East Meets West 200 – Oh Doctah Who

We’re joined by the Internet’s ohdoctAh to talk about sandwiches, Hot Tub Time Machine and the best way to market music the way the artist intended it. We finish with a discussion of the time delay on Doctor Who airings between the UK and the US. Will that drive people to use bittorrent?

Get the episode at this link: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/www.archive.org/download/EastMeetsWest200-OhDoctahWho/eastmeetswest200.mp3

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You’re doing it wrong – Ep. 24

Brian and Eric figure out lots of ways society will start wars, but thankfully we’ll be able to escape to space.,p>

Get the episode at this link

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East Meets West 199 – Happy birthday healthcare

Tom and Roger talk about the meaning of parties, like birthday parties, review the Runaways movie, and delve into healthcare reform one last time.

Get the episode at this link: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/www.archive.org/download/EastMeetsWest199-HappyBirthdayHealthcare/eastmeetswest199.mp3

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