AMD announces its next-gen ultraportable laptop chips, Google starts rolling out passkey support for accounts, and Microsoft reportedly plans to offer private ChatGPT servers.
We learn about Rediet Abebe, a key black innovator in AI development. Samsung bans generative AI tools like ChatGPT after employees load sensitive data into a prompt. Multiple companies have joined together to propose an industry standard to the IETF for “unauthorized tracking alerts” for Bluetooth trackers like Apple’s Air Tags or Tile’s Trackers. And we go through things you should know about BlueSky.
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Nica Montford, Roger Chang, Joe
Netflix was saying their password-sharing crackdown was good, but the test didn’t do so hot in Spain. DC releases a double-Flash trailer and Wonka got previewed. All that and more on Cordkillers! With special guest Merrill Barr.
This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: Ted Lasso (307), Succession (406), Miami Vice (405 – “Child’s Play”) Next week: Silo (101-102), Ted Lasso (307), Succession (406) Email the show at Subscribe, get expanded show notes, and past episodes at
Mastodon introduced a default server for new users to streamline onboarding, Microsoft launched a preview of payments in Teams, and BeReal introduces a curated timeline called RealPeople.
Geoffrey Hinton, 2018 Turing Award winner for his foundational work in AI, recently left Google so he could speak freely about the dangers of AI without negatively impacting Google whom he believes has acted responsibly in its AI roll-out. Is juice jacking a real threat to users of up to date smartphones? And JAMA has a story about the comparison between real physicians and ChatGPT answering patient questions.
Starring Tom Merritt, Rich Stroffolino, Chris Ashley, Roger Chang, Amos, Joe
Noticias: -En México, la cámara de diputados aprobó las penalizaciones para quienes operan aplicaciones montadeudas.
-Microsoft empezó la implementación de su Designer en la barra lateral de su navegador Edge.
-WhatsApp actualizó su función multidispositivo para que pueda usar la aplicación de mensajería en distintos dispositivos con iOS o Android.
-En México, el diputado panista Ignacio Loyola Vera está impulsando una iniciativa de ley para la “regulación ética de la inteligencia artificial y la robótica”.
-¿Te acuerdas de ViX +? La versión de paga de la plataforma de TelevisaUnivisión dejará de funcionar y su contenido se incorporará dentro de la marca de ViX.
Análisis: ¿Por qué desaparece ViX+?
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Show Notes
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We get a RSA Conference wrap-up from David Spark, ask why there’s no standardized threat actor naming convention, and Reddit began testing persistent chat channels with 25 volunteer subreddits.
Starring Sarah Lane, Rich Stroffolino, David Spark, Roger Chang, Joe