Twitter announced it will add label to mark tweets with misleading information on COVID-19. This is the latest attempt by the social media platform to fight disinformation. It this enough and have its other attempts borne fruit?
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Patrick Beja, Roger Chang, Joe
Theaters are re-opening internationally, pay-TV is plummeting, and National Treasure 3 and a NT TV show are on the way. All this and more on Cordkillers!
This week on It’s Spoilerin’ Time: Rick and Morty (407), What We Do in the Shadows (201-205), The Larry Sanders Show (401-402)
Next week: Rick and Morty (408), What We Do in the Shadows (206), The Larry Sanders Show (403-404)
Much has been made regarding the UK’s efforts in creating a contact tracing app to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. How is it coming along and does it work as intended?
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Charlotte Henry, Roger Chang, Joe
The World Health Organization plans to release a COVID-19 symptom checking app, the White House reportedly is in talks with Intel and TSMC about building chip fabs in the US, and Microsoft rolls out a reply-all protection feature for Outlook.
Moving can be a challenge but moving your tech along with you adds an extra layer of hassle. Find out how Patrick Norton moves his considerable amount of gear to a new place.
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Patrick Norton, Len Peralta, Roger Chang, Joe