Tom and Roger review Watchmen, Battlestar Galactica and the philosophical and economic repercussions thereof.
Listen to the episode at this link:
Tom and Roger review Watchmen, Battlestar Galactica and the philosophical and economic repercussions thereof.
Listen to the episode at this link:
Dave Brodbeck, AKA Dave the Psychologist from BuzzTown had me on his podcast Thunderbird 6 to just talk about what I do at CNET and how got to do what I do. It was a blast to talk with somebody I normally intereact with in short bursts over email and Twitter.
Listen to the podcast at this link:
I had a fantastic time as usual guesting on The Phileas Club podcast hosted by Patrick Beja. The idea of his podcast is to find people from all parts of the world and get them to share their perspectives on the big news of the day, while also sharing what’s going on in their local region.
Turki from Saudi Arabia is a regular on the show and an invaluable peek into what’s going on there. We were also lucky enough to get Julio, an engineer from the European Space Agency, who is Argentinian, lives in the Netherlands and works in space. You gotta listen.
YOu can find the episode at this link:
Roger went to Wondercon and reports back on Watchmen, Chuck, Terminator and more.
Listen to the show at this link:
Had a fantastic time guest-hosting on one of my favorite podcasts yesterday. The Instance with Randy Jordan and Scott Johnson is a World of Warcraft podcast. The only thing that sucks about being on it is that I love to listen to it, and now I already have. But that shouldn’t cheat you. We talk about some wide-ranging tech stuff actually inclusing the eco-system for independent modders.
Listen to the episode at this link:
This week we check in on the beginning of the Wheel of Time series. Veronica’s ahead of me and says the thing really picks up right after the point I stopped. Which makes me think she’s just trying to get me to start reading again. Which is fine. One of the problems is I’m reading Watchmen at the same time in advance of the movie. I’ll share a few impressions about that with you as well. We also discuss the book Daemon as reviewed on Slashdot. Should it be our next book choice?
Finally we take some reader comments, including a Wheel of Time Drinking Game and someone calling the last book “pants.” We’re pretty sure that means he didn’t like it. Welcome to the wonderful world of monthly Sword and Laser! Woo-hoo! Pant
Special thanks to Jonathan Coulton for the use of his song, Mr. Fancy Pants! Go buy it here!
As promised in the most recent podcast, our good friend Ryan (a.k.a. TuxOtaku) has set up a Sword and Laser IRC channel! Here are the details:
Room: #swordandlaser
We’ll be doing some scheduled chats soon, but otherwise feel free to pop in and say hello from time to time! Just be mindful of spoilers (in fact, let’s keep current book discussion to a minimum unless otherwise noted).
In this installment of our new monthly format, we talk about our progress in the current book selection from Robert Jordan. We also touch on Watchmen, Daemon, and of course, pants.
Get the episode here.
Tom and Roger talk about the weather, Watchmen, economic stimulus and nuclear destruction.
Listen to the episode at this link:
SuBBrilliant News makes an appearance in the Mozomedia Music podcast. Enjoy some fine tunes and then I’ll catch you up on the headlines that you won’t hear anywhere else.