Sword and Laser 11 – We’re tharn over Watership Down

Sword and Laser bannerIn the latest episode we review Watership Down with our own and your thoughts, as well as move our contest to the next level. Seriously, some of your closing lines are fantastic. Listen and enjoy!

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Sword and Laser 10 – OMG Bunnies!

Sword and Laser bannerThe latest episode of the Sword and Laser Book Club podcast is out. we intro our latest book, Watership Down ad talk a bit about some scifi and fantasy book news as well as start a giveaway!

Get the podcast at: Swordandlaser.com

Join the (sci fi book) club!

Sword and Laser bannerVeronica Belmont has graciously allowed me to help her start a science fictiona and fantasy book club called The Sword and Laser. Our first book will be ‘The Golden Compass’ by Philip Pullman (also known as Northern Lights outside the US… why do they do that?). So if you’re into swords and/or lasers, pop on by and join us.