The circuses of internet and terrestrial content. C.E.S. product announcements. Animaniacs, David Letterman, Runaways, and Game of Thrones will all return! With special guest Roberto Villegas ( )
DTNS 3194 – CES 2018: Another Pixel in The Wall
Amazon brings voice to Windows and Microsoft might be OK with that, Nvidia has a big gaming display and more AI firepower and there’s inflatable smart hip protection and so much more.
With Sarah Lane, Tom Merritt, Roger Chang, Peter Wells, and Paul Spain.
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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.
If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!
Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!
Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!
Thanks to Anthony Lemos of Ritual Misery for the expanded show notes!
Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit
Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!
Daily Tech Headlines – January 8, 2018
Sprint CEO joins Uber’s Board, Samsung and LG get their smart fridge on, and Tivo announces its Next-Gen Platform.
Follow us on Soundcloud.
A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.
If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!
Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.
Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!
Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit
Show Notes
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DTNS LABS – GAMES – Big Games of 2018
In this episode, we discuss the big games you can exepect and look forwrd to in 2018:
Monster Hunter World (Jan 26, PS4, XBO, Win)
Dragon Ball Fighter Z (Jan 26, PS4, XBO, Win)
Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom (Mar 23, PS4, Win)
A Way Out (Mar 23, PS4, XBO, Win)
Far Cry 5 (Mar 27, PS4, XBO, Win)
Wargroove (TBA Q1/Q2, Switch, XBO, Win)
Kingdom Hearts III (TBA, PS4, XBO)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (TBA Q2, PS4, XBO)
Anthem (Q3, PS4, XBO, Win)
Crackdown 3 (Q2, XBO, PC)
Sea of Thieves (Mar 20, XBO, PC)
State of Decay 2 (2018, XBO, PC)
God of War (TBA Q1, PS4)
Detroit: Become Human (Q2, PS4)
Days Gone (TBA Q1/Q2, PS4)
Spider-Man (TBA Q1/Q2, PS4)
With Patrick Beja and Scott Johnson.
For all DTNS shows, please SUBSCRIBE HERE.
Follow us on Soundcloud.
A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.
If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!
Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the DTNS logo and Ryan Officer for the DTNS Labs take!
DTNS 3193a – IoT: The Internet of Toilets
The hottest trends to expect at CES, plus smart toilets. Which is one of the hot trends at CES actually.
Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang, Len Peralta and Allison Sheridan.
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Follow us on Soundcloud.
A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.
If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!
Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!
Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!
Thanks to Anthony Lemos of Ritual Misery for the expanded show notes!
Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit
Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!
- News You Should Know
- (01:05) Apple Music chief Jimmy Iovine may leave the company in August | the verge
- (01:40) To catch Apple, Fitbit invests in a company that makes a small patch to track blood sugar for diabetics | cnbc
- (02:30) FCC issues final version of order eliminating net neutrality rules | tech crunch
- More Top Stories
- (02:50) Alexa is coming to wearable devices, including headphones, smartwatches and fitness trackers | tech crunch
- (05:10) Kohler’s new smart fixtures make Alexa your bathroom buddy | engadget
- (07:40) Meltdown and Spectre: Here’s what Intel, Apple, Microsoft, others are doing about it | ars technica
- (09:40) Intel says performance impact of security updates not significant | reuters
- (14:20) GoPro cuts 200-300 jobs, largely impacting its drone division | tech crunch
- Discussion Story
- (16:00) CES Expectations
- CES 2018: What to expect | engadget
- CES 2018: What to Expect from the Year’s Biggest Tech Show | the verge
- 12 questions that CES 2018 needs to answer | cnet
- (16:00) CES Expectations
- Message of the Day
- (27:15) James – voicemail
- Today’s Contributors
- Get Len Peralta‘s “CES Connected Commode” at his store or by supporting his Patreon
- Allison Sheridan
- Allison interviewed by Rich Stroffolino for Gestalt IT and the podcast IT Origins
- Heading to #CES2018 ? Join @dailytechnewssh and @TekThing for our DUAL MEETUP!
- Where: Level Up Arcade & Bar – MGM Grand
- When: Tuesday Jan. 9, 8:00 PM
- We’ll be live streaming from CES Unveiled, Show Stoppers, and Digital Experience
Daily Tech Headlines – January 5, 2018
Jimmy Iovine might cash out at Apple, Kohler makes smart faucets and more updates on Meltdown and Spectre
Follow us on Soundcloud.
A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.
If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!
Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.
Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!
Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit
Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!
DTNS 3192 – The Spectre of Speculation
Whether or not to freak out about the new chip vulnerabilities, or whether to freak out about the Indian citizen database breach OR whether you should freak out about oil-filled artificial muscles for robots and prosthetics.
With Sarah Lane, Tom Merritt and Roger Chang.
Using a Screen Reader? Click here
Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from
Follow us on Soundcloud.
A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.
If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!
Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!
Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!
Thanks to Anthony Lemos of Ritual Misery for the expanded show notes!
Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit
Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!
- News You Should Know
- (01:15) Nintendo’s Switch is the fastest-selling US console ever | engadget
- (01:20) Samsung’s new Exynos chip teases iPhone X features for Galaxy S9 | circuit breaker
- (01:40) Blade Shadow heads to the US to slay your PC | cnet
- (02:15) Mad Catz, maker of gaming peripherals, is back from the dead | cnet
- (02:40) Microsoft unveils preorders for the beautiful $319 Cortana-powered thermostat | the verge
- More Top Stories
- (03:10) “Meltdown” and “Spectre”: Every modern processor has unfixable security flaws | ars technica
- Researchers Discover Two Major Flaws in the World’s Computers | new york times
- Meltdown and Spectre | graz university
- Today’s CPU vulnerability: what you need to know | google security blog
- Intel Issues Updates to Protect Systems from Security Exploits | intel
- Intel Memory Access Design Flaw Already Addressed by Apple in macOS 10.13.2 | macrumors
- (05:30) Michael O’Neill – Meltdown and Spectre
- (13:55) Mark Zuckerberg’s personal challenge for 2018: Fix Facebook | cnbc
- (18:20) AT&T will launch real mobile 5G in 12 cities this year | engadget
- (21:10) India probes report on breach of national identity database | reuters
- (23:35) A Clever New Robotic ‘Muscle’ Seriously Lifts, Bro | wired
- (03:10) “Meltdown” and “Spectre”: Every modern processor has unfixable security flaws | ars technica
- Message of the Day
- (26:35) Anonymous – Apple design
- Heading to #CES2018 ? Join @dailytechnewssh and @TekThing for our DUAL MEETUP!
- Where: Level Up Arcade & Bar – MGM Grand
- When: Tuesday Jan. 9, 8:00 PM
- We’ll be live streaming from CES Unveiled, Show Stoppers, and Digital Experience
#314 – Not-So-Young Frankenstein
It’s a whole new year of books, and we have some suggestions! Plus the science behind Westeros and the amazing 200-year-old Mary Shelley.
Daily Tech Headlines – January 4, 2018
The latest on the severe chip flaws, plus new Dell and Lenovo laptops.
Follow us on Soundcloud.
A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.
If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!
Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.
Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!
Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit
Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!
DTNS 3191 – Let The Chips Flaw Where They May
What you need to know about the Intel chip vulnerability, controlling a car with your mind and more startups try to make a go of lab-grown meat.
With Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang, Scott Johnson and Rich Stroffolino.
Using a Screen Reader? Click here
Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from
Follow us on Soundcloud.
A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.
If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!
Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!
Big thanks to Mustafa A. from for the logo!
Thanks to Anthony Lemos of Ritual Misery for the expanded show notes!
Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit
Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!
- News You Should Know
- (01:15) Intel’s processors have a security bug and the fix could slow down PCs | The Verge
- (01:40) BlackBerry’s QNX OS to anchor Baidu’s Apollo autonomous driving platform | VentureBeat
- (02:15) Microsoft acquires Avere Systems, file-storage vendor for Windows and Linux | ZD Net
- More Top Stories
- (02:35) iFixit teardown of iMac Pro lends a nuanced look inside the powerful all-in-one | 9to5 Mac
- (07:00) Roku joins the voice computing market with smart soundbars, speakers and more built by partners | Tech Crunch
- (10:40) Nissan’s Car of the Future Will Read Your Brain Waves | Bloomberg
- (13:00) Lab-made meat startup SuperMeat raises $3M seed to develop ‘clean’ chicken | Tech Crunch
- (15:35) Spotify Hit With $1.6 Billion Copyright Lawsuit Over Tom Petty, Weezer, Neil Young Songs | Hollywood Reporter
- Discussion (18:25)
- Serious Intel CPU design flaw may require a Windows patch, but probably won’t affect gaming performance | PC Gamer
- Intel’s processors have a security bug and the fix could slow down PCs | The Verge
- What’s behind the Intel design flaw forcing numerous patches? | Ars Technica
- Intel CPU Design Flaw, Performance Degradation, Security Updates | Lone Sysadmin
- The mysterious case of the Linux Page Table Isolation patches | Python Sweetness
- Thing of the Day
- (29:55) Tech In Travel Minute
- Heading to #CES2018 ? Join @dailytechnewssh and @TekThing for our DUAL MEETUP!
- Where: Level Up Arcade & Bar – MGM Grand
- When: Tuesday Jan. 9, 8:00 PM
- We’ll be live streaming from CES Unveiled, Show Stoppers, and Digital Experience
- Today’s Contributor