Daily Tech Headlines – May 31, 2017

DTH_CoverArt_1500x1500Uber fires Levandowski, Microsoft brings Windows 10 to Qualcomm-powered ARM laptops, Twitch plays the stock market.



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A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!

DTNS 3041 – Essentially Concerned

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comWhat we think of Andy Rubin’s Essential phone and it’s open strategy. Plus Anthony Levandowski fired from Uber and the last PS3 ships in Japan!


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Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


Follow us on Soundcloud.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!

Daily Tech Headlines – May 30, 2017

DTH_CoverArt_1500x1500Andy Rubin’s return with the Essential Company, Intel’s big Computex announcements, and Nvidia’s crack at light gaming laptops.



Follow us on Soundcloud.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, tgstellar, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!

Cordkillers 172 – Cordkilling Purgatory (w/ Ron Richards)

Verizon gets into over the top streaming, Facebook dropping thousands, and people don’t like cable companies. With special guest Ron Richards.

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CordKillers: Ep. 172 – Cordkilling Purgatory
Recorded: May 29 2017
Guest: Ron Richards

Intro Video

Primary Target

  • Verizon CEO confirms company’s plan to launch a streaming TV service
    – Verizon’s acquisition of Yahoo is expected to close mid-June
    – Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam expects to use the Combined Yahoo-AOL, which will be called Oath, to “test out an over the top service.”
    – This would be different than Go90.
    – Verizon is paying the NFL some $21 million for rights to the Sept. 24 regular-season game between the Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguars in London, and the telco will stream the game live across its portfolio of video platforms including AOL, Yahoo, Fios TV, Go90 and Complex.com.

How to Watch

  • Facebook signs BuzzFeed, Vox, others for original video shows
    – Sources tell Reuters Facebook has signed deals with Vox Media, BuzzFeed, ATTN, Group Nine Media and others to make shows. A new video service from Facebook would have long and short-form content with ad breaks. Scripted shows would run 20-30 minutes and unscripted shows range 5- 10 minutes long. Facebook is supposedly paying up to $250,000 for the longer shows and between 10 and 35,000 for the shorter episodes. Shows will premiere exclusively on Facebook but run on creators sites after a period of time.

What to Watch

What We’re Watching

Front Lines

  • Netflix is bringing Ellen DeGeneres back to standup
    – Netflix posted on Twitter to Ellen Degeners “Looks like it’s been 15 years since you did a stand-up special, @TheEllenShow. How about one for Netflix?” She replied “Let me think about it. OK I’m in.” In an official statement Ellen sais she’s writing it now and will let folks know where and wen it will be recorded.
  • Netflix cancels Baz Luhrmann’s ‘The Get Down’
    – Netflix will not give Baz Luhrman’s The Get Down another season. It’s unusual for Netflix to cancel shows especially after only one season.
  • The Cable TV Industry Is Getting Even Less Popular
    – A survey from the American Customer Satisfaction index found that cable operators and ISPs tied for last place with an average customer satisfaction rating of 64%. That’s down 1.5 percentage points for cable. Wireless carriers improved 3 points to 73%. Comcast was near the bottom at 58% down six points just above Mediacom’s 56%. Verizon FiOS was top of TV services at 71%. The top-ranked industries in this year’s survey were makers of television and video players at 87%, and soft drink makers at 84%.
  • Almost every adult still watches TV the old-fashioned way
    – Nielsen’s numbers show 92 percent of those older than 18 watch television on a TV. And 82.1% of total minutes of TV watched last year were watched on a TV. Computers, phones and tablets made up less than 8 percent of total viewing time.
  • Jon Stewart isn’t doing an animated HBO show anymore
    – Jon Stewart’s four year deal to create animated shorts for HBO has been shelved. A joint statement said “technical issues in terms of production and distribution that proved too difficult given the quick turnaround and topical nature of the material.” HBO and Stewart said in their statement that they’re now working to develop new projects, “which you will be hearing about in the near future.”
  • Twitter for Apple TV adds live, 360 degree video and Periscope’s global map
    – Twitter updated its Apple TV app to include support for Periscope’s Global Map and the ability to watch live 360-degree videos. Viewers use the Apple TV remote to navigate the 360-degree videos.

Dispatches from the Front

Hey, guys. Just have a couple of questions about all of the proxy banning going on.
I’m an American, living in America, with an American debit card and accounts that were all set up without anonymization. I just got DD-WRT set up on a new router so I could run openVPN and anonymize my traffic without breaking things like Google Cast and wifi direct by running VPN clients on individual machines.
I had forgotten, however, that Hulu and Amazon Prime are blocking proxies and VPNs with startling aggression. While my Netflix still works, it’s only a matter of time for that one as well.
I’m wondering what the logic is to so aggressively blocking VPNs, especially on accounts that have all the markers of being American except a verifiable IP address (I typically use a Florida server).
Am I expected to give up the only thing really protecting my online privacy, and my data, just because Hulu and Amazon Prime want to use a butcher knife instead of a scalpel to solve their (arguably) imaginary VPN problem?

– Dean




Hi Guys and possible Guest,

I finally did it, I cut the cable. I still had to keep the phone to keep my modem free for my internet. (Keeping the phone makes my bill $85 vs $89 but it was $156}

Now comes the next step. What services do I want to go with. So in Jun, I’m doing Playstation, July might be Sling if Playstation doesn’t work out. August will either be YouTube or Hulu. [Leaning more towards Youtube if it gets to Omaha]

My question is about these services and which is GeoLocked to the home and which ones aren’t. My daughter is quite used to watching Hulu and Youtube, when at work or her Dad’s all of which is in my same city. Do we have any information on these two and if they tv options can be watched out of the home?






Hey guys,

As one that lives just slightly out of reach of high speed broadband (100mb/s stops 3/4 of a mile down the road from me). I use a 4G wireless router in the house with 2mb/s download.

With limited bandwith but still having a household of people fighting for the bits, I was curious if you could point me to streaming services that best accomodate.

My personal anecdotal experience:

Netflix the best as it seemlessly buffers and downres’s to fit the stream without ever a hiccup for me.
Youtube second as it allows me to several different res options that I can pick manually if I experience trouble.
Hulu next as it is usually consistent but very limited options for res changes if I experience problems.
Crackle, same experience as Hulu but the limited show options cause me to rank lower.
Vudu, worst for me, always defaults back to HD res, tends to freeze up when I switch to SD. Even at SD, I have to disconnect every cell phone, game devise and computer from network to stream.

Just thoughts from one of the majority in this country not on Gigabit fiber.





Hi Killers,

With the arrival of “American Gods” on Starz I decided to try the service with their 7 day free trial. I quickly decided that there was nothing else on Starz that I cared about watching. Also, their Android app provided a really poor experience. So I decided to take Brian’s advice and look at this logically. I have no great need to watch this series live. I cancelled Starz. Instead, I will wait until it’s offered for purchase. I might have to wait a year. Oh well. As you both often point out, there is plenty of fun stuff to watch in the meantime.

Been a fan and supporter since the beginning. You guys make me laugh, which is reason enough to continue. Love. The. Show.






Hey Guys,

Talking about ESPN for sports is almost like talking about MTV for music. While ESPN has a lot of shows ABOUT sports, they don’t actually air that many games.

I am fully against them counting eyeballs in bars towards their numbers. Most bars have ESPN talk shows on throughout the day that no one is actually watching because, really, what else are they going to put on when there are no local sports games playing. I think that stacking the numbers like this will give them leverage to keep charging their obnoxiously high fees which will in turn keep all of the cable rates, and potentially streaming service rates, high.

I love your show and never miss an episode, but whenever there is a sports question and you guys bring up ESPN, I cringe. I am a huge sports fan and I wouldn’t even notice if someone removed ESPN and all of its channels from whatever service I was paying for at the time.

Your boss and long-time fan,



2017 Summer Movie Draft

DTNS 3039 – Headlines Day

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comIt’s Memorial Day in the US, so just the headlines today.


<!–Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.–>


Follow us on Soundcloud.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, tgstellar, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit

DTNS 3040 – Headlines Day

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comIt’s Memorial Day in the US, so just the headlines today.


<!–Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.–>


Follow us on Soundcloud.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, tgstellar, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit

Daily Tech Headlines – May 29, 2017

DTH_CoverArt_1500x1500AlphaGo goes out on top, a massive IT failure for British Airways, and ARM releases new chip IP.



Follow us on Soundcloud.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the theme music.

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, tgstellar, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!

Monthly Tech Views – May 28, 2017

Untitled drawing (1)

Real tech stories. Really shaky analysis.

As the saying goes, April showers bring May messed up tech stories. Which, on the surface, makes little sense, but if you’d been there in April when I slipped in that puddle and seen just how hard I hit my head, you’d get it.


Yeah, Great, But Let’s Get Back To What We’re Definitely Doing Wrong
A District Court judge said he hasn’t seen “any smoking gun” showing that Uber conspired to steal autonomous car trade secrets from WayMo.

High-level Uber executives met to discuss the serious theft accusations in the usual way: “Good thing they were looking for smoking guns and not smoking hot employees, right? Have you guys seen the new girl in Marketing? Ten bucks says she falls for the Sexual Harassment ‘demonstration’ gag.”

I Mean, Unless You Want A $2,000 iPhone?
Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the company’s plan to establish a $1 billion fund to promote advanced U.S. manufacturing.

Asked if that meant they would begin building iPhones here, Cook laughed for ten minutes, wiped the tears from his eyes, and said, “No. No, no. Oh my gosh, no.”

Following five more minutes of light chuckling and head shaking, he added, “But we are getting rid of the home button on the iPhone, so I’m sure we’ll need to whip up plenty of $40 dongles of some sort for the Luddites.”

By My Math, Twenty Is Twice As Many As Ten
Apple claims that Apple Watch sales doubled year over year, though CEO Tim Cook would not provide actual numbers.

“Look, I can’t give you exact numbers either, but our department is a madhouse!” said a source inside the Watch Division. “I get notified every time a sale is made anywhere in the world, and on more than one occasion I’ve had to interrupt a best-of-five Words with Friends match to put another slash on the dry erase board.”

Necessity Is The Mother Of Inventive Accounting
Cook also said that those doubled Apple Watch sales led to revenue from wearables equaling that of a Fortune 500 company, meaning at least $5.1 billion last year.

“I see some of you are stunned by this,” Cook said, “but consider that Wearables includes not only the Apple Watch, but Air Pods, Beats headphones. And depending on how financially creative we need to get, remember that in a pinch, a simple household rubber band makes any iPhone a wearable too.”

The Most Steps I Got Was The Walk To The Return Counter
After selling 4.8 million devices in the first quarter of 2016, Fitbit reported sales of only 3 million in the same quarter this year, and that doesn’t take into account the estimated 2.9 million who-am-I-kidding-with-this-resolution returns.

The Little Guy Fights Back
Apple is withholding modem licensing fee payments to Qualcomm, claiming that Qualcomm is not licensing the technology in fair and reasonable terms. Making Apple yet another heartbreaking example of a struggling startup simply not understanding contract terms due to being unable to afford a lawyer.

And Neon… Lots Of Neon
Apple is building a shipping and receiving warehouse in Reno, Nevada. The warehouse will display Apple signage at the request of Reno’s City Council, who added, “You know, that big, sexy signage you look so good in; we want the other cities crazy envious and then we can get you that shiny tax break you’ve had your eye on.”

But Is A 20% Off Coupon Really “An Offer They Can’t Refuse”?
The European Union Advocate General has suggested that Uber be classified a transport service, which would require obtaining authorization to operate. The reasoning is that Uber does not just link supply and demand, but creates the demand.

Say what you will about Uber, but I think it’s pretty farfetched to think they are responsible for people needing rides to places. Especially as it’s been years since their marketing department relied on breaking into homes at night and leaving a severed steering wheel in potential users’ beds.

Good, The Current Twelve Hours Of Pre-Game Seems Lacking
Twitter has signed a multi-year deal with the NFL to live stream pre-game coverage along with a daily thirty minute show, assuring the continued use of the U.S.’s most abundant natural resource, retired football players talking over each other at approximately 130 decibels without once pausing for breath.

Lint  Art
HTC’s U-11 phone will contain Edge Sense, allowing you, for example, to launch the camera by squeezing the phone, leading to HTC’s exciting new slogan: You can never have too many photos of your pocket!

They Can’t Steal Data You Never Store
The US National Institute of Standards and Technology says users should be able to pick whatever password they want, with no pre-defined restrictions, though if passwords contain characteristics like previously breached passwords, dictionary words, repetitive or sequential characters, or the name of the service, they should be disallowed after the fact.

“So we tell the user they can use any password they want.”


“But if they use one that we don’t like, we don’t let them use it.”


“But we don’t want to tell them up front which types of words won’t work.”

“You got it.”

“No matter how many times they enter an unacceptable option.”


“And we get a 20% kickback on all replacement computers and peripherals destroyed in frustration.”


And It’s Great For Playing Back To The Future
Snapchat has added a tool that lets you remove an object from a photo and have the space automatically filled in with background. The tool is called Magic Eraser, which sounds a lot more upbeat than the “I Can’t Believe I Ever Loved You” Tool.


Thanks for spending some of your three-day weekend with the Monthly Tech Views. You are now free to return to the traditional Memorial Day Freeform Channel Harry Potter Marathon.

(Of course, if you’re not into TV on a beautiful long weekend, there’s no rule that your marathon can’t be of the Tech Views variety. Grab your favorite chaise lounge (pronounced that folding chair that’s been in the shed all winter) and one of these, and relax outside with a few laughs…)

The Internet is Like a Snowblower

Snowblower Cover - Original - Final


Tech, Please!

Creative Commons License
Monthly Tech Views by Mike Range is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

DTNS 3039 – The Game On The Plane Is Mainly On The MAME

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.com The latest figures from Nielsen show most US adults still watch content on a TV. Is the trend to viewing on smaller screens overblown? Plus Scott Johnson and Andy Beach discuss building an arcade emulator using a Raspberry Pi.


Using a Screen Reader? Click here

Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


Follow us on Soundcloud.

A special thanks to all our supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you are willing to support the show or give as little as 5 cents a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, Jack_Shid, tgstellar, KAPT_Kipper, and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes
To read the show notes in a separate page click here!