DTNS 2255 – Tesla Won’t Charge You

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comPatrick Beja joins the show to talk about just how open Tesla’s ‘open source’ patents could be, plus news about Facebook and your privacy, Google investing in Virgin Galactic and a cup that sense what you’re drinking.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests:  Patrick Beja, host of Le rendez-vous Tech


PC World reports Facebook is making changes to how ads work. One change will put blue arrows by ads in the news feed. When you click a blue arrow it lets you see which of your preferences caused an ad to appear and allows you to tweak those preferences so more relevant ads will show up. IN a somewhat less privacy-friendly maneuver, Facebook also announced it will now track your Web and app activity and will not respect Do Not Track settings. Users can opt out at the Digital Advertising Alliance opt-out page at http://www.aboutads.info/choices/ or use settings in iOS and Android.Or block cookies. Or don’t use Facebook.

BloombergBusinessWeek reports Intel’s appeal against a 2009 fine of €1.06 billion was rejected in its entirety by the EU’s general court. Intel was found to have broken antitrust laws in Europe by giving rebates to manufacturers who chose Intel chips over AMD. 

CNET reports on an Yves Behar designed smart cup called Vessyl from a San Francisco startup called Mark One. The thermos-like cup is covered in sensors and can detect and track what you drink and how much of it. Sensors track amount of caffeine, sugar, calories, and a proprietary hydration metric called Pryme. Mark One will sell the Vessyl through its website at a pre-order price of $99. If the company raises $50,000 the cup will retail for $199.

Elon Musk wrote on the Tesla blog today that the electric car company will “not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology.” The idea is to encourage competing carmakers to get into the business of making electric cars and accelerate their development and growth.

Sky News reports Google is in talks with Virgin Galactic for deal that would give Google a stake in the company and some technological assistance in its plans to launch satellites to provide wireless Internet. Virgin Galactic would get cash. While the deal is not final, Sky news sources estimate Google might invest $30 million and come away with a 1.5% stake.

News From You

Our top story on the subreddit came from melchizedek74. The Verge reports on Amazon following through from yesterday’s rumor and launching Prime Music a free streaming music service fro subscribers to Amazon Prime. Ad-free access to a million songs now comes along with free shipping, video streaming and ebook lending. Prime Music features curated playlists and forthcoming apps for Kindle Fire, iOS, Android, PC and Mac. The service will not have new releases, or popular songs from Universal Music.

tekkyn00b pointed out the Verge report that Starbucks plans to install Powermat wireless charging stations in table in its coffee stores in the US, starting in the San Francisco area. Most phones have Qi built in, but powermat cases are available for popular phones like the Galaxy and iPhone and a receiver “ring” will be available inexpensively to fit most cell phones. We don’t know if the rings will be sold by Starbucks.

tekkyn00b also submitted the Verge article that a US Appellate Court for the 11th Circuit has ruled that police must obtain a warrant before collecting cellphone location data. The court determined cell tower connections constitute a Fourth Ammendment issue. This ruling contradicts a ruling made in a different circuit almost a year ago. 

And Hurmoth submitted Jon Brodkin’s Ars Technica article explaining why Netflix’s performance on Verizon has not improved as fast after striking an interconnect deal as Comcast’s did. The article is worth the read if you really want to understand, but essentially, Netflix and Comcast started working on the Interconnection long before their deal was signed. Verizon and Netflix started working on their interconnection once the two companies had an agreement. Rollout begins in ernest next month and will continue through the 4th quarter.

Discussion Section Links: All our patents are belong to you





Pick of the day: Newsblur via SkyJedi

Since Feedly is being buried under a sea of Ddos Trollery, I’ll share my RSS solution: Newsblur. It has free and premium sides, iOS and Android apps. Import your feeds from any service. They also have sharing, and all the other bells and whistles of a modern day RSS reader.

Friday’s Guest:  Eric Olander co-host of the weekly China in Africa podcast


DTNS 2254 – TweetWreck

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comPeter Wells joins the show to talk about the TweetDeck XSS attack, DDoS attacks agains Evernote and Feedly, and why the Internet seems to be falling apart lately.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests:  Peter Wells, editor of Reckoner, Australia


The Internet was shaken today when Tweetdeck users everywhere began retweeting javascript code most ofen involving a heart symbol. It was not love they were spreading, but a cross-site scripting attack. It also manifested as popups with avrious messages like yo and XSS in Tweetdeck. Twitter fixed the vulnerability but then shut down Tweetdeck services for an hour to confirm the fix. It affected users of Tweetdeck in Chrome and reportedly users of the Windows app. Hat tip to melchizedek74 who submitted this on the subreddit.

The Washington Post reports Microsoft is contesting a search warrant issued by a judge in New York compelling the company to turn over customer data stored in a server located overseas. The emails in question are on a server in Ireland and connected to a drug-trafficking investigation. Verizon filed a friend of the court brief supporting Microsoft. Microsoft believes US investigators should file the request with an Irish district court judge. The US government believes the location of the records is irrelevant, only the location of the company matters.

Reuters reports Taxi drivers slowed traffic in London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid and Barcelona in protest against Uber, a US company that allows users to summon cars for rides via an app. Taxi drivers across Europe say Uber breaks local taxi rules, violates licensing and safety regulations and its drivers fail to comply with local insurance rules. Uber says its drivers comply with all local regulations.

TechCrunch reports Pinterest launched “Guided Search” on its mobile apps which surfaces related terms at the top of the screen as enter a keyword in the search box. The search bar is also much more prominent on the site now. The change is rolling out to English-speaking users over the next few weeks with more languages to follow.

CNET reports the $25 Firefox Phone is coming to India. Intex and Spice, will build Firefox OS phones based on a processor from Chinese company Spreadtrum and sell them for around Rs 1,500 in the next few months. Mozilla also announced Chunghwa Telecom, the largest mobile network operator in Taiwan, has signed up with Firefox OS. ZTE’s Open II and Alcatel’s One Touch Fire E are still scheduled to go on sale this summer.

TechCrunch reports Parrot, the popularizer of the quadcopter drone has some price and release dates for its latest creations shown off at CES earlier this year. The Jumping Sumo, which rolls around on the ground on two wheels, squeeze through small places, and well, jump has a 20 minute battery life and will be available in August for $160. The Rolling Spider is a quadcopter that can also work with two optional wheel attachments allowing it to scale walls and ceilings with an 8 minute battery life. Yeah. . It will arrive in August for $100. As a sidenote the US FAA approved the first drone for commercial use Tuesday. AeroVironment will fly unmanned Puma aircrafts over Prudhoe Bay in Alaska to survey oil pipelines, roads, and equipment for BP.

News From You

KAPT_Kipper has our top story on the subreddit, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports Comcast has turned on the first 50,000 of its residential hotspots in Houston, to use WiFi routers in homes to provide wider WiFi service for Comcast customers. The routers separate access from the home users network and offer it with the SSID xfinitywifi. Comcast says it shouldn’t impact home service since public hotspot users are provided through a separate channel on the modem called a “service flow.” Controversially the service is turned on by default without the subscriber’s consent. Customers have to log into their Comcast account and turn the service off themselves. 

metalfreak pointed out the TechGage post about Civilization V coming to Linux via Steam OS. It’s also on sale to boot. That addition helped the number of unique Linux titles at Steam to pass the 500 landmark. Currently, TechGage counts 516 Steam games available for Linux.

spsheridan posted the Ars Technica story that US FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler wrote a blog post titled “Removing Barriers to Competitive Community Broadband” shortly after meeting with Mayor Andy Berke of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Wheeler wrote, I believe that it is in the best interests of consumers and competition that the FCC exercises its power to preempt state laws that ban or restrict competition from community broadband.” Wheeler has said similar things before but the FCC has no stated plans to act on the statements.

And supey777 pointed out the Sydney Morning Herald article that ISP iiNet’s regulatory officer Steve Dalby is encouraging customers to write letters expressing opposition to the government’s piracy crackdown. Attorney-General George Brandis made statements that he was considering a scheme of piracy notices and requiring blocks for certain websites. Mr. Dalby believes the graduated response proposal would incur costs with ISPs and have no effect. 

Discussion Section Links: 












Pick of the day:  Bialetti.com  via Peter Wells

Thursday’s Guest:  Patrick Beja of L’Ordre du français philosophes Technologie 

And just because, here’s the full text of the email we got defending the future of Steam…very well written!

“Hey Tom!  Travis from Quaint Bristol Tennessee.

I really wanted to weigh in on the Steam discussions.  I’d like to start by saying that I think a lot of folks are either under or over thinking all that Valve is doing with Steam.  Steam has come a very long way since it’s early when I first remembering it as the only way to install Half Life 2.
Basically, we need to not think of Steam as simply a gaming platform anymore, even though that’s still what it is primarily.  I think Valve is positioning Steam to become a central platform for consumers to consume digital content without having the overhead of a licensed operating system or proprietary equipment.  What this ultimately give consumers is simple, options.
For example, in our household, we have several PCs, game consoles, tablets and a plethora of other digital devices.  My primary PC is a very powerful gaming desktop but like a lot of folks these days, I don’t always want to sit there after a long day at work, I’d rather kick back on the couch and do something.  I have been experimenting with the new beta versions of Steam and have implemented a few nifty systems.  I now have SteamOS installed on an Intel NUC with a wireless Xbox controller and Logitech wireless keyboard.  I can now sit back on my couch and stream Defiance from my PC to my NUC running SteamOS and it plays almost exactly like it would if I were running it on my Xbox or Playstation.  Ultimately, I think this gives Valve the potential to centralize our platform for digital purchases and use that as leverage to negotiate for a platform agnostic ecosystem.  This would give something like the nVidia Shield much better viability.  This allows me to get much more value for my library of games and as a result, I don’t buy games now if I can’t get them on Steam.
Within the next few years, there is going to be a major shift to the cloud for all of our consumption and I think Valve is getting out ahead of it.  I feel like the current and near future implementations SteamOS will serve to transition users to a new ecosystem where Valve can work with technologies like nVidia’s new stream servers to give options for Streaming or allow for local installs.
So in the end, if I want to sit at my desktop and play Watch Dogs, I can.  If I want to instead sit on the couch and stream it to my NUC, I can.  If I want to stream it to my Surface I can.  If Valve gets deals worked out with the likes of Amazon or Roku to have a Steam app, you could have it there too.  Plus, they are supposed to be working on deals with content providers to allow for streaming service on SteamOS.
So where does that leave Steam machines?  Valve is playing the long game with this one.  If they get the support from developers, think of what that means for our games.  We no longer have to have Windows licensed to play games, we have an operating system that is designed for performance, less vulnerable to malware
and keeps the cost of a system down by at least $150.  Is it required? No, but it may soon be preferred if Valve plays their cards right.  Initially, like most tech, it will be primarily embraced by techheads, but so were smartphones, right?”

S&L Podcast – #179 – Flintpunk and Geekomancy

Would you like to be in a George R. R. Martin Book? Got $20K? Don’t mind being killed? Good. You can help wolves. Also we give our first impressions of Brian McClellan’s The Promise of Blood and talk Geekomancy with Michael Underwood

Direct download!

Maddadam TV Series – Chris    
2014 Audie Winners (Audible) – Daniel
WINNERS: 2014 Ditmar Awards
Author Jay Lake has passed away – Joe Informatico

Tom’s Reading On The Steel Breeze by Alistair Reynolds    
Veronica is reading Marie Brennan’s The Tropic of Serpents (a Memoir by Lady Trent) and just finished Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig, and Lions of Al-Rassan by GGK.    
What Else Are you Reading June    

Find more upcoming releases at swordandlaser.com/calendar    
Anyone else find reading about sex (in fiction) and/or reading profanity to be awkward? – Eric
Summer climate fiction – “cli fi” for short – genre reading list – Nokomis.FL

July book pick is up for a vote. We’re reading Octavia E. Butler. Voting ends June 22. 
The Promise of Blood

WARNING: Hachette and Amazon are having a fight which may affect shipping times for print copies. Might want to buy print copies elsewhere for the time being.    
Everyone’s favorite hobby: casting – John    
People and Places for $200, Alex – Daniel (rhymes with Taniel) 
First Impressions – Rabindranauth    

Buy the Sword and Laser Anthology!    
Cross-promo Boing Boing podcast    

DTNS 2253 – Ninten-do enough?

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comRaj Deut is on the show from E3. Did Sony keep the lead in Mindshare? Is there any hope for Nintendo? Plus a wearable SIM card that can authenticate any device.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests:  Raj Deut, of Reckoner Australia and 1,000 Words On


Nintendo held a virtual E3 announcement again this year, streamed over the Internet. The main star was Super Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3DS, that lets you put yourself, or at least your Mii avatar, into the game. It also will work with 10 new Nintendo toys that connect with the Wii U through NFC on the touchscreen controller. Nintendo showed off several more games including an open world Zelda and a Mario Maker tool that lets you design your own Super Mario levels, both coming in 2015. Also coming next year is a new property called Splatoon, a family-friendly FPS that uses paint balls and lets participants swim through the paint. After the stream, Shigeru Miyamoto was showing off a prototype for a new Starfox game in development.

Sony made a big deal about exclusives in their E3 press conference Monday night, and didn’t shy away from talking hardware and services. Bungie’s Destiny will be available in Alpha Thursday, with a multiplayer beta coming July 17 and shipping September 9 bundled with a white version of the PS4. Among the avalanche of other games, were a look at The Order: 1886 coming in August and Uncharted 4 exclusive. Far Cry 4 will allow players to invite friends to play even if they don’t own the game and Little Big Planet 3 made a urprise appearance. Sony announced two game title for its virtual reality headset Project Morpheus, called Jurassic Encounter and Street Luge. The PlayStation Now game streaming service built on Gaikai will arrive in beta July 31. And the PlayStation Vita TV will come to the US can Canada under the simpler name PLayStation TV for $99 or $139 bundled with a memory card and controller. Sony’s also getting into the original content game on the PS4 with an animated series called “Powers” based on the comic book and a Ratchett and Clank movie coming in 2015.

Engadget reports Google has agreed to spend $500 million to purchase Skybox Imaging, which builds small high-resolution imaging satellites. The satellite tech could help Google Maps but also might be used as relay to spread wireless Internet around the world.

Gigaom report Honeywell launched its first Smart thermostat Tuesday called the Lyric.Unlike the Nest which attempts to learn your habits, the Lyric uses geofencing to tell if someone is home optimizing for comfort when you are and energy-savings when you’re not. It also uses humidity sensors to tell when a fan would be better at keeping things cool vs. AC. The Lyric will be available in August for $279.

VentureBeat reports Oculus VR has hired Jason Rubin to head its worldwide studios. Rubin cofounded Naught Dog game studio co-created the game Crash Bandicoot. Rubin will run content studios in Seattle; San Francisco; Menlo Park, Calif.; Dallas; and Irvine, Calif.

The Verge reports NTT Docomo announced a prototype of Portable SIM, intended to replace a phone’s SIM card. The prototype incoroprates Bluetooth, NFC and SIM into a credit-card sized unit that makes it possible to authenticate phones and other devices and allow them to make calls and connect to dat networks without having to have a SIM card inside. The device can also store profile data and credentials for other services like Amazon and Google. The carrier hopes to reduce the size even more to make it fit in a wearable device like a bracelet.

News From You

spsheridan submitted the Next Web article that Amazon has updated its Kindle apps for iOS and Android to include access to audiobooks without leaving the app. Kindle books have been able to sync with select audiobooks from Audible for awhile, but users needed to launch a separate audible app. Now, while reading a Kindle book, one tap launches the audio version and picks up from the page you’re looking at. Amazon says about 45,000 Kindle titles have the feature enabled.

JohnEllsworth3 posted the FastCompany story that the Facebook temporary message app called Slingshot that appeared in the Apple app store yesterday, appeared by mistake. A Facebook spokesperson told the Associated Press: “Earlier today, we accidentally released a version of Slingshot, a new app we’re working on.” Oops. But hey they’re very excited for you to try it out. Just not yet.

russiancatfood pointed out the Ars Technica article that gives Netflix the latest word in their spat with Verizon. Yesterday we mentioned Netflix said they would remove controversial error messages being tested on some users, that said things like “The Verizon network is crowded.” Netflix General Counsel David Hyman sent an official response to Verizon reiterating that the test of the error messages would end June 16 but adding that doesn’t mean they won’t bring them back. Hyman wrote, “…we are evaluating rolling it out more broadly. Regardless of this specific test, we will continue to work on ways to communicate network conditions to our consumers.” 

Discussion Section Links: E3 Part Two!




Pick of the day:  ZipList via Matt Maher

This pick is in response to your Big Oven pick. I’ve been using ZipList for a couple years now and I love it. I was approaching this type of app from the opposite direction. You were looking for a recipe app that could make grocery lists, and I was looking for a grocery list app that could draw from recipes. Consequently I think the focus of the two services is different. Grocery lists are more important to me, so ZipList works a little better for my uses. For one thing, my wife and I have a shared list that we can both add to, which makes shopping SO much easier.

ZipList also has a slew of great features. One of my favorite is that I can set up a number of stores that I go to regularly. I can then edit those stores and tell ZipList the exact order of the aisles, thereby making shopping trips a breeze because I can just sail through from one end of the store to the other. It also lets me add a bunch of items to one list, and then I can choose to only show one store at a time. That way I can take a single list, but go to Costco and Safeway without seeing the items for the store I’m not in at the moment. I highly recommend the service and app.

Wednesday’s Guest: Peter Wells, who also writes cool tech stories at Reckoner, Australia


Cordkillers Ep. 23 – Netflix Picks Fights

While Microsoft proves Brian right about the Ridley Scott series, but Netflix is being a little trolly and Web video becomes a heritage play.


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CordKillers: Ep. 23 Netflix Picks Fights
Recorded: June 9, 2014
Guest: None

Intro Video 

Primary Target

Secondary Target

Signal Intelligence

  • Close to half of all U.S. households subscribe to Netflix, Amazon Prime or Hulu Plus
  • Online television watching reaches all-time high — iOS apps surpass web browsers
  • Study from Leichtman Research Group about emerging video services
    – 47% of US households subscribe to one or more of Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime
    – 49% have at least one TV connected to the Internet
    – 49% of Netflix subscribers watch online video once a week compared to 8% of non-Netflix subs. 78% of Netflix subs watch on a TV
    – 34% watch online video every day, 61% every wek
    – 80% of Netflix subs have cable, compared to 88% in 2010.
    – Cord cutters who subscribe to Netflix rose from 16% (2010) to 48%
    – 10% of households think it’s likely they’ll cancel cable in the next 10 months
    – Total without cable 17 million households (of more than 100 million)
  • Adobe TV Everywhere report
    – iOS applications have surpassed desktop browsers as the most popular access point for online TV content, with a 43 percent market share versus a 36 percent share,
    – gaming consoles and other over-the-top devices continue to be the fastest-growing devices for online video overall, with a 123 percent year-over-year increase in online video starts
    – nline video consumption across mobile devices is now at an all-time high of 25 percent, with 57 percent year-over-year growth in the U.S. from Q1 2013 and Q1 2014

Gear Up

Under surveillance

Front Lines

2014 Summer Movie Draft

  1. DTNS:  $445,420,076
  2. TMS: $351,925,978
  3. Amtrekker: $320,289,130
  4. /Film: $196,350,239
  5. GodsMoneybags: $159,047,975
  6. Night Attack: $65,341,593

On Screen

Dispatches from the Front

Thanks for the show again. Any chance you could section one a week or month where you guys add a show to have people check out. Kind of like book of month from sword and laser. Since your show I have been binge watching and watched all seasons of the shield, archer, and just finished season 1 of arrow. After I watch season 2 of arrow going to start orphan black. Good option would be picking shows on streaming services like I going back to watch the sopranos on amazon prime.



I just tried to watch episode 22 of Cordkillers in the same way I have for the last 5 months, by streaming it on YouTube from my Nexus 5 to my Chromecast. Tonight I got an error saying this video is unavailable on this platform. I was able to stream it from a Chrome tab on my PC to the Chromecast. Did anything change?



Watching Cosmos. I agree with Tom, I have hated the external views of the “”ship of imagination.”” Clearly someone involved with the production either couldn’t grasp the idea (that if the ship is imaginary, the only image of what it looks like from the outside should exist in the minds of the viewer) or they thought the viewers wouldn’t get it. You can almost see someone rolling their eyes and saying “”oooh-KAY”” as they slapped the lackluster image image in to placate an unimaginative superior.



I really enjoy the show. Feel like it is hitting it’s stride as of late.

Any chance you guys could keep the Star Wars spoilers off the regular show? Maybe discuss it only in “”It’s Spoiling Time””?

I’m trying to go into Episode VII with as little background as possible and it is hard to do so if you guys are reporting on all of the leaked photos and such.

Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work.




Dog House Systems Cordkiller box

DTNS 2252 – Import Bruce Lee into the Sims

Logo by Mustafa Anabtawi thepolarcat.comIyaz Akhtar and Sean Hollister are on the show. We’ve got news coming out of E3 from Microsoft who swears they love games so please forgive them. Also did a chatbot pass the Turing test? Sort of.


Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.


A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters–without you, none of this would be possible.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting the show here at the low, low cost of a nickel a day on Patreon. Thank you!

Big thanks to Dan Lueders for the music and Martin Bell for the opening theme!

Big thanks to Mustafa A. from thepolarcat.com for the logo!

Thanks to our mods, Kylde, TomGehrke and scottierowland on the subreddit

Show Notes

Today’s guests:  Iyaz Akhtar, CNET and GFQ Network


CNET reports Microsoft made its E3 announcements and focused on games and thanking fans. The star of the show was Halo. The Master Chief Collection will come to Xbox One November 11, allowing players to take on almost every Halo game including Halo 2 multiplayer. Purchasers also get a crack at the beta of Halo 5 Guardians which isn’t scheduled for release until sometime in 2015. Further hitching their hopes to Halo, Microsoft announced Halo Nightfall, a live-action weekly series directed by Sergio Mimica-Gezzan and produced by Ridley Scott. The series will be part of the Master Chief Collection.

Of course Microsoft had lots of other things to announce as well, but the focus was firmly on games. A sequel called Rise of Tomb Raider was announced coming in late 2015 as well as the announcement of a new Crackdown. Foul-mouthed squirrel Conker is coming to Project Spark. The hit mobile game Threes comes to the decidedly not mobile Xbox One this year. And Sunset Overdrive got a release date of October 28th. 

Engadget reports EA announced developer DICE is making Star Wars: Battlefront for a spring 2015 launch. Also the Sims 4 will come to PCs September 2nd. Sims will have “heart,” can die of laughter and can be imported into someone else’s game.

The Next Web reports Microsoft has redesigned Skype for iOS from the ground to give it a consistent look and feel with Windows Phone and Android apps. Microsoft promises the app will be five times faster, with smoother scrolling and synced notifications. Users will also be able to start group chats from the main hub and send messages and photos to offline users. The new app will arrive in Apple’s App Store in about a week. 

Ars Technica reports Netflix released a new monthly speed index for May showing Verizon FiOS dropping two slots behind DSL providers Frontier and Windstream. Netflix reached an interconnection deal with Verizon that should improve performance but is still being set up. GigaOm reports Netflix also announced they will stop a test on June 16 that shows error messages claiming a particular ISP is “crowded” when connections suffer. 

TechCrunch reports Minecraft creator MArkus Persson AKA Notch has released his latest game called Cliffhorse in which you control a horse on a hilly green landscape as it pushes a ball. The game is free to download though users can choose to pay dogecoin or Bitcoins if they like and is available for Windows.

TechCrunch reports Facebook has launched a new app called Slingshot that lets you send annotated pictures and videos to friends, who can only see them if they send something back. Unlocked shots can be held to view later, but once swiped away they are not stored. The app is not available in all markets around the world.

News From You

KAPT_Kipper submitted the BBC story that Sony sold 18.7 million game consoles in its fiscal year that ended in March putting it in front of Nintendo which sold 163 million. That’s the first time Sony has passed Nintendo in 8 years. Nintendo fans may take solace int he fact that figures released for the last week of May, showed 19,312 Wii Us were bought in Japan compared to just 6,022 copies of the PS4.

melchizedek74 posted the CNET story about Amazon expanding their “Login and Pay” service to allow for recurring payments like subscriptions. Login and Pay lets customers use their Amazon account and its associated payment methods, to buy products on non-Amazon sites. Amazon has been testing the new subscription portion of the service with mobile phone service company Ting.

Our top story on the subreddit today, comes from tekkyn00b. The Verge reports developer Frederic Jacobs noticed that iOS 8 will randomize a phone’s MAC address when searching for WiFi hotspots, reducing the chances that your phone can be identified. Lots of businesses, especially at malls and shopping centers, gather the publicly broadcast MAC addresses in order to gather marketing data on shoppers. While shops promise they do not collect personally identifiable information, randomizing the MAC address broadcast to WiFi will make sure of it.

And Berke80 sent in the Engadget story that Elon Musk told folks at the UK launch of the Tesla Model S yesterday, that he wants to open the designs of the Supercharger system in order to make a standard that other car makers can adopt. Musk would require participating companies to include charging costs in the cost of the car and help pay to maintain the supercharger network.

Discussion Section Links









Pick of the day:  PC Perspective’s Hardware Leaderboard via Andy Welch

Andy Welch has our pick of the day: “For building a desktop, I’d like to recommend PC Perspective’s Hardware Leaderboard as a very useful reference. I don’t have time (or interest) in keeping up with the latest in pc hardware, but when I need a new desktop pc every few years, this is a great spot that I go to. They update it monthly to provide an updated list of major components based on current prices and technology. They show 4 different builds from about $500 low end, $1000, $1300, and $3000 top end. I’ve used it myself and recommend it to others all the time.”

Tuesday’s Guest: Raj Deut, of Reckoner Australia and 1,000 Words On