“A Realtime Recreation of the Plane Crash in Lost”
We are the homebound aliens – Ep. 16
Dave Brodbeck and Dan Trachtenberg join us again to predict how we will travel the stars and become the aliens, or we just will never leave Earth and explore the universe of our minds.
Get the show at this link.
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Current Geek 29: "Stunt Casting In Science Fiction: Does Anybody Care?"
“Stunt Casting In Science Fiction: Does Anybody Care?”
Current Geek 28: "Flying R2-D2, you are doing it wrong"
“Flying R2-D2, you are doing it wrong”
East Meets West 191 – Time for a lock-in
I’m calling from a tin can because my Comcast Internet is out, but we’re still able to discuss the wonders of geek rock and Jaron Lanier’s “You are Not a Gadget”
Get the episode at this link: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/www.archive.org/download/EastMeetsWest191-TimeForALock-in/eastmeetswest191.mp3
This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com. Download a free audiobook of your choice today at audiblepodcast.com/east/
Walk it out, don’t talk it out – Ep. 15
Dan Trachtenberg and Dave Brodbeck are back to talk about how we will one day have moving sidewalks and pills for every mental illness.
Get the episode at this link.
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Current Geek 27: "The Future is RIGHT NOW!"
“The Future is RIGHT NOW!”
Current Geek 26: “Wanna make fire? These are matches!”
“Wanna make fire? These are matches!”
Our new look!
We’ve been working for a few days trying to move everything over to our new home at SquareSpace! Thanks to the folks over there for designing our new site, which we think fits the overall themes of our little club quite nicely.
We’re still working on getting the podcast buttons and Twitter links set up, but what do you think so far? Like the new design? Some of you may still get the old page while the DNS changes take place, but by the end of the day it should be good to go for everyone.
East Meets West 190 – Award this!
Scott Johnson joins us to talk about why we have all these awards shows, review the late night controversy, and lament the nature of the spinoff.
Get the episode at this link: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/www.archive.org/download/EastMeetsWest190-AwardThis/eastmeetswest190.mp3
This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com. Download a free audiobook of your choice today at audiblepodcast.com/east/