DTNS 2380 – 00000001st Binary Church of Packets

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comDarren Kitchen joins me to review the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack and look at listener suggestions for TrueCrypt replacements. Plus Len Peralta is here to do his artprov thing.


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Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke, sebgonz and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests: Darren Kitchen of hak5.org and Len Peralta, artist and author


CNET reports that Apple has asked a California court to dismiss an anti-trust case. Apple alleges Marianna Rosen, the last remaining plaintiff in the case, did not purchase any iPods within the required timeframe for the class action suit. Apple claims the iPods were purchased by the law firm of her husband. If the court agrees, Rosen would not be able to collect damages, or show injury, thereby preventing a class action suit. Rosen’s lawyers have the weekend to come up with response. Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers said, “I am concerned that I don’t have a plaintiff. That’s a problem.” The plaintiff’s lawyers are expected to respond this weekend claiming Ms. Rosen did purchase the iPods.

Ars Technica reports that AT&T’s policy change on throttling customers does not yet apply to LTE customers. AT&T previously throttled its legacy unlimited customers who used more than 3GB of data in a month. But awhile back changed policy to only apply the throttling when the network was congested. It turns out that AT&T cleverly left LTE users out of that new policy. Any LTE user who passes the 5GB mark in a month will be throttled for the remainder, although users can buy more data to add to their unlimited plan. AT&T told Ars the policy will be changed for LTE customers sometime in 2015.

The BBC wraps up the nightmare weeks that have been the last two for Sony Pictures Entertainment. While most of its internal systems are back online, the attackers have leaked stolen data. It’s not inconsequential data either, including movie budgets, payroll data, salary information for 6800 global employees, social security numbers for more than 47,000 employees, health care files, unreleased films, home addresses, and contracts for Sony Pictures employees and freelancers, and more. Sony says it will offer a year of free credit monitoring and fraud protection to current and former employees.

Reuters UK reports that Taiwan has identified 12 smartphone brands that do not conform to privacy standards. The phone makers could face fines or a ban unless they address the issue. No brands were named, but the government is expected to release their findings within weeks. The Taiwanese government got involved after media reports claimed Xiaomi smartphones could send user data to home servers in mainland China without user permission. Xiaomi said its devices “never actively send any private user information without the users’ approval.

The New York Times reports the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal ruled Friday that data collection programs conducted by the UK’s GCHQ and the US NSA do not violate the country’s human rights laws and that safeguards in place protect people’s online privacy sufficiently. Privacy groups that brought the case, including Amnesty International, said they would appeal the British court’s decision at the European Court of Human Justice.

Hola Cortana! The Next Web reports that Microsoft’s Cortana virtual assistant is coming to Windows Phone Preview users in Spain, France, Germany and Italy. Additional languages will be part of an update that is rolling out to Windows Phone Devs. Alpha Cortana will be missing some features, like flight data, and transit data in smaller cities. Fortunately European football data will be included in the update.

Its handy that we’ll be able to ask Cortana in German things like “How much money do telecommunications companies give Chanellor Merkel. Because the Local reports the Chancellor, speaking at a Vodafone-hosted conference in Berlin called Digitising Europe, called for a splitting of services on the Internet, “one for free internet, and the other for special services.” She added, “An innovation-friendly internet means that there is a guaranteed reliability for special services. These can only develop when predictable quality standards are available”.

The New York Times reports NASA’s Orion spacecraft passed its first flight test Friday. The unmanned capsule carrying test equipment launched Friday morning at 7:05 AM Eastern time from Cape Canaveral Florid, made two orbits and successfully splashed down about four and half hours later at 8:29 AM Pacific Time in the Pacific Ocean, 600 miles southwest of San Diego. The test is the first step towards a manned Orion mission in 2021 and eventually missions to an asteroid and Mars.

News From You

Inge_Aning posted the PC World article about a conference on privacy and cybercrime held in Washington, DC Thursday. During one discussion, Judge Richard Posner, of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit said he believes privacy is overvalued, and just used to hide disreputable conduct. Posner thinks it’s fine for the NSA to copy all data in worldwide networks. He said “If someone drained my cell phone, they would find a picture of my cat, some phone numbers, some email addresses, some email text. What’s the big deal? Other people must have really exciting stuff. Do they narrate their adulteries, or something like that?” — Judge Margaret McKeown of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and Michael Dreeben, deputy solicitor general in the U.S. Department of Justice expressed their support for the notion of privacy.

MikePkennedy sent the Engadget summary of tests that show solid state drives could last a lot longer than you think. TechReport.com forced six drives — including Kingston’s HyperX 3K, Samsung’s 840 Pro and Intel’s 335 series — to continuously write and rewrite 10GB of small and large files. Four of them failed at the petabyte mark, well past specified limits while the Samsung and Kingston models passed two petabytes and were still going. Essentially, those drives could write data until the parts themselves disintegrated.

Hurmoth (and Starfuryzeta) both sent in the Ars Technica report that US Senator Ron Wyden introduced a bill would prohibit law enforcement from subverting encryption on electronic devices. The Secure Data Act would prevent US government agencies from equiring any “backdoors” be placed in US software or hardware.


Discussion Links:  Sony hack week








Pick of the Day:  Slice.com via Frederik “The Belgian” from (currently rainy) San Jose & Garrett
Frederik says: On Tuesday’s podcast, Justin asked whether the day’s pick, Junecloud, could scan your inbox the way TripIt does and automatically add packages to track. I’ve never used Junecloud, but my go-to package-tracking app of choice, Slice, does just that. In my experience it does a fairly good job of it (though it occasionally creates duplicates, especially for eBay orders that generate emails from both eBay and PayPal). It also does a fairly good job of finding a photo for each item you’ve ordered, letting you easily scan all your orders in a more visual way. There’s both an Android and iOS app, in addition to the website. You can find it all at slice.com.

Garret says: I am currently using slice.com which is pretty good. My biggest complaint is that it doesn’t pick up amazon tracking numbers because amazon doesn’t send those in email, only a link to their tracking page. Slice is still able to key off of the estimated delivery date in the confirmation email so it does a pretty good job. I used to use https://www.packagetrackr.com/ I don’t remember why I left. Just another example if people want to try it.

Monday’s guest: Breki Tomasson

DTNS 2379 – Yesterday’s DRM

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comAlex Hana joins us today and we’ll talk about Uber’s huge funding round and why they want to expand into the rest of the world.


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Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke, sebgonz and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

DTNS 2378 – CAPTCH 22

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comAllison Sheridan braves a burning router to appear on the show and talk about the new Google CAPTCHA system. Is it creepy? Is it accessible?


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke, sebgonz and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guest: Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast podcast


ReCode says two sources close to the investigation say Sony Pictures Entertainment will name North Korea as the source of the attack on its internal networks. An announcement from Sony Pictures and security firm Mandiant is forthcoming.

GigaOm reports that Google is rolling out a new reCAPTCHA system. Instead of distorted words and numbers users will simply click a check box next to the words “I’m not a robot.” Google’s “Advanced Risk Analysis” will look at IP addresses, cookies, mouse movements and more in an algorithm to determine whether a user is human or bot. Mobile users will be presented with a puzzle for instance matching a picture of a kitten with other pictures of kittens in a grid of multiple pictures.

Wired UK reports that the YotaPhone 2 is going on sale. The dual screen smartphone from Russian company Yota Devices has both a-front facing AMOLED 1080p screen and an e-ink panel on the back. The Yotaphone 2 has a 2.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon processor, an 8-megapixel camera on the back, and a 2-megapixel camera on the front. The phone will cost £555 in the UK and 700 Euros in the EU. You can buy one online or in the YotaPhone store in London. The phone goes on sale in Asian markets early next year and will be available in the Americas–eventually.

CNET reports that according to market research Parks Associates, in the first three quarters of 2014, 10 percent of US households with a broadband connection bought at least one streaming-media player. Roku kept the top spot with 29 percent of sales in the first nine months. Google’s Chromecast however moves into second place with 20 percent of sales, sending Apple TV to third with 17 percent. In fourth? Amazon’s Fire TV box and stick.

Ars Technica reports on the announcement of the newly announced Bluetooth 4.2 spec. Among the improvements are the ability to connect directly to the Internet over IPv6 and 6LoWPAN, controls over whether beacons are allowed to track your device, speeds improved up to 2.5 times. Some older Bluetooth 4 devices can take advantage of the privacy features with a firmware update the speed and packet improvements will require a hardware update.

GigaOm passes along that Mozilla’s release manager tweeted the company is going to get Firefox on iOS. Apple added the WKWebView API in iOS 8 which gives third-party browsers access to the full power of the JavaScript Nitro engine which previously was only accessible to the Safari browser.

News From You

starfuryzeta submitted the Ars Technica article that security firm Cylance published a report Tuesday describing “Operation Cleaver.” The sustained cyberattack campaign has attained the highest level of system access at targets in 16 countries. Compromised systems include employee login servers, VPNs, routers and switches. Among the 50 target organizations are airports, hospitals, telecommunications providers, chemical companies, and governments. The team of attackers use Persian handles, work from IP addresses registered in Iran. Cylance believes the group could only be backed by a nation-state.

MacBytes passes along a terrific feature from The Verge about the all-girl robotics team at Carl Hayden Community High School in West Phoenix, Arizona. Carl Hayden is a school where 70% of students lived below the poverty line, and less than 40% of students graduate. So two teachers at the school founded a robotics club. And the club went on to beat MIT in a robotics competition and get a movie made about them. But the teachers noticed that the girls on the team rarely worked on the robots. They wrote the papers and gave the presentations. So in 2007, they formed a girls-only team. And guess what. GIRLS BUILD AWESOME ROBOTS TOO. And then they go to Stanford. Because ROBOTS. And more importantly, BECAUSE TEACHERS. Go read the article. It’ll make you happy.

CaliforniaKarl alerted us to a YouTube post explaining why they had to re-code their view counting software thanks to pop star Psy. Turns out people are still watching Gangnam Style and when the 2 billion 147 million 483 thousand 647th viewer hit it maxed out the 32-bit integer they had reserved to count views. So they had to upgrade to a 64-bit integer. YouTube now can rest easy until Gangnam Style gets past the 9 quintillionth view.

Discussion Links: Captcha!






Pick of the Day:  Mighty Text via Scott

My pick of the day is the Android App MightyText.

The app is similar to iMessage in that it allows Android users to send text messages from their tablet and computer (through a chrome extension) keeping me from switching to my phone whenever I am using my other devices.

The app also has neat features like: telling you your phone’s battery life, contacts, scheduling future messages, and you can dial from one of the other apps.

Link from messages


Thursday’s guest: Simon Dingle of South African broadcasting

DTNS 2377 – Reasonable people? On the Internet?

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comPatrick Beja and Justin Robert Young are on to talk about Stephen Hawking’s new toy, whether phones are too expensive in India and a US Supreme Court case that could gag the Internet.



A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke, sebgonz and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guest: Patrick Beja and Justin Robert Young 


PC Magazine reports the FBI emailed a five-page confidential notice warning US businesses to watch out for malware similar to the kind that infected Sony Pictures Entertainment’s internal system. The notice shared some details on what happened at Sony including overwriting of data that may be difficult or impossible to recover. The BBC asked the North Korean government if it was involved in the attack. A spokesman for the North Korean government replied: “”The hostile forces are relating everything to the DPRK (North Korea). I kindly advise you to just wait and see.” Meanwhile Reuters reports a U.S. national security official says North Korea is among the multiple suspects being investigated.

The Verge reports Twitter announced changes to its process for reporting abuse. Fewer steps will now be required to report such behaviour, and those who are not involved have an easier way to flag abuse when they see it. Also, blocked users will no longer be able to view the profiles of people who have blocked them. Users will also have a page where they can view and edit accounts they have blocked.

Recode reports that Sprint has a new promotion coming Friday in the US. Customers who bring a current AT&T or Verizon bill into a Sprint store can set up a new Sprint plan that is half the cost of their current charges for calls, texting and data. The customer has to buy an unsubsidized phone though. Sprint will also pay up to $350 in early termination fees or remaining device payments, if customers turn in their existing devices. The offer does not extend to T-Mobile customers. Or current Sprint customers.

The Verge reports Snapchat now allows all its users to create pictures with geofilters. Snapchat added the feature earlier this year allowing users to view images attached to a location but until now only developers could create the images. Users interested in submitting images must follow template instruction at snapchat.com/geofilters, choose the location, then upload. Snapchat employees must approve the art before it’s shared with friends.

The Sinclair ZX Spectrum is making a comeback. The Verge reports the popular 1980s computer from the UK is being recreated through an Indiegogo project endorsed by Sir Clive Sinclair himself. The new Sinclair Spectrum Vega comes in the shape of a rectangular gamepad with 1,000 preloaded games. You can also use an SD card to load in more games. Backers must pay £100 for delivery expected to begin in February.

Reuters reports that Cyber Monday sales got off to a slow start, apparently because web promotions got off to an EARLY start. According to data from IBM Digital Analytical Benchmark, US online sales grew only 8 percent on Cyber Monday. Sales were projected to rise between 13-15 percent. The reason? Promotions began during the Thanksgiving weekend or even earlier possibly taking business away from Monday. So basically, people are shopping all the time, not just on one day. IBM also said Cyber Monday sales continued to be driven by mobile traffic which grew 38.3 percent this year, even as the average order value remained flat at $131.66.

TechCrunch reports US FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai sent a letter to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings today alleging the company is working to effectively secure Internet fast lanes. Pai notes Netflix, like Google did not join a consortium to create streaming video standards then accuses Netflix of changing its protocols to impede open caching software from correctly identifying Netflix traffic. Pai seems to be referring to Netflix’s Open Connect program where edge caching machines are placed inside ISPs like Cablevision to improve performance of Netflix video.

The Next Web reports Steam unveiled a new beta feature today called ‘Broadcasting.’ The feature allows a user to stream gameplay to friends, similar to Twitch, but directly from the Steam client. Steam broadcasting is only available for PC at launch but game streams can be viewed in Chrome and Safari.

News From You:

KAPT_Kipper sent us the devastating news that Microsoft has closed down the clip art and image library on office.com. Tech Crunch reports that users in need of imagery will now be pointed towards Bing Image search with a Creative Commons filter turned on. So, goodnight cow. Goodnight moon. Good night lady, with cake and balloons.

In related news, D’Angelo Barksdale was last seen yelling, “Where’s Word ART? String, look at me! Where’s WORD ART?”

TNTFan sent us theThe Next Web report that famed physicist Stephen Hawking has a new communications system that uses technology from SwiftKey to make it easier for him to write and talk. The updated system, which is built by Intel, lets him accurately choose entire words rather than individual characters. Professor Hawking’s typing speed is twice as fast with the new system. Wired Magazine has details of the development of the system, called called ACAT (Assistive Context Aware Toolkit) which is available as open source software in January.

ktoll2 passed along the Verge story about the journal Nature making research studies it publishes free to read online. Well sort of. The studies are free to read using a proprietary software platform accessible only if you have a direct link provided by a subscriber, and kept in a format that prohibits copying, printing, or downloading. So not really free as in beer or speech, more like free if you can get to it. Still that’s 140 years of peer-reviewed research that technically anyone can access.

Discussion Links: Objective v. Subjective






Pick of the Day: Junecloud via Jamie Brand

I wanted to tell you about an app I just discovered today called Deliveries by Junecloud. It’s a package tracking solution that has apps for iOS and OSX and makes tracking your shipped packages painless. It breaks down the ETA for each package, and even sends notifications if there is a change to your scheduled delivery date. The app for iOS costs $4.99 but with that you are able to use almost all of the main shipping outlets like UPS, USPS, Canada Post etc, and it even lets you forward confirmation emails to automatically add tracking information to the app. They just added a Widget to the Today screen as well so you don’t even have to open the app. I will be using this alot in the coming weeks for my many amazon purchases and hopefully fellow DTNS listeners can do the same.
Jamie in beautiful BC

Plug of the Day: 

Wednesday’s guest: Allison Sheridan of the Nosillacast podcast

Cordkillers 47 – The Sports is a Lie

Will ESPN’s choke hold kill online viewing or itself? Plus our holiday gift picks! 

Download video

Download audio

CordKillers: Ep. 47 – The Sports is a Lie
Recorded: December 1, 2014
Guest: None

Intro Video 

Primary Target

  • ESPN’s Long-Term TV Sports Rights Deals Chart
  • -Chart from MoffettNathanson analyst Michael Nathanson
    – ESPN Sports rights plotted out to 2024.
    – ESPN will pay $3.8 billion for those games this year, and $5.1 billion by 2017
    – $6 per subscriber paid to ESPN expected to hit $8 by 2018 (SNL Kagan)
    – Dish has ESPN on its web service, Sony does not yet.
    -Q: Can an online-only service make it without sports?
    -Q: Can ESPN continue to afford to pay for games when non-sports fans have more of a choice?

Signal Intelligence

  • More Than 70 Percent of Netflix Viewers Watch Original Shows
  • -Poll from Centris Marketing Science
    – More Netflix viewers (72 percent) say they watched the service’s original programming Q3 compared to Q1 (57 percent).
    – The younger the viewer the more likely to have watched original programming
    Q: Are we starting to think of Netflix as HBO more so than as an all you can eat TV catch up service?

Gear Up

Front Lines

Under Surveillance

2014 Winter Movie Draft

  1. Scott: $314,255,040
  2. Tom: $225,680,904
  3. Brian: $72,237,610
  4. Brett: $58,210,090
  5. Justin: $38,686,869
  6. John: $14,857,390

Dispatches from the Front

To: All employees of Cordkillers, LLC
From: Manager Joe

To whom it may concern:

On episode 46 of your show, entittled “Cultural CliffsNotes,” feedback was discussed which divulged details of the film Interstellar. The subject matter involved age variance between characters played by the American actors Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway.

In the future, please ensure that divulgences of protected information be limited to the “It’s Spoilerin’ Time” portions of the broadcast.

I trust this is the final mention of this topic.

Your Boss,



Hey Brian and Tom 

Anecdotally I might have an answer for why Amazon streaming is becoming more popular. Recently I debated with my wife for us to switch from Netflix to Amazon. We have no reason for two streaming services and since they are approximately the same cost per month, I thought this would be an easy switch. My pitch was to switch to Amazon because of free shipping and music, but she insisted we stay on Netflix because of the exclusives. Amazon’s rise in popularity could be linked to people like me who want to watch streaming occasionally, but don’t want to pay for two services. If I have to choose one, Amazon wins because of all the perks (free shipping, kindle library, music, etc.).

Just a thought, thanks!




Brian and Tom!

If you have not yet seen Gortimer Gibbons Life on Normal Street on Amazon Prime, you are missing out! This is a smart, sweet, funny kids show and an Amazon original. It is not the flashy, over the top, laugh track shows from Disney Channel, which is a refreshing change of pace.

So great to see smart kids content coming from these online providers.

Your Boss,




I’ve noticed it on the podcast every now and then, but Hulu+ gets downplayed a lot on the show. I’m confused as to why. I think by implying it’s not a good service is actually a disservice to potential cordcutters who want to drop their cable/satellite TV services.

Hulu+ is the only streaming service that allows people to watch the latest episodes in about 6-12 hours from when they first air. These are shows from NBC, CW, ABC, FOX, and even from some cable networks like Comedy Central or Nickelodeon, also new Anime from Japan.

Their back catalog of TV shows isn’t anything to ignore either, with stuff from CBS, FX, etc… International programming from the UK, Korea, and Mexico, also can’t be discounted. Then there’s the movie catalog, with several that aren’t even available on Netflix.

Hulu+ with a Chromecast/Roku (and maybe including CBS all access) is simply the most affordable and most convenient method to watch time-shifted programming on a TV, that is “Grandparents Friendly.” I know that everyone I know who cut the cord rely on Hulu+ more than Netflix or Amazon, for their current TV fix.

So why the hate on Hulu+?

Still a fan though ;-P


Another great show. Really liked Dana Brunetti insights as well, although I completely disagree with his assessment that viewing numbers don’t matter in your discussion of Nielsen and Netflix. Dana is right that Netflix does not have to release that info and all that matters to Netflix is how well they feel a show is doing since they are the ones who ultimately benefit or don’t, plus they have already paid for the content so no is left empty handed. But as the OTT business gets more competitive and the Netflix’s of the world continue to produce, buy and sell content around the world these viewing numbers will generate a perceived value (as Tom said), which in some case will work for and against Netflix, Amazon and others. Although it is a brave new world, let’s not forget – the more things change, the more things stay the same (making money).

Thanks again. Your show continues to get better all the time.




As someone who works in TV for a living I was surprised to hear you guys dismiss Nielsen numbers for Netflix. I was literally yelling at my phone watching until Tom brought up Amazon using the numbers. I calmed down and thought okay here we go, Tom is getting to my point but then got mad because Dana dismissed them and you guys let it go. Now I can see Dana dismissing them as a producer who has a deal with Netflix because he is getting paid but anyone not working for Netflix or “House of Cards” should care. Amazon will almost certainly care about them. HBO will care about them. As a broadcaster I can say the broadcast networks will also care. If any of the networks companies I mentioned see a show is getting higher numbers on Netflix then some of their shows, they will either…

A, consider bidding on the show.
B, consider making a show similar in nature.
C, drop a show similar in nature that is getting less viewers.




Please explain how youtube channels work like I’m five. I’ve been using Youtube since the beginning of time and for the life of me I have no clue how find channels/subscribe, etc. For me its to confusing. Help me out or you’re Fired!

Keep up the good work, bonuses are in the mail. You guys like one year memberships to the Jelly of the month club don’t you?




Hi Tom& Brian 
I have a question for you. I buy most of my movies digitally now, but the problem is they are scattered all across Google Play, Amazon, VUDU and iTunes. Is there any tool or software to maintain all this so that when I want to see something I can find out if I own it and if so where. I actually bought a movie on two different services because I forgot I owned it on the other one.

Thanks for your help guys!!!





This is your boss, and in your end of year appraisal I call BS on your “how many names can you remember” test as a measure of viewing enjoyment.

I had to listen to you regularly forget every single name in Transparent, yet it was one of your favourite shows of the year. You only had to remember a Moppa and 3 kids!

Your boss

James in the UK



Hey Brian and Tom.
I wanted to add some things you missed about the story about korra coming back to television.
1st it will be on nicktoons not nick proper most kids wont search out for a channel that is buried in deep cable or might be in a different package all together. (also they did this for book three already)

2nd as far as I am aware the creative team behind korra is the same and I think one of the reasons the show might have gotten pulled is it got dark for being on a kids network. if it was on teennick it would have been fine but maybe not on a network that also plays spongebob.

just my thoughts,



I’m happy to report that as a Canadian our VPN settings stopped working and we didn’t even notice we were using Canadian Netflix for over a month. Now that our VPN service has been restored, we’ve actually switched back to finish watching certain shows you guys don’t have.

Anyway, I’d like to issue a challenge to all cord killers North of the Wall: switch off the VPN, if it’s not 100x better than the last time you were on Canadian Netflix, I owe you a double double.



Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

DTNS 2376 – Google Schools Apple

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comRafe Needleman joins the show to talk about whether Cyber Monday is just a myth created by marketers.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke, sebgonz and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guest: Rafe Needleman, Editorial Director, Yahoo Tech


Gigaom reports Microsoft is in fact acquiring email startup Acompli. Javier Soltero formerly of VMWAre wrote the company will continue to develop mobile email apps for multiple platforms and services. While the consumer face will not change nothing was said about whether Acompli would move off of Amazon Web Services to Microsoft Azure on the back end. I’m betting that might happen.

Ars Technica passes along a Wall Street Journal report that a new version of Google Glass will arrive in 2015 with an Intel processor inside. This will replace the TI chip which was no longer made or supported causing many issues with keeping the Android OS updated. It also furthers Intel’s push into mobile and wearable devices. WSJ reports Google still views Glass as a consumer device.

Reuters reports Sony Pictures Entertainment has hired FireEye’s Mandiant forensics unit to help deal with the attack that shut down their internal systems last week. Email is expected to return for Sony today. ReCode reported Friday that investigators were looking into whether attackers were hired by North Korea, possibly in retaliation for the upcoming Sony Movie “The Interview” a comedy about an attempt to assassinate North Korea’s Supreme Leader. North Korea has called the movie With Seth Rogan and James Franco, an act of war.

For the first time ever, Google has overtaken Apple in sales to US schools. 9 to 5 Google comments on an IDC report which estimates Google shipped 715,500 Chromebooks to US schools and colleges in Q3 2014, while Apple shipped 702,000 iPads in Q3. IDC says the lower cost of Chromebooks is a huge factor, as well as the full keyboard. The Financial Times points out that Chromebooks have gone from zero to 25 percent of the educational market in two years. Apple iTunes store still has more educational apps, 75,000 at last count.

A 2005 lawsuit against Apple alleging antitrust for failing to support non-Apple DRM’ed music on iPods finally goes to trial this week. Apple argues their software upgardes were not meant to break DRM, but merely to improve the user experience. The trial will feature a deposition of Steve Jobs recorded before he died. Apple no longer carried DRM on its own songs, never prevented un-DRMd songs from iPods and no longer makes classic iPods.

We reported on rumors that sounded pretty certain that Samsung Co-CEO JK Shin was going to be demoted. Well good news JK Shin, GigaOm and the WSJ report JK Shin will remain in charge of mobile as Co-CEO with the two other CEOs. There were some position changes in the mobile division, including the removal of DJ Lee as head of sales and marketing for Mobile.

The Next Web reports that Intel has acquired Canadian identity management service PasswordBox for an undisclosed amount. The product lets users log into websites and apps without having to enter or remember passwords. The product will now be part of Intel’s security group.

News From You:

starfuryzeta sent us The Verge article about a curious coincidence in relation to the Sony hack last week. Watermarked DVD quality copies of Sony Pictures films Fury, Annie, Mr. Turner and Still Alice appeared on torrent websites shortly after the attack. A Sony rep would not confirm that the videos came from the leak but said Sony is working closely with law enforcment to address it. Screeners have been showing up in torrents for a long time but it is curious to see five Sony movies only one of which is even in theaters yet, show up so close to the attack.

KAPT_Kipper sent us the Torrent Freak report that Kim Dotcom has defeated efforts by the US government to send him back to a New Zealand jail. An Auckland district judge ruled that bail should not be revoked because there was no evidence Dotcom had secret assets or posed a flight risk while he fights extradition to the United States. The judge did ban Dotcom from traveling by helicopter or by sea (hopefully in a boat) unless that transport is via public service, and said he must visit a police station twice a week while on bail (up from once a week).

spsheridan submitted the Ars Technica article that the Department of Justice as turned to a federal law called the All Writs Act to order Apple to assist law enforcement in recovering data from phones. Judges in a federal court in Oakland, California and District court in San Jose, California both ordered Apple provide reasonable technical assistance to obtain unencrypted data but stated specifically that Apple was not required to decrypt. Jonathan Mayer, a lecturer at Stanford Law pointed out to Ars that the All Writs Act is often used to compel assistance with unlocking a phone and some language of the order is provided by Apple itself.

Discussion Links: Cyber Monday, la la, la la la la.








Pick of the Day:  LazyGameReviews via Randy Strye

Hi Tom! One of your many, many bosses here ;) I’d like to suggest a YouTube channel as a daily pick. I’ve been watching (and supporting on Patreon) LazyGameReviews for quite some time now. He’s not just another YouTube video game reviewer. Along with reviewing classic, obscure PC games, he has many videos discussing collecting of classic PC games, videos about strange, classic PC peripherals (or as he calls them “Oddware”), and most recently (and what made me think of you!) a show about tech history, the first being about the Osborne and the most recent being about Digital Research. Keep up the great work. Thanks for making my daily commute more bearable!

Plug of the Day: “What’s a Poor Normal To Do?” at the DTNS store

The DTNS store has a new item! One the one Friday day that Len Peralta couldn’t join us, Producer Jennie filled in and drew “What’s a Poor Normal to Do?” Darren Kitchen asked her to put it in the store, so now it is there. :) You can also buy other cool DTNS things in the store.

Tuesday’s guests: Patrick Beja and Justin Robert Young will join us! 

DTNS 2375 – Black Friday Headlines

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comJust Tom today looking over the headlines on the Black Friday holiday. Full show returns on Monday.



A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke, sebgonz and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

DTNS 2374 – Right to Be Google

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comJustin Robert Young on today to talk about the Sony attackers and whether games should be excused for shipping when broken.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the headlines music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke, sebgonz and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guest: Justin Robert Young, co-host of Night Attack, Weird Things podcasts


Sources tell Bloomberg Sony is developing a watch with an e-ink-like screen on the face on watchbands. It;s one of the products set to come out of Sony’s business creation division set up by CEO Kaz Harai this year to encourage innovation. The division also is developing something called MESH which uses small blocks with sensors, LEDs and buttons to allow rapid prototyping. The watch may come out next year according to Bloomberg’s sources.

CNET reports the US Mission to the European Union has made a statement regarding the possibility that the EU would explore breaking up Google under antitrust regulations. The Mission emailed the Wall Street Journal and noted concern with the proposal, saying, “It is important that the process of identifying competitive harms and potential remedies be based on objective and impartial findings and not be politicized.” Additionally Ars Technica reports US House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte wrote to European members objecting to the plans as did Senators Ron Wyden and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Reps. Dave Camp and Sander Levin. And a THIRD letter was signed by 12 members of US Congress led by Rep. Anna Eshoo.

But the EU isn’t leaving Google alone. BloombergBusinessWeek reports the EU’s Article 29 Working Party will publish guidelines this week recommending search engines like Google apply right to be forgotten requests to all versions of its search engine available in Europe, including the .com domain. The group also rebuked Google for notifying news outlets when story links were removed.
The guidelines aren’t legally binding, but national regulators can use them to exert pressure on Google to follow them.

Recode reports that Amazon has reduced the price of its Fire Phone to $199 unlocked, a $250 price cut off the already reduced phone. The original unlocked price was $649. Amazon is also including a year of free Amazon Prime which normally costs $99. An Amazon Fire phone on a two year contract? Still 99 cents.

TechCrunch reports the Global Web Index ranks Tumblr as the fastest growing social network with 120% growth in active users over the last six months. Pinterest is second at 11% and Instagram now third at 64%. Facebook is almost flat at 2%. Twitter grew 26%. The news for Facebook is better in growth of mobile app usage. Snapchat is tops at 56% followed by Facebook Messenger and again in third place, Instagram.

Still wondering if stickers is a good business model for messaging apps? Back in April, Japanese instant messaging app Line launched the Creators Market, where its users could make and sell their own stickers- large, sometimes animated emoji. Tech Crunch reports today that Line has sold more than $30 million in stickers from independent creators during the market’s first six months of business. Close to 36 million sticker packs have been bought from the market, from a total base of 270,000 creators.

The Next Web reports Google continues to expand its offering in Cuba. Adding to the previously launched Chrome browser there, Google is launching Google Play and Google Analytics in Cuba today. Both apps have to be free to avoid violating US restrictions on exports to Cuba. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt believes that empowering citizens with information tools is the best way to encourage the country to modernize.

CNET reports Huawei is partnering with South Korean mobile telecommunication companies — SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus — to establish 5G networks. Official standards for 5G havne’t been set yet but we’re talking speeds around 1000 times faster than LTE by 2020. Huawei is considering building an R&D center in South Korea.

The Verge reports that NASA astronauts aboard the International Space station became the first people to print a 3-D object in space. The printer was installed aboard the ISS last week by NASA commander Barry “Butch” Wilmore, and was used to produce a replacement plastic face-plate for the 3-D printer itself. Because if you’re an astronaut traveling to Mars, you might need to 3-D print another 3-D printer someday. The parts printed will be sent back to earth in 2015 to check difference between manufacturing in space versus earth.

News From You:

habichuelacondulce passes along a Gizmodo report that Google’s new Times Square billboard is very large. The billboard promotes the Android operating system and used 24 million LED megapixels, at a cost of $2.5 million for four weeks. The billboard is interactive. Passerbys can climb up on a platform and play games using a 20 foot Android avatar created by Google’s Androidify website or app.

MacBytes submitted Ben Gilbert’s Engadget post form a couple days ago bemoaning the launch problems that seem to come with every major video game these days, Halo Master Chief Collection’s online multiplayer fails, Assassin’s Creed Unity’s frame rate and gameplay bugs etc. Gilbert longs for the day when you could go rent the Bubsy the Bobcat cartridge and play it without issue. Gilbert worries that game manufacturers don’t care if games work right out of the box since they’ll fix the bugs with patches on day one and beyond.

Discussion Section: Sony hackers





Pick of the Day: Shuttle via Scott Foster

Hey Tom,

Love the show! I am a web developer constantly connecting to different servers to update configuration files, read logs, or just make sure certain services are running. Also we have many different versions of our code (production, staging, testing) and keeping track of ip addresses and username/passwords can be tough, until I found shuttle ( http://fitztrev.github.io/shuttle/ ).

This is a Mac only program that sits in the menubar and allows you to group servers, name them, and have different parameters when connecting to them. It has made things so much easier. Also all the code is on github so you can see how it works and contribute to the code if you’d like.

Thanks Tom!

Plug of the day:  If you were one of those people asking about a DTNS coffee mug you can get one now in the new DTNS store. And David Michael already started a sale from 12:01am on Friday until midnight Monday.

DTNSBF2014 – 10% off total order.

Future Shows: No show Thursday, because it’s Thanksgiving in the US.

Possibly a headlines only show Friday.

Monday’s guest: Rafe Needleman of Yahoo Tech