Geek 61: "Comic Land"
“Comic Land”
East Meets West 202 – Streamys or Steamys?
Scott Johnson joins us to talk about how the Streamy awards should be structured, and Tom vows to take the case before the Academy. Stargate Universe reboot seems to be satisfying so far, and ratings are still messed up.
Get the show at this link: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/www.archive.org/download/EastMeetsWest202-StreamysOrSteamys/eastmeetswest202.mp3
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Current Geek 60: "This is a triumph…again…"
“This is a triumph…again…”
Mozomedia Music Podcast #10
Another episode of Mozomedia means I’ve recorded another episode of SuBBrilliant News. This one deals with the recent revelations that the creators of Lost have no idea what they’re doing.
Get the episode at this link: http://www.mozomedia.com/music/2010/04/mozomedia-music-podcast-–-episode-10/
Hope and fear from the children – Ep. 26
Marc and Nicole Spagnuolo join us to talk about how someday education will be much improved by technology but then we’ll all know when we’re going to die from biotech advances.
Get the episode at this link.
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Current Geek 59: "There is something about those eyes…"
“There is something about those eyes…”
Current Geek 58: "I want to eat your computer animated brains!"
“I want to eat your computer animated brains!”
Current Geek WEEKLY 03: "Dogus Interuptus"
“Dogus Interuptus”
East Meets West 201 – The ratings game
Tom and Roger defend Ohdoctah’s honor, review the premiere of the new Doctor Who with new Doctor Matt Smith, and discuss how ratings and distribution work in the world of TV.
Get the show at this link: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/www.archive.org/download/EastMeetsWest201-TheRatingsGame_67/eastmeetswest201.mp3