Sheky dropped this off with Mitzula just now. Looks like Vulcan’s riding high before the action starts!
Tech News Today 768: Outsourced Avocado Picking
Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell
Will iPhones be banned in US? Windows 8 getting free Office bundled in, eBay to allow window shopping in NYC, and more.
Guest: Mark Milian
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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Running time:: 0:49:22
S&L Podcast – #131 – Baycon Interview with Lois McMaster Bujold
Memorial Day weekend, the Sword and Laser crew journeyed to storied Santa Clara, California for BayCon deep in the shadow of the new football stadium. Lois McMaster Bujold was the guest of honor, Veronica was the Toastmaster and they graciously allowed Tom along for the ride. Ms. Bujold was a joy to talk with and the perfect Sword & Laser interviewee, having written on both sides of the ampersand. In this supersize episode you’ll hear the entire interview including some excellent questions from the audience.
Download the direct link here!
Tech News Today 767: Nichey Niche Market
Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell
Zynga kills DrawSomething creators, Intel’s Merrifield bid for dominance, Verizon gets the NFL for streaming, and more.
Guest: Scott Budman
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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Running time:: 0:46:44
Frame Rate 126: Hulurious Fashion
Hosts: Brian Brushwood and Tom Merritt
DirecTV, two others bid over $1 billion for Hulu, Matt Smith to leave Doctor Who, major spoiler alert, and more.
Guest: Justin Robert Young
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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Running time:: 1:27:04
Tech News Today 766: Quality Six Seconds
Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell
Asus avalanche of phabulous tablets, Apple iRadio getting closer, Twitter gives Android a gift, and more.
Guests: Peter Wells
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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Running time:: 0:48:04
FSL Tonight 2013 Week 0: Season preview
Ladies and gentlemen It. Is. Here! The 2013 FSL season kicks off in less than one standard Terran week and we could not be more excited.
Justin robert Young and myself Tom Merritt will break down all the teams including the hot new elevated squads, the New York Avengers, Gallifrey Time Lords and the San Francisco Federation.
Grab your gear, get suited up and get ready for the FSL baby!
Get the episode here.
S&L REWIND – #04 – Interview with Ernest Cline & our Hyperion wrap-up!
Download the episode here.
Subscribe to the video encores as a podcast, and in iTunes!
And of course get all the show notes at the original post from last year.
Tech News Today 765: Firefoxconn
Hosts: Tom Merritt, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell
Did Windows bring back Start button or not? Apple ditching FoxConn, Motorola’s new phone Texas-built, and more.
Guests: Darren Kitchen and Len Peralta
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Check out the full show notes for today’s episode.
We invite you to read, add to, and amend the wiki entry for this episode at
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Running time:: 0:47:09
2013 Season kicks off in two days
Two days from now the 2013 FSL Tonight season gets underway with a preview episode. Two weeks form now the first games are played.
Dragon SportsTalk Radio will be there thanks to the generous support of our KickStarter backers. Give ‘em a round of applause.
Meanwhile, it’s a few days late getting posted, but Sheky dropped off the latest lines with Mitzula last week. Enjoy!